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D. Charalampidis, Anagnostopoulos, G. C., Kasparis, T., and Georgiopoulos, M., Classification of noisy patterns using ARTMAP-based neural networks, Proceedings SPIE; Conference on Visual Information Processing IX, pp. 2-13, 2008.
D. Charalampidis, Kasparis, T., Jones, L., and Georgiopoulos, M., Use of multifractals to detect anomalous propagation (AP) in weather radar, Proceedings SPIE; Conference on Signals and Data Processing of Small Targets, pp. 13–22, 2008.
D. Charalampidis, Anagnostopoulos, G. C., Georgiopoulos, M., and Kasparis, T., Fuzzy ART and ARTMAP with adaptive weighted distances, Proceedings of SPIE,Conference on Applications and Science of Computational Intelligence V, vol. 4739, pp. 86–97, 2002.
D. Charalampidis, Georgiopoulos, M., and Kasparis, T., Classification of noisy signals using Fuzzy ARTMAP neural networks, in the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Como, Italy, 2000.
D. Charalampidis, Kasparis, T., Jones, W. L., and Georgiopoulos, M., Use of multi-fractals to detect anomalous propagation (AP) in weather data, in Proceedings SPIE; Conference on Signals and Data Processing of Small Targets, Orlando, FL, 2000.
D. Charalampidis, Kasparis, T., Georgiopoulos, M., and Rolland, J., A Fuzzy ARTMAP based classification of natural textures, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society, pp. 507–511, 1999.
D. Charalampidis, Kasparis, T., and Georgiopoulos, M., Texture classification using ART-based neural networks and Fractals, SPIE Conference on Signal Processing,Sensor Fusion,and Target Recognition VII, pp. 212–222, 1998.