G. Wang, Y. Ji, D.C. Marinescu, D. Turgut, and L. Bölöni

Location- and Power-Aware Protocols for Wireless Networks withAsymmetric Links

Cite as:

G. Wang, Y. Ji, D.C. Marinescu, D. Turgut, and L. Bölöni. Location- and Power-Aware Protocols for Wireless Networks withAsymmetric Links. In E. Gelenbe, editors, Computer System Performance Modeling in Perspective: A Tribute to the Work of Prof. Kenneth C. Sevcik (Advances in Computer Science and Engineering: Texts), Imperial College Press, 2006.






author = "G. Wang and Y. Ji and D.C. Marinescu and D. Turgut and L. B{\"o}l{\"o}ni",
title = "Location- and Power-Aware Protocols for Wireless Networks with
Asymmetric Links",
booktitle = "Computer System Performance Modeling in Perspective: A Tribute to the Work of Prof. Kenneth C. Sevcik (Advances in Computer Science and Engineering: Texts)",
editor = "E. Gelenbe",
xpublisher = "World Scientific Publishing",
publisher = "Imperial College Press",
year = "2006",
isbn = "1860946615",

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