Static and Dynamic Analysis Tools

This page is organized as follows:

  1. Static Analysis Tools
  2. Dynamic Analysis Tools

Static Analysis Tools

The main tool we will use for static analysis for reverse engineering is the free edition of IDA Pro. You can download a copy from

To use CodeSonar and CodeSurfer follow the instructions below (from Mike Powell).

  1. If you are not on campus, connect to the VPN service before beginning. See the following link if you need directions for using UCF's VPN service.
  2. Once you're connected to UCF's network, navigate to the following network share: using login: CIS4615, password: 4615Cis
  3. Inside of the CIS4615 folder you will find a folder for CodeSonar and another for CodeSurfer.
    • Choose the appropriate installer for your system for both programs.
    • CodeSurfer should require any changes the default options during installation.
    • CodeSonar requires you to set two options after the installation completes. First, you need to say that you are "Connecting to an Existing Hub". Second, you need to set the hub address to

Please contact Michael Powell ( if you have any issues connecting to the server share.

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Dynamic Analysis Tools

Virtual Machine for Dynamic Analysis

It is safest only run malware from within a Virtual Machine (VM).

HEC 308

In HEC 308, we have a VM Ware Virtual Machine configured with Windows XP, which matches what is expected in the book Practical Malware Analysis.

Home Computer or Laptop

You can not take the Windows XP version of the VM off campus, due to the Microsoft license for Windows XP. However, you can put a VM on your home computer or laptop with Windows 7 installed.

Here are the instructions for installing the Win7 VM:

  1. Sign in to your Dreamspark account. More information can be found at Your username is your Knights email address and your password was sent to your Knights email account at the beginning of the semester. If you have any problems, contact Steven Freund at
  2. Download Windows 7 Professional and save the .iso file on your computer.
  3. Download and install VM Workstation Player (free) from
  4. Run VMWare Workstation 12 Player
  5. Click Create a New Virtual Machine
  6. Click the option to point to the Installer disc image file (.iso), and then click the Browse button. Point to the .iso you downloaded and saved in Step 2
  7. Click Next
  8. Follow the remaining prompts to install Windows 7. You should have received your Product Key during Step 2.
  9. If requested by your instructor, be sure to run all Windows Updates.
  10. Return to top

    Last modified Friday, November 27, 2015.

    This web page is for CIS 4615 at the University of Central Florida. The details of this course are subject to change as experience dictates. You will be informed of any changes. Please direct any comments or questions to Gary T. Leavens at Some of the policies and web pages for this course are quoted or adapted from other courses I have taught, in particular, Com S 342 and COP4020.