COP 4020 Lecture -*- Outline -*- * Message-Passing Concurrency Based in part on Peter van Roy and Seif Haridi's book, "Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming" (MIT Press, 2004), and Joe Armstrong's book "Programming Erlang" (Pragmatic, 2007). ** motivation ------------------------------------------ MESSAGE-PASSING CONCURRENCY def: message passing is a programming style in which a program consists of independent entities (agents) that interact by sending messages asynchronously Importance: ------------------------------------------ ... service-oriented architecture multi-agent systems client-server systems (*key*) distributed systems (in general, if don't use shared memory) good for building highly reliable systems (as in Erlang) Q: What is asynchronous? Not waiting for a reply Q: What's the importance of message passing? - multi-agent systems (same as message passing systems) - natural for distributed systems reflects structure of system and its costs - lends itself to building highly reliable systems failures don't make other entities hang ** new concepts and capabilities *** spawn ------------------------------------------ CONCEPTS new capability: create new process Pid = spawn(Fun) Pid2 = spawn(mymodule,myfun,[Arg1,Arg2,...]) Pid3 = spawn(OtherMachine,Fun) % on OtherMachine Pid4 = spawn(OtherMachine,mymodule,myfun,[Arg1,Arg2,...]) Example: main() -> _Other = spawn(fun rest/0). rest() -> timer:sleep(200), io:format("message from process ~w~n", [self()]). ------------------------------------------ see spawndemo.erl The process runs in a separate address space, doesn't share scope except if passed a closure, so it has to communicate by message passing... *** send and receive ------------------------------------------ new capability: send to named process Pid ! Message - sends Message to Pid, and immediately continues - all clients can always send new capability: receive sent messages Example: loop() -> receive {P, doIt, X} -> P ! {self(), answer, X+2}, loop(); {P, halt} -> P ! ok end Syntax: ::= ... receive end ::= | ; ::= -> ::= | when is data with possible variable declarations - each process has a mailbox - server can read all messages Fundamentally nondeterministic - the receives resolves races in message sends ------------------------------------------ See sendreceive.erl and run examples Scope of variables declared in a includes the guard and the rest of the . Q: What does it mean to be "named"? several clients can send to the Pid, all at same time Q: Do we still have referential transparency? no ** semantics by example ------------------------------------------ SEND EXAMPLES (RACE CONDITIONS) -module(sendexamples). -export([main/0,server/0,client/2]). main() -> S = spawn(sendexamples,server,[]), spawn(sendexamples,client,[S,1]), spawn(sendexamples,client,[S,2]), spawn(sendexamples,client,[S,3]), spawn(sendexamples,client,[S,4]). server() -> receive({msg,N}) -> io:format("received ~b~n",[N]), server() end. dofor(I,F) -> if I > 0 -> F(), dofor(I-1,F); true -> done end. client(S,N) -> dofor(5, fun() -> W = random:uniform(5), timer:sleep(W), S!{msg,N}, done end). ------------------------------------------ shows numbers in some random order Send puts the given value at the end of the targeted mailbox Q: How would you do this in Java? A port is a new kind of object. Use object identity of the port as its name. Send is an operation on ports that mutates the stream it contains.