Exam Schedule

See the syllabus for the times scheduled for exams.

Exam Locations

We will be giving the exam(s) in the meeting room for the class on the main campus.

If you are registered for a V section, then you can take the exam at the location given in the UCF class schedule (on my.ucf.edu) for the section for which you registered.

Exam Study Guides

As each exam approaches a study guide will be posted in the exam study guides directory listing the key topics to be covered.

Standard Exam Instructions

The following instructions will appear at the beginning of each written exam.

During the test, if you need more space for an answer, use the back of a page. Note when you do that on the front.

This test is timed. We will not grade your test if you try to take more than the time allowed. Therefore, before you begin, please take a moment to look over the entire test so that you can budget your time.

Old Exams

Old exams from previous semesters at UCF.

Old exams from the Spring 2006 offering at Iowa State University.

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Last modified Wednesday, February 14, 2018.

This web page is for the Spring 2018 offering of COP 5021 at the University of Central Florida. The details of this course are subject to change as experience dictates. You will be informed of any changes. Please direct any comments or questions to Gary T. Leavens at Leavens@ucf.edu. Some of the policies and web pages for this course are quoted or adapted from other courses I have taught, in particular, COP 4020 and Com S 641.