CS/CE 218 Lecture -*-Outline-*- * Command Syntax and Documentation advert: basic way to issue commands and find out what commands to issue... where to get help ** Command invocation *** ideals for commands format of commands should be simple and regular (rules don't have many exceptions) Q: What evidence of simplicity and regularity is there in the command syntax described in section 2.5? *** argument separators blanks (or tabs) separate arguments what do you have to do to include spaces in an argument? newline (return) tells shell to do it. Q: Would it be better to use commas to separate arguments? this would allow spaces to be significant, but ... Note: the ` (grave accent) is not the same as a ' (single quote) file names no longer limited to 14 characters Q: In the description of filenames on page 22, what does "in practice" mean? Is it a rule, or guideline? Note: option letters not usually separated by blanks from letters as on page 22. Why not? Q: Is there any reliable way to distinguish the kinds of arguments to a command simply by looking at them? ** Shell special characters Q: Why would the shell need to use special characters to signal end of file and interrupts? Q: Would it be better for the shell to manage paging output instead of using ^S and ^Q? Why? ** Manual pages Q: What would the synopsis for "who" look like, based on the examples given in the book? *** options Q: How many letters are in an option? What are the advantages/disadvantages of that? What does [ x ] mean? What does [-xyz] mean in an option list? could one use -xy? what about -? what about -xx? Would it be better to write {[-x]|[-y]|[-z]|[-xy]|[-yx]|...}? If the synopsis says foo [options] file does that mean foo o file is legal? *** dot dot dot (...) What does "file ..." mean? What does [file] ... mean? Would the ... ever be used for the options? *** cross references Q: what kind of cross reference exists for the on-line manual? the SEE ALSO section Q: is the permuted index to the manual on-line? No, but you can use man -k to get the same effect (almost)