ERRATA IN HEADINGTON & RILEY: DATA ABSTRACTION AND STRUCTURES USING C++ $Date: 1995/03/09 02:49:08 $ 1. p. 27, last line Change "Decimal value: 0" to "Decimal value: 0.6" 2. p. 29, line 30 Change "(include the default clause)" to "(including the default clause)" 3. p. 100, near bottom For the EnterData function, change the pre- and postconditions to // PRE: Assigned(someInt) && Data count < 100 // POST: someInt has been entered as a new data value // && Data count == data count + 1 4. p. 521, line 28 Change "we make Supply a virtual function" to "we make Display a virtual function" 5. p. 546, 3rd item in Figure 12.2 Change ">" to ">=" 6. p. A-8, line 6 Change "cin0" to "cin" =============================================== The following errors are all in the index: 7. p. A-189 Change the entry "actor" to "Actor" 8. p. A-189 Change the entry "assigned () in assertions" to "Assigned() in assertions" 9. p. A-190 Change the entry "end manipulator" to "endl manipulator" 10. p. A-190 Delete the entry "expression declaration" 11. p. A-191 Delete the second "#include directive" entry 12. p. A-192 Change the entry "null" to "NULL" 13. p. A-192 In the entry "null character", change "\o" to "\0" 14. p. A-192 Under the "operator" entry, change the subentry "arithemetic" to "arithmetic" 15. p. A-193 Delete the entry "run-time analysis" and move its two subentries so they are under the "running time" entry 16. p. A-193 Change the entry "set precision manipulator" to "setprecision manipulator" 17. p. A-193 In the entry "setw manipulator", change page from A-86 to A-87 =============================================== In addition, there are about 40 instances in the index where words should be in monospace (program code) font rather than Times Roman.