PRINCIPLES OF PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES: SYLLABUS Gary T. Leavens, Department of Computer Science, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011-1040 USA $Date: 1999/04/29 18:17:27 $ This syllabus tells when we plan to discuss the various topics. The ``when'' is specified below by class meeting numbers (a count of the ``lectures,'' which are 75 minutes each). The readings are from ``Essentials of Programming Languages'' by Daniel P. Friedman, Mitchell Wand, and Christopher T. Haynes (MIT Press and McGraw-Hill, 1992). The following will be changed as needed. Essential Meetings Topic Readings Other Readings ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Introduction (Handouts) Foreword, Preface 2-4 Tools for Symbolic Programming 1 The Little LISPer 1,7 5-9 Induction, Recursion, Scope 2 The Little LISPer 2-6 10-11,13 Syntactic Abstraction 3.1-3.3 12 Test 1, 2.2 14-16 Data Abstraction 3.4-3.7 16-19 Imperatives 4.5-4.6 4.1-4.3, 4.7 18 Test 2.3, 3.1-3.5 20-25 Interpreters 5.1-7 26-27... Parameter Passing 6.1-3 6.4-6 28 Test 3.6, 4.5-4.6, 5.1-5 ...29 Parameter Passing 6.1-3 6.4-6 30 Course Summary and Evaluation The following table relates the meeting numbers to the calendar. Please don't plan to miss the meetings before and after the break. Meeting Date Comment ------------------------------------------------ 1 January 12, 1999 January 15, 1999 free drop deadline 7 February 2, 1999 15 March 2, 1999 16 March 4, 1999 midterm grades decided 18 March 11, 1999 last meeting before Spring break 19 March 23, 1999 first meeting after Spring break March 26, 1999 drop deadline 22 April 1, 1999 30 April 29, 1999 last meeting before exams May 4, 1999 final exam, 12:00 noon to 2 PM