Com S 342 --- Principles of Programming Languages HOMEWORK 4: DATA ABSTRACTION (File $Date: 1999/11/14 20:41:22 $) Due: problems 1-10, at beginning of class October 14, 1999. In this homework you will learn about data as a means of combination and abstraction. You will also learn about how the mechanisms in Scheme and Java support information hiding and data abstraction; and gain more practice with various kinds of recursion. The section headings below give the readings related to the problems. You may also want to look at the file $PUB/docs/type-notation.txt, which describes the notation used for types below. WHAT TO HAND IN For code hand in *both* your printout of the code and a transcript of testing. Be sure the code has your name and section information in a comment at the top as described in homework 0 at the top. Although you may want to write your code out by hand as practice for taking the tests, and then type it in, please don't turn in handwritten code, unless the problem specifically states otherwise. *No* credit will be given for programming problems unless you also hand in a transcript that includes test output. For many problems, we will provide test harnesses; for such problems you must run our tests. For some problems, you will have to provide your own tests. For this homework, the directory $PUB/homework/hw4.tst contains test harnesses for the coding problem. For problems that don't require code, you can write the answer by hand. or you can hand in a printout. SICP section 2.1 You should also read the chapter of your Java book that deals with programming classes to make abstract data types. For example, chapter 2 of "The Java Programming Language" by Arnold and Gosling. 1. [line segments and points] a. (10 points) Do exercise 2.2 in Scheme. You can test your code using (test-hw4 "line-segment") from within scheme342. Be sure to hand in a printout of your testing. (See homework 1 for details of how to do this). b. (15 points) Do exercise 2.2 in Java. Part of this exercise is for you to choose appropriate names for the classes and methods, and the appropriate levels of privacy (public, protected, private) for your classes and their fields and methods. So we'll leave the testing up to you. But be sure to hand in a printout of your testing. 2. [alternative representation of cons, car, and cdr] (10 points) Do exercise 2.4 in the book. This can be done with pencil and paper; you don't need any code. However, make your verification convincing by being explicit about what steps you are using. Don't forget to answer the question about cdr. 3. [Interval] (25 points) Do exercise 2.7 and 2.8 in the book in Java. For this you'll need to translate the code on p. 94 into Java, and solve exercises 2.7 and 2.8. However, instead of using a cons cell as your representation, use two fields. Call the class you create "Interval". Your code should cleanly separate into one part that directly accesses the representation, and another that defines the operations "add", "mul", "div", and "sub". To test your code, copy our test harness file $PUB/homework/hw4.tst/ to your directory, compile it, and then make a script of this test. Be sure to hand in a printout of your testing. 4. [data abstraction in Scheme vs. Java] (20 points) Describe the advantages Java has over Scheme in support of data abstraction. A list is fine, but try to be complete. Give examples to illustrate your points. Are there any advantages that Scheme has over Java in supporting data abstraction? 5. [there is no problem 5, sorry] SICP section 2.2.1 6. [last-pair] (10 points) Using Scheme, do exercise 2.17 in the text, which is to implement the procedure last-pair : (-> ((list T)) (list T)). You can test your code using (test-hw4 "last-pair") Is your code tail-recursive? 7. [reverse] a. (5 points) Using Scheme, implement the procedure append : (-> ((list T) (list T)) (list T)) that takes two lists, and returns a list whose elements are drawn from the first list, and then the second list, in that order. For example, (append (list 1 2) (list 3 4)) ==> (1 2 3 4) (append (list ) (list 7 9 1 3 7)) ==> (7 9 1 3 7) (append (list 23 55 1) (list 7 9 1 3 7)) ==> (23 55 1 7 9 1 3 7) You can test your code using (test-hw4 "append") b. (20 points) Using Scheme, do exercise 2.18 in the text, which is to implement the procedure reverse : (-> ((list T)) (list T)). Do this first (i) using a procedure that generates a recursive process, and then (ii) using a procedure that generates an iterative process. You can test each version using (test-hw4 "reverse") but note that you have to have each version in a separate file, and that you must load each one before testing it. 8. [procedures with varying numbers of arguments] a. (15 points) Do exercise 2.20 in the text in Scheme, which is to implement the procedure same-parity : (-> (number number ...) (list number)). You can test your code using (test-hw4 "same-parity") Hint: use a helping procedure that doesn't use dotted-tail notation. b. (10 points) Java does not support methods with varying numbers of arguments, but does allow static overloading. That is, in Java, one can have several procedures with the same name, but with different numbers and types of arguments. (You should read more about this in a Java book.) Briefly compare static overloading in Java to the dotted-tail notation in Scheme in terms of flexibility and the ability of the language to check for errors made by programmers. 9. [square-list] (10 points) Do exercise 2.21 in Scheme, which is to implement two versions of the procedure square-list : (-> ((list number)) (list number)) You can test your code using (test-hw4 "square-list") but note that you have to have each version in a separate file, and that you must load each one before testing it. 10. [bugs in square-list] (10 points) Do exercise 2.22 in the book. This can be done with pencil and paper if you wish; you don't have to run anything. 11. (extra credit) If you have done all of the above, you can do extra credit in SICP sections 2.1 and 2.2.1 by selecting any of the exercises not listed above that are found in those sections, except for 2.16. These problems will be worth 15 points extra credit if done in Scheme, and 10 if done in Java. Be sure to hand in both your code and test output. Extra credit problems should be handed in separately from the other problems.