Com S 342 --- Principles of Programming Languages EXERCISE 03: EXAM 1 REVIEW (File $Date: 2005/01/24 21:17:02 $) The purpose of this exercise is to review for exam 1. See $PUB/exam-study-guides/exam1-topics.txt for more about this exam. As with all exercises, this is to be done individually. And it is due the day this topic is planned to be discussed in class, unless specified otherwise (see the syllabus at: We expect this to help you think about the readings (see below). If you don't have an answer or an answer that you think is good, write down what you read, and a question or two that would have helped you make progress. Then you can ask that question in class; there will be other people with the same problem, and everyone can learn by discussing these issues. And you'll most likely see similar things on the homework, so it's best to understand them now. READINGS: Read chapters 1-5 of the "Little Schemer" (4th ed., 1996) by Friedman and Felleisen. Read chapter 1 Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, by Abelson and Sussman, which is on reserve and also on-line at the following URL For a reference on Scheme, see the Revised^5 Report on Scheme, which is available in several formats from the course resources web page. Read a discussion of the design goals of Java on the web at the URL: 1. [Exam review] As a practice for the exam, take, on paper, the old exam from Spring 2004, found from the course exams page or directly from or in $PUB/old-exams/Spring04/exam1.pdf . However, you should skip problem 4 on this exam, as it's not relevant this year. WHAT TO HAND IN You should have at the beginning of class, written answers for the above questions (or written out questions and problems you encountered for each part). Make sure your name is on these. Attach the printouts, if any, requested above. ADDITIONAL READINGS If you have time, there are other old exams available from the course exams web page. You can also read chapters 6-8 of the "Little Schemer" (4th ed., 1996) by Friedman and Felleisen, and chapter 1, sections 1.1-1.2 of "Essentials of Programming Languages" (2nd ed., 2001), by Friedman, Wand, and Haynes.