Com S 362 --- Object-Oriented Analysis and Design HOMEWORK 10: TEAM PRESENTATIONS OF PROJECTS (File $Date: 2003/11/17 06:17:15 $) 1. [Team Presentation] (50 points) During the class final exam period, Tuesday, Dec. 16, 9:45-11:45 a.m., you and your team will present your project to the rest of the class. Your team's presentation should include the following: - A brief summary of your project's vision, to remind us of what you were doing. - A discussion of your project's design, including an abstraction of your design class diagram (i.e., not including most attributes or methods). - A discussion of what patterns you used in the design, and where you see that other design patterns might be used. - A discussion of what you have learned about OO analysis, design, and implementation from the effort, in particular what you changed during the second iteration, and what you might have do differently on a third iteration. You can include any other summary information you think is relevant or interesting about your project. You will have 10 minutes for your presentation. The presentation will be graded on its clarity and the extent to which you cover the points above in the time allotted. You will lose 20 points if you do not attend. You are expected to attend for the entire exam period.