meeting -*- Outline -*- copy figure 20.6 and figure 17.7 * Implementation Model: Mapping Designs to Code (Chapter 20) The payoff: use the designs to help create the code. ** Programming and the Developement Process (20.1) Do a small amount of visual design before programming, and some during programming. Recommendation: don't get carried away with using tools for design, best to use paper and a scanner or some such. Design is incomplete and a first step. Coding gives a lot of feedback on the design, which can be used both during an iteration and in the next iteration. ** Mapping Designs to Code (20.2) *** Creating class definitions (20.3) Can create a basic class definition from a DCD: class name, attributes, method with empty bodies Need to add constructors it didn't include them before *** Add reference attributes Add preference attributes as suggested by associations and navigability ------------------------------------------ ADDING REFERENCE ATTRIBUTES |------------------------| | Register | |------------------------| | | |------------------------| | endSale() | | enterItem(ItemID, int) | | makePayment(Money) | |------------------------| | 1 | | Captures | | | 1 v |-----------------------| | Sale | |-----------------------| | date : Date | | isComplete: boolean | | time: Time | |-----------------------| | makeLineItem( | | ProductSpecification,| | int) | |-----------------------| Suggests that Register have a Sale field: public class Register { private Sale capturedSale; ... } ------------------------------------------ Reference attributes are often implied, rather than explicit, because we did not want to cluster the diagram with them *** mapping attributes Q: We have both date and time attributes in Sale, but Java has a built-in class Date that holds both, so what should we use for a field in a Java implementation? a single field dateTime of class Date *** creating methods from interaction diagrams (20.4) Write up the code based on figure 20.6 and the contract for enterItem. ------------------------------------------ public class Register { private ProductCatalog catalog; private Sale sale; public enterItem(ItemID id, int qty) { ProductSpecification spec = catalog.getSpecification(id); sale.makeLineItem(spec, qty); } // ... } public class Sale { private ArrayList lineItems = new ArrayList(); public makeLineItem( ProductSpecification spec, int qty) { lineItems.add( new SalesLineItem(spec, qty)); } // ... } ------------------------------------------ *** Container/Collection Classes in Code Multiobjects implemented with some sort of container/collection class. For example,... ------------------------------------------ import java.util.HashMap; public class ProductCatalog { private HashMap map = new HashMap(); public ProductSpecification getSpecification(ItemId id) { ProductSpecification ret = (ProductSpecification)map.get(id); if (id != null) { return id; } else { // no errors this iteration System.err.println( "got bad product id"); System.exit(1); } } } ------------------------------------------ ** Order of implementation (20.8) Implement from the bottom up (least to most coupled), so can test as you go. Q: What order would you implement the classes for the POS system in? E.g., implement Payment first, then ProductSpecification, then either Q: Which ones could happen in parallel? Q: If you implemented from top down, what stubs would you have to write? ** Test-first programming (20.9) Write unit tests first, before code. Advantages: - the unit tests get written this way - maor satisfying to pass tests as you go, more fun - clarifies interface and behavior to write tests - helps correctness - allows one to confidently refactor For Java, see ** example listings (see section 20.11)