Computer Science 362 Learning Outcomes

This page specifies the learning outcomes for the Fall 2004 offering of Computer Science 362 at Iowa State University.

General information about this course, including more traditionally presented objectives, and the course's syllabus are found on separate web pages.

The learning outcomes below are set for the computer science department as a whole, and the statements of these outcomes are quoted (or modified) from the department's learning outcomes document. The purpose of the following is to tie this course in with the department's document.

A.  Understand the basics of our discipline.

Each graduate should know:

A1.  "Fundamental principles of computing."

A2.  "Basic foundations of mathematics, statistics, and physical sciences."

A3.  "Design and implementation of programs."

This will be assessed by having students write programs in homeworks, which are read by TAs, and graded. Exams with programming will also be given, in which students are permitted to use notes and textbooks. Team projects are also involve this same kind of work and assessment.

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B.  "Develop proficiency in the practice of computing."

Each graduate should be able to:

B1.  "Formulate and solve problems in computing."

This will be assessed by having students write up project visions and requirements documents. Principally these include vision statements, supplementary specifications, and use cases. These are which read carefully by TAs, and graded. Open book exams where students write these are also used. Team projects also involve this same kind of work and assessment.

B2.  "Understand design and performance requirements of software systems."

This will be assessed by having students write up project requirements documents. Functional requirements are embodied in feature lists and use cases. Nonfunctional requirements (including performance) are written in supplementary specification documents. These are which read carefully by TAs, and graded. Open book exams where students write these are also used. Team projects also involve this same kind of work and assessment.

B3.  "Apply sound principles to the synthesis and analysis of computer systems."

This will be assessed by having students write up domain models, design models, and programs. The main principles applied are principles for writing specifications, architectural decisions about separation of systems into layers (UI, application logic, services), principles for finding objects, basic ideas of object-oriented design, design patterns, programming ideas such as design by contract, and testing techniques. (That one should test is a fundamental principle.) These will all be integral parts of homeworks, which are read carefully by TAs, and graded. Open book exams where students write domain models, design models, and programs are also used in assessment. Team projects also involve this same kind of work and assessment.

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C.  "Prepare for continued professional development."

"Our students should":

C1.  "Engage in lifelong learning and expect to embrace change."

The basic object-oriented principles encourage programs and designs that embrace change, but that is different than having students embrace change. We encourage habits that are important in lifelong learning by having students do exercises which involve reading the textbook before lecturing about it, but this is not an outcome that we assess in the class.

C2.  "Communicate effectively and think critically and creatively, both independently and with others."

This will be assessed by having students write up project visions, requirements (including supplementary specifications), glossaries, and use case models in both individual homeworks and team homeworks. These will all be read carefully by TAs, and graded.

Students must also present project visions to the class orally, and must summarize their team's work orally at the end of the semester. These oral presentations are assessed by the instructor.

Team work on course projects involves these skills as well, but there is no independent assessment in the class of this aspect of the course; only the indirect effects of communication in the groups are assessed

Some extra credit work tries to encourage critical thinking, but is not assessed.

C3.  "Be aware of social and ethical issues of computers in society."

There are exercises involving risks to society from computers, including a mention of safety-critical systems. However, this outcome is not assessed.

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Last modified Sunday, January 9, 2005.

This web page is for the Fall 2004 offering of Com S 362 at Iowa State University. The details of this course are subject to change as experience dictates. Students will be informed of any changes. Please direct any comments or questions to the course staff.