Com S 541 Lecture -*- Outline -*- * Basic thread programming techniques (4.2) ** creating threads (skip, 4.2.1) use thread S end also expression sugar thread E end ** Browser and threads (skip, 4.2.2) examples of how browser works ** dataflow computation with threads (4.2.3) ------------------------------------------ DATAFLOW COMPUTATION (4.2.3) declare X0 X1 in thread Y0 Y1 in {Browse [Y0 Y1]} Y0 = X0+1 Y1 = X1+Y0 {Browse completed} end {Browse [X0 X1]} ------------------------------------------ See dataflow.oz in this directory Q: What does this show? Q: What happens if we then feed X0=0 ? Then X1=1 ? Q: How could we parallelize the Map function? If you try running this you might want to use the "Oz Panel" that shows the threads running Q: How could we parallelize the generation of the numbers from 1 to N? ------------------------------------------ CREATING AN EXPONENTIAL NUMBER OF THREADS fun {Fib X} if X =< 2 then 1 else thread {Fib X-1} end + {Fib X-2} end end ------------------------------------------ See Fib.oz in this directory ** Thread details (skip) *** thread scheduling (4.2.4) round robin scheduling Mozart uses a hardare timer 3 priority levels: high, medium low 3 queues, processor time is by default divided up by 100:10:1 so high priority threads get 90% of CPU, medium about 9%, low 1% Q: Are child threads given same priority as parent (creating) thread? Yes *** Cooperative and Competative Concurrency (4.2.5) Q: Are threads supposed to work together cooperatively or compete? work together Q: Are threads supposed to trust each other? Yes, since share address space (the store) Use processes for competition supported in Mozart by distributed computation model and Remote module *** Thread operations (4.2.6) Modules Thread and Property See table 4.2 ** Streams (4.3) "The most useful technique ... in the declarative concurrent model" ------------------------------------------ STREAMS (4.3) def: a *stream* is ------------------------------------------ ... a potentially unbounded list (of messages). Q: How would you implement a stream? Use a list whose tail is an unbound dataflow variable *** Producer/Consumer (4.3.1) **** filtering ------------------------------------------ FILTERING Use the built-in Filter procedure Example: declare fun {Count N} fun {Help I} if I == N then I | nil else I | {Help I+1} end end in {Help 1} end {Browse {Filter {Count 20} IsOdd}} ------------------------------------------ See Count.oz **** extended example (cf. 4.3.2) ------------------------------------------ HAILSTONE (3x+1) EXAMPLE declare fun {Hailstone N} if {IsOdd N} then (3*N+1) div 2 else N div 2 end end fun {IterHailstone N} if N == 1 then 1|nil else N|{IterHailstone {Hailstone N}} end end ------------------------------------------ See Hailstone.oz Q: Where's the unbound variable in IterHailstone? Try: {Browse {IterHailstone 26}} {Browse {IterHailstone 27}} Q: How would you find the maximum reached by a number? use FoldL with Max Q: How would you find for each number what it's maximum is? set up a stream ------------------------------------------ PEAK ARGUMENTS def: Suppose the arguments and results of a function F are totally ordered. Then N is *peak argument* for F iff {F M} < {F N} whenever M < N. PROBLEM Consider fun {MaxHailstone N} {FoldR {IterHailtone N} Max 0} end Find all peak arguments for MaxHailstone from 1 to N. ------------------------------------------ Work this on the computer (See the file HailstonePeaks.oz) \insert 'Hailstone.oz' declare fun {Count N} fun {Help I} if I == N then I | nil else I | {Help I+1} end end in {Help 1} end fun {Graph List F} {Map List fun {$ E} E#{F E} end} end fun {Peaks List} fun {PeakIter List MaxSoFar} case List of nil then nil [] (Arg#Val)|Ps then if Val > MaxSoFar then (Arg#Val) | {PeakIter Ps Val} else {PeakIter Ps MaxSoFar} end end end in {PeakIter List 0} end fun {GraphMaxPeaks SearchLimit} Numbers InStream OutStream in thread Numbers = {Count SearchLimit} end thread InStream = {Graph Numbers MaxHailstone} end thread OutStream = {Peaks InStream} end OutStream end Q: What's the producer and consumer in this setup? The producer is Count, Graph is a filter/transformer, and Peaks is the consumer (or another transformer). *** Managing resources and improving throughput (4.3.3) Q: What happens if the producer or consumer runs faster than the other? Extra elements pile up, use up system resources. How to fix it? Flow control. **** flow control with demand-driven concurrency ( supply-driven: producer generates eagerly demand-driven: consumer asks for them ------------------------------------------ DEMAND DRIVEN CONCURRENCY Consumer signals producer by binding a cons (X|Xs) to a stream X and Xs are unbound Xs will be the next signal Example (p. 262) proc {DDCount N Xs} case Xs of X|Xr then X=N {DDCount N+1 Xr} end end fun {DDTake ?Pairs Limit} if 0 < Limit then P|Pr = Pairs in P | {DDTake Pr Limit-1} else nil end end fun {UpTo NumberSought} Numbers InStream PeakStream OutStream in thread {DDCount 1 Numbers} end thread OutStream = {DDTake Numbers NumberSought} end OutStream end ------------------------------------------ See HailstoneDD.oz Q: Which is the producer? Which is the consumer? Q: In DDCount, how is Xs used? DDCount gets demands (cons cells with unbound variables) from it, and puts outputs on it. Q: In DDTake, how is Pairs used? Q: What does UpTo do? Q: How would you write a demand-driven version of Graph? Peaks? %% DDGraph puts demands on List and puts outputs on Pairs proc {DDGraph ?List Pairs F} case Pairs of P|Pr then Arg|Args = List in P=Arg#{F Arg} {DDGraph Args Pr F} end end %% DDPeaks puts demands on List and puts outputs on Pairs proc {DDPeaks ?List Pairs MaxSoFar} case Pairs of P|Pr then (Arg#Val)|Lr = List in if Val > MaxSoFar then P = (Arg#Val) {DDPeaks Lr Pr Val} else {DDPeaks Lr Pairs MaxSoFar} end end end fun {DDGraphMaxPeaks NumberSought} Numbers InStream PeakStream OutStream in thread {DDCount 1 Numbers} end thread {DDGraph Numbers InStream MaxHailstone} end thread {DDPeaks InStream PeakStream 0} end thread OutStream = {DDTake PeakStream NumberSought} end OutStream end Q: What are the advantages of using demand-driven streams over the first version? Better flow control **** Flow control with a bounded buffer ( Q: What are the efficiency problems of demand-driven execution? Throughput suffers Q: How can avoid resources overuse and not reduce throughput? Use a bounded buffer... (see fig 4.14) Combines lazy and eager features ------------------------------------------ BOUNDED BUFFER (FIG 4.14) declare %% Buffer puts its demands on Xs %% and outputs results to Ys proc {Buffer N ?Xs Ys} fun {Startup N ?Xs} if N == 0 then Xs else Xr in Xs=_|Xr {Startup N-1 Xr} end end %% AskLoop gets demands from Ys and %% transfers them to demands on Xs proc {AskLoop Ys ?Xs ?End} case Ys of Y|Yr then Xr End2 in Xs = Y|Xr % Get from buffer End=_|End2 % Replenish buffer {AskLoop Yr Xr End2} end end End = {Startup N Xs} in {AskLoop Ys Xs End} end ------------------------------------------ See Buffer.oz Q: What does StartUp do? Where is it used? asks for N elements from the producer by extending Xs with N unbound elements (makes N demands) Q: What does AskLoop do? manages the buffer, by: - getting a demand from the consumer (pattern match on Ys) - extracting a value to satisfy it from the consumer (pattern match on Xs, which binds Y) - gives another demand to the producer (by binding End) Q: What does End do? What is it used for? It's the end of the list going to the producer, it's bound to give the producer new demands (data driven). Q: How would you use that on the hailstone problem? % In HailstoneBB.oz fun {DDGraphMaxPeaks NumberSought} NumbersIn NumbersOut InStreamIn InStreamOut PeakStreamIn PeakStreamOut OutStream in thread {DDCount 1 NumbersIn} end thread {Buffer 4 NumbersIn NumbersOut} end thread {DDGraph NumbersOut InStreamIn MaxHailstone} end thread {Buffer 4 InStreamIn InStreamOut} end thread {DDPeaks InStreamOut PeakStreamIn 0} end thread {Buffer 4 PeakStreamIn PeakStreamOut} end thread OutStream = {DDTake PeakStreamOut NumberSought} end OutStream end Q: How much space does {Buffer N Xs Ys} use? proportional to N (even if nothing stored in it) Q: In what sense is a bounded buffer a blend of eager and lazy? It iz lazy if 0 size, eager if infinite size **** flow control with priorities ( (skip) This doesn't work well in many cases, depends on speed ratios Should only be used as a performance optimization *** Stream objects (4.3.4) ------------------------------------------ STREAM OBJECTS (4.3.4) % page 266 fun {MakeStreamObject NextState} proc {StreamObject S1 X1 ?T1} case S1 of M|S2 then N X2 T2 in {NextState M X1 N X2} T1 = N|T2 {StreamObject S2 X2 T2} [] nil then T1=nil end end in %% receive on S0, output on T0 proc {$ S0 X0 ?T0} {StreamObject S0 X0 T0} end end ------------------------------------------ See StreamObject.oz Q: How does this work? *** Digital Logic Simulation example (4.3.5) example that is not a pipeline **** Combinatorial logic ( ------------------------------------------ COMBINATORIAL LOGIC ( local fun {NotLoop Xs} case Xs of X|Xr then (1-X)|{NotLoop Xr} end end in fun {NotG Xs} thread {NotLoop Xs} end end end ------------------------------------------ See CombinatorialLogic.oz Q: Why have the thread? ------------------------------------------ fun {GateMaker F} fun {$ Xs Ys} fun {GateLoop Xs Ys} case Xs#Ys of (X|Xr)#(Y|Yr) then {F X Y}|{GateLoop Xr Yr} end end in thread {GateLoop Xs Ys} end end end OrG = {GateMaker fun {$ X Y} X+Y-X*Y end} ------------------------------------------ Q: How would you define an "and" gate? AndG = {GateMaker fun {$ X Y} X*Y end} **** Sequential Logic ( Q: What if you feed output of an "and" gate back to its input? Get a deadlock, because there is a cyclic dependency How to fix that? use a delay... ------------------------------------------ fun {DelayG Xs} 0|Xs end ------------------------------------------ See SequentialLogic.oz **** Clocking ( ------------------------------------------ % N is in milliseconds fun {ClockMaker N} fun {Loop B} {Delay N} B|{Loop B} end in thread {Loop 1} end end ------------------------------------------ See SequentialLogic.oz **** Linguistic abstraction ( (skip) ** Using the declarative model directly (4.4) Don't have to use stream abstractions... *** Order-determining concurrency (4.4.1) Q: How can you fix subtle order dependencies in calculations? put each calculation in a different thread See Figure 4.19 This passes the work to the language *** coroutines (4.4.2) def: a coroutine is a non-preemptive thread 2 operations: Spawn and Resume Problems: intricate, all coroutines depend on others, can cause starvation *** concurrent composition (4.4.3) Q: How can a tread wait for the forked thread to finish? use dataflow variables ------------------------------------------ WAITING FOR FORKED THREADS TO DIE Wait primitive: {Wait X} suspends until X is bound ------------------------------------------ Q: How could you implement Wait as a procedure? proc {Wait X} _={IsRecord X} end ------------------------------------------ BARRIER SYNCHRONIZATION (Fig 4.22) proc {Barrier Ps} fun {BarrierLoop Ps L} case Ps of P|Pr then M in thread {P} M=L end {BarrierLoop Pr M} [] nil then L end end S={BarrierLoop Ps unit} in {Wait S} end ------------------------------------------ See Barrier.oz Q: What is the type of Ps? Q: How does this wait for all created threads to execute? ** Lazy Execution (4.5) More general, due to concurrency, than lazy evaluation, which does coroutining. *** Examples ------------------------------------------ LAZY EXECUTION (4.5) idea: only execuate when result needed fun lazy {From N} N|{From N+1} end Nats = {From 0} fun lazy {AddLists L1 L2} case L1#L2 of (X|Xs)#(Y|Ys) then X+Y|{AddLists Xs Ys} else nil end end % From Abelson and Sussman, p. 326-7 fun lazy {FibGen A B} A|{FibGen B A+B} end FibsGenerated = {FibGen 0 1} Ones = 1 | {fun lazy {$} Ones end} ------------------------------------------ See LazyLists.oz Q: What happens if we do {Browse 'Nats...'} {Browse Nats} {Browse {Nth Nats 2}} {Browse {List.take Nats 6}} {Browse {List.take {From 0} 25}} in Oz? Q: How would you see how AddLists works? FibsGenerated? Q: What does Ones do? *** Importance ------------------------------------------ USES OF LAZY EXECUTION - Efficient algorithms avoid computation amortized algorithms - Helps modularization easier flow control ------------------------------------------ For modularization, see the homework... *** demand-driven concurrent model (4.5.1) Q: What's the default: data-driven or demand-driven concurrency? data-driven Q: Why? Easier to reason about efficiency of data-driven Recommend structuring application as: data-driven around demand-driven core **** formal model ------------------------------------------ DEMAND-DRIVEN CONCURRENT MODEL (4.5.1) Idea: By-Need trigger Assume Env is {P-->p, Y-->y, Z-->z}: Thread 1 Store {ByNeed P Y} {p=pv,y,z} ... {p=pv,y,z,trig(p,y)} Z=Y+7 {p=pv,y,z,trig(p,y)} (suspends) Thread 2 Z=Y+7 {P Y} {p=pv,y,z} Z=Y+7 {p=pv,y=3,z} {p=pv,y=3,z=10} ------------------------------------------ trig(p,y) is a trigger formed that waits on y to be needed ByNeed is also known as Value.byNeed ------------------------------------------ EXAMPLES local Q in {ByNeed proc {$ ?R} R=3 end Q} {Browse Q} end local Q in {ByNeed proc {$ ?R} R=3 end Q} thread {Browse Q} end {Delay 2000} {Browse Q+7} end ------------------------------------------ See ByNeedTest.oz Q: What do these do? The first just shows 10. The first shows _ and the changes the _ to 3 and shows 10 (after 2 seconds) ------------------------------------------ Syntax: S ::= ... | {ByNeed X Y} Semantics (transitions): [trigger creation] ({({ByNeed X Y},E)|Rest} + MST, s) --> ({Rest} + MST, s') where unbound(s, E(Y)) and s' = addTrigger(s,trig(E(X),E(Y))) [ByNeed done] ({({ByNeed X Y},E)|Rest} + MST, s) --> ({({X Y},E)|nil} + {Rest} + MST, s') where determined(s, E(Y)) [trigger activation] ({ST} + MST, s) --> ({({X Y},{X->x,Y->y})|nil} + {ST} + MST, s') where needs(s)(ST,y) and hasTrigger(s,trig(x,y)) and s' = remTrigger(s,trig(x,y)) ------------------------------------------ The [trigger creation] and [ByNeed done] could also be -d-> transitions Recall that configurations are (MST,s) in State = MultiSet(Stack) x Store + Message Stack = ( x Environment)* T = Message + { (MST,s) | s in Store, each ST in MST is nil} Message = String Store has to be able to handle triggers, e.g., Store = s:(Variable -> Value) x PowerSet(Trigger(s)) Trigger(s) = {trig(x,y) | x, y in Variable, x, y in dom(s)} hasTrigger((s,t), trig(x,y)) = trig(x,y) in t remTrigger((s,t), trig(x,y)) = (s, t \ {trig(x,y)}) addTrigger((s,t), trig(x,y)) = (s, t U {trig(x,y)}) ------------------------------------------ NEEDS needs: Store -> Stack x Variable -> Bool needs(s)(ST,y) = suspendedon(s)(ST,y) or bindingof(s)(ST,y) suspendedon(s)(ST,y) = suspended(ST,s) and unbound(s,y) and (Exists v:: let s' = bind(s(y),v) in not(suspended(ST,s')) ------------------------------------------ Q: How would you formalize suspended? bindingof? suspended(ST,s) = not (Exists ST',s':: (ST,s) -d-> (ST',s')) bindingof(s)(ST,y) = unbound(s,y) and (Exists ST',s' :: (ST,s) -d-> (ST',s') and determined(s',y)) Q: Do we have to be sure that the trigger activation rule runs before the rules that bind variables in the store? Q: If so, how can we do that in the TTS? modify the run rule! Q: Can we also change the rules for memory management? yes, def of reachable must use triggers can reclaim trig(x,y) if y is unreachable Q: What's the relation between {ByNeed P Y} and thread {P Y} end ? essentially the same effect **** sugars ------------------------------------------ EXPRESSION SUGARS X = {ByNeed F} ==> {ByNeed F X} Recall: fun {$} E end ==> proc {$ ?R} R=E end So: X = {ByNeed fun {$} 3 end} ==> ------------------------------------------ ... {ByNeed proc {$ ?R} R=3 end X} Q: What does X={ByNeed fun {$} 3 end} do? {ByNeed proc {$ ?R} R=3 end X} vs. thread X=3 end Q: How would you desugar fun lazy {$} 3 end ? fun {$} {ByNeed fun {$} 3 end} end Do you understand the diff between this and {ByNeed fun {$} 3 end} ? ------------------------------------------ LAZY FUNCTION SUGAR fun lazy {F X1 ... Xn} E end ==> fun {F X1 ... Xn} {ByNeed fun {$} E end} end ------------------------------------------ Q: Why doesn't this sugar work for procedures? They don't have an expression to delay They can use ByNeed directly if necessary. **** semantic example ------------------------------------------ SEMANTIC EXAMPLE Desugar local Answer in fun lazy {From N} N|{From N+1} end Answer = {List.take 2 {From 1}} end What is its semantics? ------------------------------------------ ... local From Answer UnnestApply1 UnnestApply2 UnnestApply3 UnnestApply4 UnnestApply5 in proc {From Result1 Result2} local Fun1 in proc {Fun1 Result3} case Result1 of N then local RecordArg1 UnnestApply6 UnnestApply7 in Result3 = '|'(N RecordArg1) UnnestApply7 = 1 UnnestApply6 = N + UnnestApply7 {From UnnestApply6 RecordArg1} end end end {`Value.byNeed` Fun1 Result2} end end UnnestApply2 = take UnnestApply1 = List.UnnestApply2 UnnestApply3 = 2 UnnestApply5 = 1 {From UnnestApply5 UnnestApply4} {UnnestApply1 UnnestApply3 UnnestApply4 Answer} end **** concept of need, with examples ------------------------------------------ NEED EXAMPLES Needs by suspended threads: declare X Y Z thread X = {ByNeed fun {$} 3 end} end thread Y = {ByNeed fun {$} 4 end} end thread Z = X+Y end {Browse Z} Needs by determining a variable: declare X Z thread X = {ByNeed fun {$} 3 end} end thread X = 2 end thread Z = X+4 end {Browse Z} Determined by == ? declare X Y Z thread X = {ByNeed fun {$} 3 end} end thread X = Y end thread if X==Y then Z=10 end end {Browse output(x: X y: Y z: Z)} ------------------------------------------ Q: What happens in these? The first returns 7, the second fails (always). The third doesn't determine X this shows that == doesn't make a determination, if X and Y are in the same equivalence class Q: What is it important that when a failure occurs, all orders would fail? Preserves declarative property (deterministic outcome) Q: How could you use ByNeed in implementing dynamic linking? *** declarative compuational models Q: Is laziness independent of concurrency? Yes! ------------------------------------------ DECLARATIVE COMPUTATION MODELS (4.5.2) eager execution lazy execution ========================================== sequential + values sequential + values + dataflow vars concurrent + values + dataflow vars ------------------------------------------ Q: What combinations does this give us? ... eager execution lazy execution ========================================== sequential strict lazy + values functional functional (ML, Scheme) (Haskell) sequential declarative lazy FP + values model with dataflow + dataflow (Prolog) vars concurrent data-driven demand-driven + values concurrent concurrent + dataflow (CLP) (Oz) vars ------------------------------------------ 3 MOMENTS IN A VARIABLE'S LIFETIME 1. Creation 2. Specification of the call that will yield the value of the variable 3. Evaluation and binding ------------------------------------------ Q: Can these be done separately? At the same time? Q: Which goes with what model? eager execution lazy execution ========================================== sequential strict lazy + values functional functional (ML, Scheme) (Haskell) 1&2&3 1&2, 3 sequential declarative lazy FP + values model with dataflow + dataflow (Prolog) vars 1, 2&3 1, 2, 3 concurrent data-driven demand-driven + values concurrent concurrent + dataflow (CLP) (Oz) vars 1, 2&3 1, 2, 3 Q: Does laziness and dataflow require concurrecy? Yes, can get deadlocks with dataflow and laziness Consider % file LazyConcurrencyNeed.oz local Z fun lazy {F1 X} X+Z end fun lazy {F2 Y} Z=1 Y+Z end in {Browse {F1 1} + {F2 2}} end Would get a deadlock if not concurrent, since X+Z blocks and Z=1 wouldn't be reached. Q: Is the semantics for lazy in Oz concurrent? Yes *** Lazy Streams (4.5.3) Can use either programmed triggers or implicit. We saw explicit ones in 4.3.3. Implicit triggers are better, since don't have to do bookkeeping in writing function. Q: Can we write our hailstone peaks search using lazy? Sure, see HailstoneLazy.oz Q: Which is easier to program, the demand driven or lazy version? The lazy one! Q: Why isn't lazy the default for functions? Because eager evaluation is much more efficient, so need to decide when can get by with eager evaluation (strictness analysis), which is complex. Because an eager language fits together with imperative features better, don't want to mix laziness (essentially unpredictable execution order) with imperative features (execution order matters) *** Bounded buffer (4.5.4) ------------------------------------------ BOUNDED BUFFER {Buffer In N} - fills itself with N elements from In - When an element is taken off of ouput get another input How to write this? ------------------------------------------ Idea: make the inner loop lazy... % file fig4_26.oz declare fun {Buffer1 In N} End={List.drop In N} fun lazy {Loop In End} case In of I|In2 then I|{Loop In2 End.2} end end in {Loop In End} end The above works in lockstep! (Why?) To fix this, use a thread around the expressions that generate producer requests % file fig4_27.oz declare fun {Buffer2 In N} End=thread {List.drop In N} end fun lazy {Loop In End} case In of I|In2 then I|{Loop In2 thread End.2 end} end end in {Loop In End} end Q: How would you test a buffer implementation? % fig4_27Test.oz \insert 'fig4_27.oz' declare fun lazy {Ints N} {Delay 1000} N|{Ints N+1} end In = {Ints 1} Out = {Buffer2 In 5} {Browse Out} {Browse Out.1} {Browse Out.} *** Lazy I/O (4.5.5) Q: Why would lazy evaluation be useful for file I/O? Allows reading file as a list, but doesn't require whole thing in memory *** Hamming problem (4.5.6) (skip) See the text, we did something like this already. *** Lazy list operations (4.5.7) **** lazy append % file LAppend.oz ------------------------------------------ LAZY APPEND fun lazy {LAppend As Bs} case As of nil then Bs [] A|Ar then A|{LAppend Ar Bs} end end ------------------------------------------ Q: What happens if we do L={LAppend "foo" "bar"} {Browse L} ? see the first 3 chars lazily, then all of "bar" Why? No more work after last element of As **** lazy map ------------------------------------------ LAZY MAP declare fun lazy {LMap Xs F} case Xs of nil then nil [] X|Xr then {F X}|{LMap Xr F} end end ------------------------------------------ file LMap.oz Q: Is this incremental? Q: Would reverse be incremental if we wrote it using lazy? **** lazy filter ------------------------------------------ FOR YOU TO DO Write a lazy verison of Filter ------------------------------------------ See LFilter.oz *** persistent queues and algorithm design (4.5.8) (skip) Q: Can we use laziness to build queues with constant-time insert and delete for queues? Yes, even persistent ones! See errata! The trick is to do reverse together with an append **** lessons for algorithm design ( 1. start with algorithm A that has amortized bound O(f(n)) for ephemeral data 2. Can use laziness to make this persistent and still have O(f(n)) bound will be worst case if can spread out computations *** List comprehensions (4.5.9) math's set comprehensions: {x*y | 1 <= x <= 10, 1 <= y <= x} specify lazy streams, as in Haskell general form [f(x) | x <- generator(a1, ..., an), guard(x, a1, ..., an)] the generator calculates a stream the guard filters Can write these using LMap and LFilter (and LAppendMap)