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2.2 Problem

  The simulation of specifications permits one to finalize specifications (i.e. to bring them to there final version) or to validate system implementations with regard to its specifications. We are interested in finalizing specifications. In the case of a service call (when an object state switches), the post-condition related to it references object specification variable values and how they change during the call execution. Only post-conditions define these changes because if a pre-condition defines many value change, then this pre-condition is a post-condition of an other service call. An example is the couple of pre/post-conditions [ n<l,n'=n+1 ] defined in section 1, the post-condition n'=n+1 specifies the change of n value during the addition of a subscriber to a telephone dispatcher.

When we simulate specifications, we want to animate the object value changes on the simulated object states. We classify these value changes in two categories :

For example, these two categories of value changes are presented in this post-condition :  
 x'=1 \land y'<6\end{displaymath} (2)
The x'=1 sub formula defines only one possible new value for x, the value 1. This sub formula is deterministic. The y'<6 sub formula defines a set of possible new values for y, this set is {0,1,2,3,4,5}. This sub formula is non-deterministic. The deterministic notion is associated with the substitution notion. A substitution is a set of pairs of variables and values. A substitution e is defined on a formula f if the set of variables in the substitution e is the set of variables in the formula f. The definition 1 give a possible definition of the determinism of a formula.

Definition 645 (1)

 Let f be a formula, f is deterministic if :  
 \mbox{{\rm For all} } (x_1,v_1) \in e_1^f \mbox{ {\rm and} ...
 ... e_2^f \mbox{
 {\rm with} } x_1=x_2 \mbox{ {\rm then} } v_1=v_2\end{displaymath} (3)
where eif is a substitution and eif satisfies f[*].

From a practical point of view, the treatment of the deterministic part of a formula is more efficient. If a post-condition is deterministic then the object related to this post-condition can only have one state after execution of the service related to this post-condition. Otherwise the object can be in many different states, and we must choose between these states, or study all possibilities. In fact, the main problem discussed in this paper concerns the distinction between the determinism and the non-determinism of the formula.

To separate the determinism from the non-determinism of a formula seems to be trivial in formula 2. We can imagine how to define an algorithm that computes the separation between the determinism and the non-determinism of a formula. However, our simple logical formalism defined in subsection 2.1 does not restrict the set of predicates, in particular, we use some undecidable predicates, in this case, all algorithms are also undecidable. An element of solution is the notion of explicit determinism which we describe in subsection 2.3.

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Alain Cougoulic
Sept. 2, 1997