JML Documentation Index

Please use the headings below to find the information you need.

  1. JML Documentation
  2. Acknowledgments

1. JML Documentation

Local documentation (on this computer)

The following documentation is part of the JML release and should be on this computer.

The README.html file for the release.

Introductory and overview documents

See also the samples and package documentation below.

More detailed and reference material on the JML language


The samples directory contains many different samples of JML specifications, including samples used in the other documents.

The samples directory contains many different samples of JML specifications, including samples used in the other documents. (See also the package documentation for more examples of JML specifications.) The following describes the individual samples in the release.

Package documentation

The release contains much jmldoc-produced documentation that can also be seen as examples of JML specifications. Aside from the samples above, this includes the following package documentation.

JML-specific packages
Java-specific packages

Tool documentation

The release contains unix-style manual pages for each of its tools. These have some information on how to use each tool, and specify their options and arguments.

Information for implementers of JML

If you are developing JML from source code, you may find the following additional links helpful. Most of this is not relevant for most users of JML.

Non-Local documentation

The following information is accessible via the internet.

Getting help with JML

Questions and Bug Reports

If you have a question that isn't answered in the documentation, or a bug report, please use the SourceForge tracking interface for the jmlspecs project. This is the place to file bug reports, make a support request, submit patches, and submit feature requests for JML and its tools. Note that you have to obtain a (free) SourceForge login to file one of these requests, but this is mostly to help us get back to you.

Since our resources for giving help are limited, please consult the SourceForge trackers to see if we already know of the problem before filing a bug report, and please read the documentation before filing a support request. However, don't be shy if things are not working or if you need help. We really value getting this kind of feedback.

General Comments and Discussions

General comments and discussions about JML can be directed to the jmlspecs-interest mailing list. To subscribe, go to the SourceForge web interface for the jmlspecs-interest mailing list. After you are subscribed, you can post messages by sending mail to

2. Acknowledgments

See the documents or the JML web site for various funding acknowledgements.

The JML checker uses the ANTLR parser-generator from the Magelang Institute.

The development of JML is hosted on

See the preliminary design document for more acknowledgments to all the people who have contributed thought and effort into JML.

Last update of this file $Date: 2008/05/20 22:17:41 $
