Uses of Interface

Packages that use Cloneable
antlr JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). 
java.sql JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). 
java.util JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). 
org.jmlspecs.checker Contains the source code for a parser and typechecker for JML annotations and java code. 
org.jmlspecs.jmlrac Generates Java classes from JML specifications that check assertions at runtime. 
org.jmlspecs.jmlrac.qexpr Translates JML quantified expressions into Java source code to evaluate them at runtime. 
org.jmlspecs.jmlspec A tool that can generate or compare specification skeletons from Java source or class files. 
org.jmlspecs.jmlunit.strategies The types in this package are used in providing test data for JML/JUnit testing. 
org.jmlspecs.models This package is a collection of types with immutable objects; it also enumerators (which have mutable objects) for the types of the immutable collections in the package. 
org.jmlspecs.models.resolve This package is a collection of types with immutable objects based on the RESOLVE specification language's mathematical models. 
org.jmlspecs.samples.digraph This package contains samples of JML specifications for directed graphs. 
org.jmlspecs.samples.dirobserver This package contains samples of JML specifications that illustrate issues in component-based programming relating to callbacks and JML's model program feature. 
org.jmlspecs.samples.jmlkluwer This package contains samples of JML specifications from the paper "JML: a Notation for Detailed Design". 
org.jmlspecs.samples.prelimdesign This package contains samples of JML specifications from the paper Preliminary Design of JML
org.jmlspecs.samples.table This package contains samples of JML specifications relating to tables. 
org.multijava.mjc Implements mjc, a MultiJava compiler. 
org.multijava.util.compiler Provides utilities and superclasses for the compilers in MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language

Uses of Cloneable in antlr

Classes in antlr that implement Cloneable
 class antlr.Token

Uses of Cloneable in

Classes in that implement Cloneable
 class Provider

Uses of Cloneable in java.sql

Classes in java.sql that implement Cloneable
 class Time
          JML specification for Time.
 class Timestamp

Uses of Cloneable in java.util

Classes in java.util that implement Cloneable
 class ArrayList
          JML's specification of ArrayList.
 class BitSet
          JML's specification of the java.util.BitSet.
 class Calendar
          JML's specification of java.util.Calendar.
 class Date
          JML's specification of java.util.Date.
 class GregorianCalendar
          JML's specification of java.util.Calendar.
 class HashMap
          JML's specification of java.util.HashMap.
 class HashSet
          JML's specification of java.util.HashSet.
 class Hashtable
          JML's specification of java.util.Hashtable.
 class LinkedHashSet
 class LinkedList
          JML's specification of java.util.LinkedList.
 class Locale
 class Properties
 class Stack
          JML's specification of Stack.
 class TimeZone
 class TreeMap
          JML's specification of java.util.TreeMap.
 class TreeSet
          JML's specification of java.util.TreeSet.
 class Vector
          JML's specification of java.util.Vector.

Uses of Cloneable in javax.servlet.http

Classes in javax.servlet.http that implement Cloneable
 class Cookie
          JML's specification of Cookie.

Uses of Cloneable in org.jmlspecs.checker

Classes in org.jmlspecs.checker that implement Cloneable
 class CTypeType
          This class represents the JML \TYPE type.
 class JClassDeclarationWrapper
          A wrapper class to JClassDeclaration to implement JML-specific typechecking.
 class JConstructorBlockWrapper
 class JConstructorDeclarationWrapper
          A class representing a constructor declaration in the syntax tree.
 class JFieldDeclarationWrapper
          A class representing a field declaration in the syntax tree.
 class JInterfaceDeclarationWrapper
          This class represents a java interface in the syntax tree
 class JMethodDeclarationWrapper
          A class representing a method declaration in the syntax tree.
 class JmlAbruptSpecBody

 class JmlAbruptSpecCase

 class JmlAbstractVisitor
          An abstract JML visitor class to facilitate writing concrete visitor classes that implements the interface JmlVisitor.
 class JmlAccessibleClause
          An AST node class representing the JML accessible clause.
 class JmlAddExpression
          This class represents the addition binary expression.
 class JmlAdmissibilityVisitor
          A visitor class to check admissibility of JML invariants and represents clauses.
 class JmlArrayDimsAndInits

 class JmlAssertOrAssumeStatement
          This class represents the type of assert-statement, and assume-statement in JML.
 class JmlAssertStatement

 class JmlAssignableClause
          A JML AST node for the assignable clause.
 class JmlAssignmentStatement

 class JmlAssumeStatement

 class JmlAxiom
          This AST node represents a JML axiom annotation.
 class JmlBehaviorSpec
 heavyweight-spec ::= [ privacy ] "behavior" generic-spec-case
 class JmlBinaryField
          This class represents a class read from a *.class file.
 class JmlBinaryMember
          This type represents a java declaration in the syntax tree.
 class JmlBinaryMethod
          This class represents a method read from a *.class file.
 class JmlBinarySourceClass
          This class represents a class read from a *.class file.
 class JmlBinaryType
          This class represents a class read from a *.class file.
 class JmlBitwiseExpression
          This class represents the addition binary expression.
 class JmlBreaksClause

 class JmlCallableClause
          An AST node class representing the JML callable clause.
 class JmlCapturesClause
          An AST node class representing the JML captures clause.
 class JmlCastExpression
 This class represents a cast expression such as /*@(non_null)* / o /*@(non_null T)* / o (/*@non_null* / T) o
 class JmlClassBlock
          This class represents a instance or static initializer block annotated with a JML method specification.
 class JmlClassContext
          This class represents the context for a class during checking passes (checkInterface, checkInitializers, typecheck).
 class JmlClassDeclaration
          This type represents a java class declaration in the syntax tree.
(package private)  class JmlClassicalAdmissibilityVisitor
 class JmlClassOrGFImport
          This type represents (in the AST) import statements for single classes or generic functions, e.g., import java.util.ArrayList; or import org.multijava.samples.typecheck.
 class JmlCodeContract
          An abstraction of JML method specification.
 class JmlCompilationUnit
          This class represents a single JML compilation unit (typically a file in a file-based compiler like this) in the AST.
 class JmlCompilationUnitContext
          This class represents the context for a compilation unit during checking passes (checkInterface, checkInitializers, typecheck).
 class JmlConstraint
          This AST node represents a JML constraint annotation.
 class JmlConstructorContext
          This class represents the context for a constructor during checking passes (checkInterface, checkInitializers, typecheck).
 class JmlConstructorDeclaration

 class JmlConstructorName
          This AST node represents a constructor in a JML annotation.
 class JmlContext
          Descendents of this class represent local contexts during checking passes (checkInterface, checkInitializers, typecheck).
 class JmlContinuesClause

 class JmlDataGroupClause
          This class represents a jml-var-assertion of the form initially predicate.
 class JmlDebugStatement
          A concrete AST node class to represent the debug statement of the following form: debug-statement ::= "debug" expression ;
 class JmlDeclaration
          This abstract class is the superclass of all jml-declaration AST nodes, (i.e., invariants, history constraints, depends declarations, and represents declarations)
 class JmlDivergesClause
          A JML AST node class for the diverges clause.
 class JmlDivideExpression
          This class represents the addition binary expression.
 class JmlDurationClause

 class JmlDurationExpression

 class JmlElemTypeExpression

 class JmlEnsuresClause
          A JML AST node for the <\code>ensures clause.
 class JmlEqualityExpression
          This class represents the AST node for the equality operators.
 class JmlExample
          A class representing JML example specifications.
 class JmlExceptionalBehaviorSpec
 heavyweight-spec ::= [ privacy ] "exceptional_behavior" exceptional-spec-case
 class JmlExceptionalExample
          A class representing JML exceptional example specifications.
 class JmlExceptionalSpecBody
          An AST node class for the JML exceptional-spec-body.
 class JmlExceptionalSpecCase
          An AST node class for the JML exceptional-spec-case.
 class JmlExpression

 class JmlExpressionChecker
          A visitor class to check privacy (and purity) of JML expressions.
 class JmlExpressionContext
          A class for representing the context in which JML expressions are typechecked.
 class JmlExtendingSpecification
          A method specification that extetends inherited specifications.
 class JmlFieldDeclaration

(package private)  class JmlFieldDeclaration.JmlFieldSpecsContext
          A special flow control context class for typechecking JML data group clauses.
 class JmlFlowControlContext
          This class is used during typechecking for control flow analysis that maintains local variable definite assignment (JLS2, 16), throwable, and reachability information (JLS2, 14.20).
 class JmlForAllVarDecl
          An AST node class for the JML forall variable declarations.
 class JmlFormalParameter
          This class represents a formal parameter in a JML AST.
 class JmlFreshExpression

 class JmlGeneralSpecCase
          An abstraction of JML specification cases.
 class JmlGenericSpecBody
          An AST node class for the JML generic-spec-body.
 class JmlGenericSpecCase
          An AST node class for the JML generic-spec-case.
 class JmlGuardedStatement

 class JmlHeavyweightSpec
          An AST node class for the JML heavyweight-spec.
 class JmlHenceByStatement

 class JmlInformalExpression

 class JmlInformalStoreRef

 class JmlInGroupClause
          This class represents a jml-var-assertion of the form initially predicate.
 class JmlInitializerContext
          This class represents the context for a static initializer during checking passes (checkInterface, checkInitializers, typecheck).
 class JmlInitiallyVarAssertion
          This class represents a jml-var-assertion of the form initially predicate.
 class JmlInterfaceContext
          This class represents the context for an interface declaration during checking passes (checkInterface, checkInitializers, typecheck).
 class JmlInterfaceDeclaration
          This class represents a java interface in the syntax tree
 class JmlInvariant
          This AST node represents a JML invariant annotation.
 class JmlInvariantForExpression
          AST for the JML expression \invariant_for.
 class JmlInvariantStatement

 class JmlIsInitializedExpression
          AST for the JML expression \is_initialized.
 class JmlLabeled

 class JmlLabelExpression
          AST for the JML expressions \lblneg and \lblpos.
 class JmlLetVarDecl
          An AST node class for the JML let (old) variable declarations.
 class JmlLockSetExpression
          AST for the JML expression \lockset.
 class JmlLoopInvariant

 class JmlLoopSpecification
          This is the super class for the classes representing loop-invariant and variant-function annotations for loop-stmt.
 class JmlLoopStatement
          This class represents loop-stmts annotated with loop-invariants and/or variant-functions.
 class JmlMapsIntoClause
          This class represents a jml-var-assertion of the form initially predicate.
 class JmlMaxExpression

 class JmlMeasuredClause

 class JmlMemberAccess
          This class represents and contains the information needed to determine whether a member of a class or compilation unit can be accessed from some other member.
 class JmlMemberDeclaration
          This type represents a java declaration in the syntax tree.
 class JmlMethodContext
          This class represents the context for a method during checking passes (checkInterface, checkInitializers, typecheck).
 class JmlMethodDeclaration

 class JmlMethodName
          This AST node represents a method name in a JML annotation.
 class JmlMethodNameList
          An AST node class representing the JML callable clause.
 class JmlMethodSpecification
          An abstraction of JML method specification.
 class JmlMinusExpression
          This class represents the addition binary expression.
 class JmlModelProgram
          An AST node class for the JML model-program.
 class JmlModelProgStatement
          The type of model-prog-statements.
 class JmlModuloExpression
          This class represents the addition binary expression.
 class JmlMonitorsForVarAssertion

 class JmlMultExpression
          This class represents the addition binary expression.
 class JmlName
          This class represents a store-ref-name, store-ref-name-suffix, method-res-start, or identifier from a method-ref in an AST.
 class JmlNode
          This is the superclass of most JML AST nodes.
(package private) static class JmlNode.DummyInitializerDeclaration
          A class for dummy initializer declarations.
 class JmlNondetChoiceStatement

 class JmlNondetIfStatement

 class JmlNonNullElementsExpression

 class JmlNormalBehaviorSpec
 heavyweight-spec ::= [ privacy ] "normal_behavior" normal-spec-case
 class JmlNormalExample
          A class representing JML normal example specifications.
 class JmlNormalSpecBody
          An AST node class for the JML normal-spec-body.
 class JmlNormalSpecCase
          An AST node class for the JML normal-spec-case.
 class JmlNotAssignedExpression

 class JmlNotModifiedExpression

 class JmlNumericType
          This class represents the JML primitive numeric types bigint and real.
 class JmlOldExpression

 class JmlOnlyAccessedExpression

 class JmlOnlyAssignedExpression

 class JmlOnlyCalledExpression

 class JmlOnlyCapturedExpression

 class JmlOrdinalLiteral
          This class represents jml specific ordinal literals (bigint)
(package private)  class JmlOwnershipAdmissibilityVisitor
 class JmlPackageImport
          This type represents (in the AST) full-package import statements.
 class JmlPredicate
          This represents the AST node for a predicate in JML.
 class JmlPredicateClause

 class JmlPredicateKeyword
 class JmlPreExpression

 class JmlQuotedExpressionWrapper
          This abstract class is the super class of all JmlExpressions that simply modify a quoted Java expression (e.g.
 class JmlReachExpression
          An AST node class for the JML reach expressions.
 class JmlReadableIfVarAssertion
          This class represents a jml-var-assertion of the form readable id if predicate.
 class JmlRedundantSpec
          A class representing JML redundant specifications.
 class JmlRefinePrefix
 class JmlRefiningStatement

 class JmlRelationalExpression
          This class represents the JML relational expressions.
 class JmlRepresentsDecl
          This AST node represents a JML represents declaration annotation.
 class JmlRequiresClause

 class JmlResultExpression

 class JmlReturnsClause

 class JmlSetComprehension
          An AST node class for JML's set comprehension notation.
 class JmlSetStatement

 class JmlShiftExpression
          This class represents the addition binary expression.
 class JmlSigBinaryClass
          A class to represent JML class declaratons read from bytecode files.
 class JmlSigBinaryField
          A class to represent JML field declaratons read from bytecode files.
 class JmlSigBinaryMethod
          A class to represent JML method declaratons read from bytecode files.
 class JmlSignalsClause
          A JML AST node class for the signals clause.
 class JmlSignalsOnlyClause
          A JML AST node class for the signals_only clause.
 class JmlSourceClass
          A class for representing JML classes read from *.java files.
 class JmlSourceField
          A class for representing an exported field of a class.
 class JmlSourceMethod
          A class for representing JML method declaration in the signature forest.
 class JmlSpaceExpression

 class JmlSpecBody

 class JmlSpecBodyClause
          This abstract class is the common superclass of different kinds of specification clauses appearing in the specification body such as JmlAccessibleClause, JmlAssignableClause, JmlCallableClause, and JmlPredicateClause.
 class JmlSpecCase
          An abstraction of JML specification cases.
 class JmlSpecExpression
 class JmlSpecExpressionWrapper
          This abstract class is the super class of all JmlExpressions that simply modify a spec-expression (e.g.
 class JmlSpecification

 class JmlSpecQuantifiedExpression
          An AST node class for JML quantified expressions.
 class JmlSpecStatement

 class JmlSpecStatementClause

 class JmlSpecVarDecl
          An abstraction of JML specification variable declarations.
 class JmlStdType
          This class is a singleton that provides variables for the various built-in and java.lang types.
 class JmlStoreRef
          An abstraction of JML store references.
 class JmlStoreRefExpression
          An AST node class for JML store reference expressions.
 class JmlStoreRefKeyword
          This class represents a JmlStoreRefKeyword in the AST.
 class JmlStoreRefListWrapper

 class JmlTypeDeclaration
          This type represents a java class or interface in the syntax tree.
 class JmlTypeExpression

 class JmlTypeLoader
          This class acts as a symbol table and a cache for types, type signatures, and external generic functions.
 class JmlTypeOfExpression

 class JmlUnaryExpression
          This class represents unary expressions (unary plus, unary minus, bitwise complement, and logical not).
 class JmlUnreachableStatement

 class JmlVarAssertion
          This class represents jml-var-assertion in JML ASTs.
 class JmlVariableDefinition
          A wrapper of the class JVariableDefinition to store JML-specific information.
 class JmlVariantFunction

 class JmlWhenClause

 class JmlWorkingSpaceClause

 class JmlWorkingSpaceExpression

 class JmlWritableIfVarAssertion
          This class represents a jml-var-assertion of the form writable id if predicate.
 class JStatementWrapper
          An abstraction of JML statement ASTs that should be subclass of JStatement.

Uses of Cloneable in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac

Classes in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac that implement Cloneable
 class AbstractExpressionTranslator
          This class is intended to be a common base class for both TransExpression and TransExpression2.
 class AssertionMethod
          An abstract class for generating assertion check methods for specific kinds of assertions such as preconditions, normal and exceptional postconditions, invariants and (history) constraints.
(package private)  class AssertionMethod.AssertionMethod$1
 class ConstraintMethod
          A class for generating assertion check methods for (history) constraints.
 class ConstructorWrapper
          A class for generating constructor wrappers.
 class DesugarSpec
          A JML visitor class for desugaring method specifications.
 class ExceptionalPostconditionMethod
          A class for generating exceptional postcondition check methods.
 class FinalizerWrapper
          A class for generating wrapper methods for finalizers.
 class InvariantLikeMethod
          A class for generating assertion check methods for class-level assertions such as invariants and history constraints.
 class InvariantMethod
          A class for generating assertion check methods for invariants.
 class JmlModifier
          A class providing utilities for operating on modifier bit masks.
 class JmlRacGenerator
          A class implementing the JML Runtime Assertion Checker (RAC).
 class LocalConstraintMethod
          A class for generating constaint check methods that check locally specified type constraints without inheriting any constraints from supertypes.
 class MotherConstraintMethod
          A class for generating constraint check methods that check locally specified type constraints and inherit constraints from supertypes.
 class PostconditionMethod
          A class for generating postcondition check methods.
 class PreconditionMethod
          A class for generating precondition check methods.
 class PreOrPostconditionMethod
          An abstract class for generating precondition or postconditin check methods for the given methods.
 class RacAbstractVisitor
          A default implementation for the RacVisitor interface.
static class RacParser.RacBlock
          A RAC node class for representing blocks.
static class RacParser.RacMethodDeclaration
          A RAC node class for representing method declarations.
static class RacParser.RacStatement
          A RAC node class for representing statements.
 class RacPredicate
          An AST node class for RAC-specific predicates.
 class RacPrettyPrinter
          A visitor class for pretty-printing JML specifications with generated RAC code.
 class SubtypeConstraintMethod
          A class for generating constaint check methods that check locally specified type constraints and inherit constraints from supertypes.
 class TransClass
          A class for translating JML class declarations.
 class TransConstraint
          A class for translating JML (history) constraints.
 class TransConstructor
          A class for translating JML annotated constructor into a RAC-enabled method.
 class TransConstructorBody
          A visitor class for translating JML specification statements in a constrcutor body into assertion check code.
 class TransExpression
          A RAC visitor class to translate JML expressions into Java source code.
 class TransExpression2
          A RAC visitor class to translate JML expressions into Java source code.
 class TransExpressionSideEffect
          A special expression translator that allows translation of expressions with side-effects.
 class TransInterface
          A class for translating JML interface declarations.
 class TransInvariant
          A class for translating JML invariants.
(package private)  class TransInvariant.CallExpr
(package private)  class TransInvariant.CallExpr2
 class TransMethod
          A class for translating JML annotated Java methods into RAC-enabled methods.
protected static class TransMethod.SpecCaseCollector
          A class for collecting all specification cases from a desugared method specification.
 class TransMethodBody
          A visitor class for translating JML specification statements in a method body into assertion check code.
 class TransOldExpression
          A RAC visitor class for transforming JML old expressions into Java code.
 class TransPostcondition
          A RAC visitor class for transforming JML postconditions into Java source code.
private  class TransPostcondition.QVarChecker
          A class to check whether an expression has any references to quantified variables.
 class TransPostExpression2
          A RAC visitor class to translate JML expressions into Java source code.
private  class TransPostExpression2.QVarChecker
          A class to check whether an expression has any references to quantified variables.
 class TransPredicate
          A RAC visitor class for transforming JML predicates into Java code.
 class TransType
           An abstract class for translating JML type declarations.
 class TransUtils
          A utility class for translating JML annotated Java classes into RAC-enabled classes.
 class WrapperMethod
          A class for generating wrapper methods.

Uses of Cloneable in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac.qexpr

Classes in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac.qexpr that implement Cloneable
 class AbstractExpressionVisitor
          An abstract visitor class that visits all subexpressions of a given expression recursively.
private static class QInterval.CheckRecursion
          A class to check an appearance of local variables in an expression.

Uses of Cloneable in org.jmlspecs.jmlspec

Classes in org.jmlspecs.jmlspec that implement Cloneable
 class JspPrettyPrinter
          This class overrides some of the pretty-printer methods to produce a specification skeleton for the class AST begin walked.

Uses of Cloneable in org.jmlspecs.jmlunit.strategies

Subinterfaces of Cloneable in org.jmlspecs.jmlunit.strategies
 interface BooleanIterator
          An extended indefinite iterator interface that can iterate over values of type boolean without casting.
 interface ByteIterator
          An extended indefinite iterator interface that can iterate over values of type byte without casting.
 interface CharIterator
          An extended indefinite iterator interface that can iterate over values of type char without casting.
 interface DoubleIterator
          An extended indefinite iterator interface that can iterate over values of type double without casting.
 interface FloatIterator
          An extended indefinite iterator interface that can iterate over values of type float without casting.
 interface IndefiniteIterator
          Indefinite iterators.
 interface IntIterator
          An extended indefinite iterator interface that can iterate over values of type int without casting.
 interface LongIterator
          An extended indefinite iterator interface that can iterate over values of type long without casting.
 interface ShortIterator
          An extended indefinite iterator interface that can iterate over values of type short without casting.

Classes in org.jmlspecs.jmlunit.strategies that implement Cloneable
 class AbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator
          An filtering decorator for an indefinite iterator.
(package private)  class AbstractFilteringStrategyDecorator.NewIter
 class BooleanAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator
          An filtering decorator for an indefinite iterator over type boolean.
(package private)  class BooleanAbstractFilteringStrategyDecorator.NewIter
 class BooleanAbstractIterator
          Common code for iterators over values of type boolean that implement the BooleanIterator interface.
 class BooleanArrayIterator
          A BooleanIterator over arrays of boolean elements.
 class BooleanCompositeIterator
          Composition of several BooleanIterators.
 class ByteAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator
          An filtering decorator for an indefinite iterator over type byte.
(package private)  class ByteAbstractFilteringStrategyDecorator.NewIter
 class ByteAbstractIterator
          Common code for iterators over values of type byte that implement the ByteIterator interface.
 class ByteArrayIterator
          A ByteIterator over arrays of byte elements.
 class ByteCompositeIterator
          Composition of several ByteIterators.
 class ByteNonNegativeIteratorDecorator
          An indefinite iterator that filters out negative test data.
 class CharAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator
          An filtering decorator for an indefinite iterator over type char.
(package private)  class CharAbstractFilteringStrategyDecorator.NewIter
 class CharAbstractIterator
          Common code for iterators over values of type char that implement the CharIterator interface.
 class CharArrayIterator
          A CharIterator over arrays of char elements.
 class CharCompositeIterator
          Composition of several CharIterators.
(package private)  class CloneableObjectAbstractStrategy.CloneableObjectAbstractStrategy$1
 class CloneableObjectArrayAbstractIterator
          An iterator that provides test data by returning a clone of the current object from an array of cloneable objects passed to its constructor.
(package private)  class CloneableObjectArrayAbstractIterator_JML_TestData.IntArrayArrayIterator
          A helper class used in testing it's surrounding class.
 class CompositeIterator
          Composition of several indefinite iterators.
 class DoubleAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator
          An filtering decorator for an indefinite iterator over type double.
(package private)  class DoubleAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator_JML_TestData.DoubleAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator_JML_TestData$2.DoubleAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator_JML_TestData$2$1
(package private)  class DoubleAbstractFilteringStrategyDecorator.NewIter
 class DoubleAbstractIterator
          Common code for iterators over values of type double that implement the DoubleIterator interface.
 class DoubleArrayIterator
          A DoubleIterator over arrays of double elements.
 class DoubleCompositeIterator
          Composition of several DoubleIterators.
 class DoubleNonNegativeIteratorDecorator
          An indefinite iterator that filters out negative test data.
 class EmptyNewObjectIterator
          An empty new object iterator.
 class FloatAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator
          An filtering decorator for an indefinite iterator over type float.
(package private)  class FloatAbstractFilteringStrategyDecorator.NewIter
 class FloatAbstractIterator
          Common code for iterators over values of type float that implement the FloatIterator interface.
 class FloatArrayIterator
          A FloatIterator over arrays of float elements.
 class FloatCompositeIterator
          Composition of several FloatIterators.
 class FloatNonNegativeIteratorDecorator
          An indefinite iterator that filters out negative test data.
 class ImmutableObjectArrayIterator
          An iterator that provides test data by returning the current object from an array of immutable objects passed to its constructor.
 class IntAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator
          An filtering decorator for an indefinite iterator over type int.
(package private)  class IntAbstractFilteringStrategyDecorator.NewIter
 class IntAbstractIterator
          Common code for iterators over values of type int that implement the IntIterator interface.
 class IntArrayIterator
          A IntIterator over arrays of int elements.
 class IntCompositeIterator
          Composition of several IntIterators.
 class IntNonNegativeIteratorDecorator
          An indefinite iterator that filters out negative test data.
 class IteratorAbstractAdapter
          Make a java.util.Iterator into an IndefiniteIterator.
 class LongAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator
          An filtering decorator for an indefinite iterator over type long.
(package private)  class LongAbstractFilteringStrategyDecorator.NewIter
 class LongAbstractIterator
          Common code for iterators over values of type long that implement the LongIterator interface.
 class LongArrayIterator
          A LongIterator over arrays of long elements.
 class LongCompositeIterator
          Composition of several LongIterators.
 class LongNonNegativeIteratorDecorator
          An indefinite iterator that filters out negative test data.
(package private)  class NewObjectAbstractExtensibleStrategyDecorator.NewObjectAbstractExtensibleStrategyDecorator$1.NewIter
 class NewObjectAbstractIterator
          An iterator that provides test data by creating (in general) the objects each time the get() method is called.
(package private)  class NewObjectAbstractIterator_JML_TestData.NewObjectAbstractIterator_JML_TestData$2.NewObjectAbstractIterator_JML_TestData$2$1
(package private)  class NewObjectAbstractIterator_JML_TestData.NewObjectAbstractIterator_JML_TestData$2.NewObjectAbstractIterator_JML_TestData$2$2
(package private)  class NewObjectAbstractStrategy.NewObjectAbstractStrategy$1
 class NonNullIteratorDecorator
          An indefinite iterator that filters out null's that would be returned otherwise.
 class ObjectArrayAbstractIterator
          An indefinite iterator that provides test data from an array of objects passed to its constructor.
 class ShortAbstractFilteringIteratorDecorator
          An filtering decorator for an indefinite iterator over type short.
(package private)  class ShortAbstractFilteringStrategyDecorator.NewIter
 class ShortAbstractIterator
          Common code for iterators over values of type short that implement the ShortIterator interface.
 class ShortArrayIterator
          A ShortIterator over arrays of short elements.
 class ShortCompositeIterator
          Composition of several ShortIterators.
 class ShortNonNegativeIteratorDecorator
          An indefinite iterator that filters out negative test data.

Uses of Cloneable in org.jmlspecs.models

Subinterfaces of Cloneable in org.jmlspecs.models
 interface JMLCollection
          Common protocol of the JML model collection types.
 interface JMLComparable
          JMLTypes with an compareTo operation, as in Comparable.
 interface JMLEnumeration
          A combination of JMLType and java.util.Enumeration.
 interface JMLInfiniteInteger
          Infinite precision integers with an plus and minus infinity.
 interface JMLIterator
          A combination of JMLType and java.util.Iterator.
 interface JMLObjectType
          Objects that are containers of object references.
 interface JMLType
          Objects with a clone and equals method.
 interface JMLValueType
          Objects that contain values.

Classes in org.jmlspecs.models that implement Cloneable
 class JMLByte
          A reflection of Byte that implements JMLType.
 class JMLChar
          A reflection of Character that implements JMLType.
 class JMLDouble
          A reflection of Double that implements JMLType.
 class JMLEnumerationToIterator
          A wrapper that makes any JMLEnumeration into a JMLIterator that does not support the remove operation.
 class JMLEqualsBag
          Bags (i.e., multisets) of objects.
(package private)  class JMLEqualsBagEntry
          Internal class used in the implementation of JMLEqualsBag.
(package private)  class JMLEqualsBagEntryNode
          Internal class used in the implementation of JMLEqualsBag.
 class JMLEqualsBagEnumerator
          Enumerators for bags (i.e., multisets) of objects.
 class JMLEqualsEqualsPair
          Pairs of Object and Object, used in the types JMLEqualsToEqualsRelation and JMLEqualsToEqualsMap.
 class JMLEqualsObjectPair
          Pairs of Object and Object, used in the types JMLEqualsToObjectRelation and JMLEqualsToObjectMap.
 class JMLEqualsSequence
          Sequences of objects.
 class JMLEqualsSequenceEnumerator
          An enumerator for sequences of objects.
 class JMLEqualsSet
          Sets of objects.
 class JMLEqualsSetEnumerator
          An enumerator for sets of objects.
 class JMLEqualsToEqualsMap
          Maps (i.e., binary relations that are functional) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of Object.
 class JMLEqualsToEqualsRelation
          Binary relations (or set-valued functions) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of Object.
 class JMLEqualsToEqualsRelationEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys of type Object to values of type Object that form the associations in a relation.
 class JMLEqualsToEqualsRelationImageEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys and their relational images.
 class JMLEqualsToObjectMap
          Maps (i.e., binary relations that are functional) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of Object.
 class JMLEqualsToObjectRelation
          Binary relations (or set-valued functions) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of Object.
 class JMLEqualsToObjectRelationEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys of type Object to values of type Object that form the associations in a relation.
 class JMLEqualsToObjectRelationImageEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys and their relational images.
 class JMLEqualsToValueMap
          Maps (i.e., binary relations that are functional) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of JMLType.
 class JMLEqualsToValueRelation
          Binary relations (or set-valued functions) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of JMLType.
 class JMLEqualsToValueRelationEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys of type Object to values of type JMLType that form the associations in a relation.
 class JMLEqualsToValueRelationImageEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys and their relational images.
 class JMLEqualsValuePair
          Pairs of Object and JMLType, used in the types JMLEqualsToValueRelation and JMLEqualsToValueMap.
 class JMLFiniteInteger
          Arbitrary precision integers with a finite value.
 class JMLFloat
          A reflection of Float that implements JMLType.
 class JMLInfiniteIntegerClass
          Class with common code to implement JMLInfiniteInteger.
 class JMLInteger
          A reflection of Integer that implements JMLType.
(package private)  class JMLListEqualsNode
          An implementation class used in various models.
(package private)  class JMLListObjectNode
          An implementation class used in various models.
(package private)  class JMLListValueNode
          An implementation class used in various models.
 class JMLLong
          A reflection of Long that implements JMLType.
 class JMLNegativeInfinity
          Negative Infinity.
 class JMLObjectBag
          Bags (i.e., multisets) of objects.
(package private)  class JMLObjectBagEntry
          Internal class used in the implementation of JMLObjectBag.
(package private)  class JMLObjectBagEntryNode
          Internal class used in the implementation of JMLObjectBag.
 class JMLObjectBagEnumerator
          Enumerators for bags (i.e., multisets) of objects.
 class JMLObjectEqualsPair
          Pairs of Object and Object, used in the types JMLObjectToEqualsRelation and JMLObjectToEqualsMap.
 class JMLObjectObjectPair
          Pairs of Object and Object, used in the types JMLObjectToObjectRelation and JMLObjectToObjectMap.
 class JMLObjectSequence
          Sequences of objects.
 class JMLObjectSequenceEnumerator
          An enumerator for sequences of objects.
 class JMLObjectSet
          Sets of objects.
 class JMLObjectSetEnumerator
          An enumerator for sets of objects.
 class JMLObjectToEqualsMap
          Maps (i.e., binary relations that are functional) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of Object.
 class JMLObjectToEqualsRelation
          Binary relations (or set-valued functions) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of Object.
 class JMLObjectToEqualsRelationEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys of type Object to values of type Object that form the associations in a relation.
 class JMLObjectToEqualsRelationImageEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys and their relational images.
 class JMLObjectToObjectMap
          Maps (i.e., binary relations that are functional) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of Object.
 class JMLObjectToObjectRelation
          Binary relations (or set-valued functions) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of Object.
 class JMLObjectToObjectRelationEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys of type Object to values of type Object that form the associations in a relation.
 class JMLObjectToObjectRelationImageEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys and their relational images.
 class JMLObjectToValueMap
          Maps (i.e., binary relations that are functional) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of JMLType.
 class JMLObjectToValueRelation
          Binary relations (or set-valued functions) from non-null elements of Object to non-null elements of JMLType.
 class JMLObjectToValueRelationEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys of type Object to values of type JMLType that form the associations in a relation.
 class JMLObjectToValueRelationImageEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys and their relational images.
 class JMLObjectValuePair
          Pairs of Object and JMLType, used in the types JMLObjectToValueRelation and JMLObjectToValueMap.
 class JMLPositiveInfinity
          Positive Infinity.
 class JMLShort
          A reflection of Short that implements JMLType.
 class JMLString
          A reflection of String that implements JMLType.
 class JMLValueBag
          Bags (i.e., multisets) of values.
(package private)  class JMLValueBagEntry
          Internal class used in the implementation of JMLValueBag.
(package private)  class JMLValueBagEntryNode
          Internal class used in the implementation of JMLValueBag.
 class JMLValueBagEnumerator
          Enumerators for bags (i.e., multisets) of values.
 class JMLValueBagSpecs
          Special behavior for JMLValueBag not shared by JMLObjectBag.
 class JMLValueEqualsPair
          Pairs of JMLType and Object, used in the types JMLValueToEqualsRelation and JMLValueToEqualsMap.
 class JMLValueObjectPair
          Pairs of JMLType and Object, used in the types JMLValueToObjectRelation and JMLValueToObjectMap.
 class JMLValueSequence
          Sequences of values.
 class JMLValueSequenceEnumerator
          An enumerator for sequences of values.
 class JMLValueSequenceSpecs
          Specical behavior for JMLValueSequence not shared by JMLObjectSequence.
 class JMLValueSet
          Sets of values.
 class JMLValueSetEnumerator
          An enumerator for sets of values.
 class JMLValueSetSpecs
          Special behavior for JMLValueSet not shared by JMLObjectSet.
 class JMLValueToEqualsMap
          Maps (i.e., binary relations that are functional) from non-null elements of JMLType to non-null elements of Object.
 class JMLValueToEqualsRelation
          Binary relations (or set-valued functions) from non-null elements of JMLType to non-null elements of Object.
 class JMLValueToEqualsRelationEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys of type JMLType to values of type Object that form the associations in a relation.
 class JMLValueToEqualsRelationImageEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys and their relational images.
 class JMLValueToObjectMap
          Maps (i.e., binary relations that are functional) from non-null elements of JMLType to non-null elements of Object.
 class JMLValueToObjectRelation
          Binary relations (or set-valued functions) from non-null elements of JMLType to non-null elements of Object.
 class JMLValueToObjectRelationEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys of type JMLType to values of type Object that form the associations in a relation.
 class JMLValueToObjectRelationImageEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys and their relational images.
 class JMLValueToValueMap
          Maps (i.e., binary relations that are functional) from non-null elements of JMLType to non-null elements of JMLType.
 class JMLValueToValueRelation
          Binary relations (or set-valued functions) from non-null elements of JMLType to non-null elements of JMLType.
 class JMLValueToValueRelationEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys of type JMLType to values of type JMLType that form the associations in a relation.
 class JMLValueToValueRelationImageEnumerator
          Enumerator for pairs of keys and their relational images.
 class JMLValueValuePair
          Pairs of JMLType and JMLType, used in the types JMLValueToValueRelation and JMLValueToValueMap.

Uses of Cloneable in org.jmlspecs.models.resolve

Classes in org.jmlspecs.models.resolve that implement Cloneable
 class NaturalNumber
          The natural numbers.
 class StringOfObject
          Sequences of non-null object identities.

Uses of Cloneable in org.jmlspecs.racwrap

Classes in org.jmlspecs.racwrap that implement Cloneable
(package private)  class OrigPrettyPrinter
 class WrapperPrettyPrinter
          WrapperPrettyPrinter prints the wrapper.

Uses of Cloneable in org.jmlspecs.samples.digraph

Subinterfaces of Cloneable in org.jmlspecs.samples.digraph
 interface NodeType

Classes in org.jmlspecs.samples.digraph that implement Cloneable
 class Arc
          Directed arcs for directed graphs.
 class ArcType
 class SearchableNode
          Nodes for searchable graphs.
 class TransposableNode
          Nodes for transposable directed graphs.
 class ValueNode
          Nodes with values

Uses of Cloneable in org.jmlspecs.samples.dirobserver

Subinterfaces of Cloneable in org.jmlspecs.samples.dirobserver
 interface Directory
          Directories that can be both read and written.
 interface DirObserverKeeper
          An object that keeps directory observers (i.e., a subject).
 interface RODirectory
          Read-only directories.

Uses of Cloneable in org.jmlspecs.samples.jmlkluwer

Classes in org.jmlspecs.samples.jmlkluwer that implement Cloneable
 class QueueEntry

Uses of Cloneable in org.jmlspecs.samples.prelimdesign

Subinterfaces of Cloneable in org.jmlspecs.samples.prelimdesign
 interface Money
 interface MoneyComparable
 interface MoneyOps

Classes in org.jmlspecs.samples.prelimdesign that implement Cloneable
 class MoneyAC
 class MoneyComparableAC
 class USMoney

Uses of Cloneable in org.jmlspecs.samples.table

Subinterfaces of Cloneable in org.jmlspecs.samples.table
 interface Entry
          Table entries, which are pairs of an index and a value.

Classes in org.jmlspecs.samples.table that implement Cloneable
 class EntryImplementation
          Entries for Tables that map an index to a value.

Uses of Cloneable in org.multijava.mjc

Classes in org.multijava.mjc that implement Cloneable
 class CAbstractMethodSet
          This class encapsulates a collection of method signatures.
 class CAnchorInitializer
          This is used as a wrapper around the normal static or instance initializer method of a class that includes nested dispatcher classes (e.g., an anchor class).
 class CArrayType
          This class represents the array type in the type structure.
 class CAssertHelperMethod
          This class represents a synthetic method used in the implementation of Java's assertion mechanism.
 class CAssertStaticInitMethod
          This class represents a static initializer that begins with code to figure out if the associated class has assertions enabled or not.
 class CAugmentationMap
          This class implements a function mapping from classes and contexts to method sets, CAugmentationMap: CClass x CContextType -> CMethodSet.
(package private) static class CAugmentationMap.ContextMap
 class CBadClass
          This class represents an undefined class (something that comes from a bad classfile) This class is not usable to anything, so it will sooner or later produce a comprehensive error.
 class CBinaryClass
          This class represents a class read from a *.class file.
 class CBinaryClassContext
          This represents the context of a binary (i.e., read from .class file) class declaration.
 class CBinaryField
          This class represents loaded (compiled) class fields.
 class CBinaryGFCollection
          This class represents a single generic function collection as read from a .class file.
 class CBinaryMethod
          This class represents a loaded (already compiled) class method.
 class CBooleanType
          This class represents the Java boolean type.
 class CBooleanValueType
          This class represents a value specializer for booleans.
 class CCaptureType
          Type resulting from applying capture conversion (JLS3 5.1.10) to a wildcard.
 class CClass
          This class represents a class declaration in the signature hierarchy.
 class CClassContext
          This class represents the context for a class during checking passes (checkInterface, checkInitializers, typecheck).
 class CClassFQNameType
          This class represents a class type when the class name first appears as a forward reference and the name is definitely fully qualified as in an import clause.
 class CClassNameType
          This class represents a class type when the class name first appears as a forward reference.
 class CClassType
          This class represents a class type in the type structure.
 class CCompilationUnitContext
          This class represents the context for a compilation unit during checking passes (checkInterface, checkInitializers, typecheck).
 class CConstructorContext
          This class represents the context for a constructor during checking passes (checkInterface, checkInitializers, typecheck).
 class CContext
          Descendents of this class represent local contexts during checking passes (checkInterface, checkInitializers, typecheck).
 class CCORInitializer
          This generates code to add external generic function dispatcher classes to the chain of responsibility for the appropriate generic function anchor class.
(package private)  class CCORInitializer.CCORInitializer$1
 class CDispatcherInitializer
          This is used as the initializer of a dispatcher class, in RMJ.
 class CErasedClassType
          This class represents class type in the type structure
 class CExpressionContext
          This class represents the context for an expression during checking passes (checkInterface, checkInitializers, typecheck).
 class CExtendedClassContext
          This class represents the context for a class during checking passes (checkInterface, checkInitializers, typecheck).
 class CExtendedCompilationUnitContext
          This class represents the context for a class during checking passes (checkInterface, checkInitializers, typecheck).
 class CExtMethodContext
          This represents the context in which an external method declaration is typechecked.
 class CField
          This class represents an exported member of a class (fields)
 class CFieldAccessorMethod
          This class is the abstract base class for the field getter and setter methods.
 class CFieldGetterMethod
          This class represents a getter method for a field that an inner or enclosing class has privileged access to.
 class CFieldSetterMethod
          This class represents a setter method for a field that an inner or enclosing class has privileged access to.
 class CFieldTable
          This class encapsulates the fields of a class.
 class CFinallyContext
          This class implements the special definite assignment and reachability calculations for combining try and finally blocks in a try-finally statement.
 class CFlowControlContext
          This class is used during typechecking for control flow analysis that maintains local variable definite assignment (JLS2, 16), throwable, and reachability information (JLS2, 14.20).
 class CFunctionAccessMethod
          This generates code to thread-safely return the function field of an external generic function.
static class CGenericFunctionCollection.Impl
 class CGFCollectionMap
          This represents a mapping from compilation units and strings to sets of collections of generic functions: CGFCollectionMap: CCompilationUnit x String -> { CGFCollection }.
static class CGFCollectionMap.SetMap
 class CInitializerContext
          This class represents the context for a static initializer during checking passes (checkInterface, checkInitializers, typecheck).
 class CInterfaceContext
          This class represents the context for an interface declaration during checking passes (checkInterface, checkInitializers, typecheck).
 class CLabeledContext
          This class represents a labeled context during checking passes (checkInterface, checkInitializers, typecheck).
 class CLoopContext
          This class represents the context for a loop statement during checking passes (checkInterface, checkInitializers, typecheck).
 class CMember
          This class represents a member of a class or compilation unit.
 class CMethod
          This class represents an actual method, whether generated from source code or read from a class file.
 class CMethodContext
          This class represents the context for a method during checking passes (checkInterface, checkInitializers, typecheck).
 class CMethodSet
          This class encapsulates a collection of method signatures.
 class CModifier
          This class provides utilities for operating on modifier bit masks.
 class CNullType
          This class represents null class type in the type structure
 class CNumericType
          This class represents java and kopi numericals types Such as byte, short, int, long, float, double
 class CodeSequence
 class COrdinalValueType
          This class represents a value specializer for ordinal types such as byte, short, int, and long.
 class CRealValueType
          This class represents a value specializer for floats and doubles.
 class CSourceAmbiguousDispatcherClass
          This class represents an inner dispatcher class from which an ambiguous error method can be generated.
(package private)  class CSourceAmbiguousDispatcherClass.CSourceAmbiguousDispatcherClass$1
(package private)  class CSourceAmbiguousDispatcherClass.CSourceAmbiguousDispatcherClass$2
(package private)  class CSourceAmbiguousDispatcherClass.CSourceAmbiguousDispatcherClass$3
 class CSourceClass
          This class represents a class read from a *.java file.
(package private)  class CSourceClass.CSourceClass$1
 class CSourceDispatcherClass
          This class represents an inner dispatcher class for a collection of multimethods of the same generic function declared in a single lexical context.
(package private)  class CSourceDispatcherClass.CSourceDispatcherClass$1
(package private)  class CSourceDispatcherClass.CSourceDispatcherClass$2
 class CSourceDispatcherMethod
          This class represents a dispatcher method wrapping a set of multimethods of the same generic function as read from a source file.
 class CSourceDispatcherSignature
          This class represents the type (i.e., $signature) for inner dispatcher classes of an external generic function.
(package private)  class CSourceDispatcherSignature.CSourceDispatcherSignature$1
 class CSourceField
          This class represents an exported member of a class (fields)
 class CSourceFilteredDispatcherMethod
          This class represents a special dispatcher method for superclass method invocations whose caller is an external method and whose target is the same external generic function to which the caller belongs [see Clifton-01, Figure 24, case s-e4].
 class CSourceGFCollection
          This class represents a single generic function collection, which encapsulates all the top-level methods declared in a given context.
 class CSourceMethod
          This class represents a method read from a source code (*.java) file.
 class CSourceRedirectorMethod
          This class represents a redirector method for a pleomorphic method that belongs to an internal and external generic function.
 class CSpecializedType
          This class represents a specialized type like type1@type2.
 class CStdType
          This class is a singleton that provides variables for the various built-in and java.lang types.
 class CStringValueType
          This class represents a value specializer for Strings.
 class CSwitchBodyContext
          This class represents the context for the body of a switch statement during checking passes (checkInterface, checkInitializers, typecheck).
 class CSwitchGroupContext
          This class represents the context for a switch group during checking passes.
 class CThrowableInfo
          This class represents information on the sorts of exceptions that can be thrown in a particular context.
 class CTopLevel
          This class is a facade for an instance of TypeLoader (or a subclass).
(package private) static class CTopLevel.CTopLevel$1
 class CTryContext
          This class represents the context for a try statement during checking passes (checkInterface, checkInitializers, typecheck).
 class CType
          This class is the root for type hierarchy.
 class CTypeVariable
 class CTypeVariableAlias
 class CUniverseServices
          Service which handles viewpoint adaptation for Generic Universe Types.
 class CValueType
          This class represents a value specializer "type."
 class CVariableInfoTable
          This class stores information about the set of local variables in a given context.
 class CVariableState
          The class stores information about the definitely assigned state of a variable or field.
 class CVoidType
          This class represents Java void type
 class CWildcardType
          Type representing a wildcard (JLS3 4.5.1).
 class CWrapperMethod
          This class represents a wrapper method for a method that an inner or enclosing class has privileged access to.
 class JAddExpression
          This class represents the addition binary expression.
 class JArrayAccessExpression
          This class implements an access to an array.
 class JArrayDimsAndInits
          This class implements an AST node representing a list of expressions used in array dimensioning and an array initialization expression, as in the [1][2][3] in new Integer[1][2][3] or the { 1, 2, 3 } in Integer[] foo = { 1, 2, 3 }.
 class JArrayInitializer
          This class implements a constant list of expressions used in array initialisation.
 class JArrayLengthExpression
          This class represents an array length expression in the AST.
 class JAssertStatement
          The syntax for Java assert statements is defined as follows.
 class JAssignmentExpression
          This class implements the assignment operation
 class JBinaryArithmeticExpression
          This class is an abstract root class for binary expressions.
 class JBinaryExpression
          This class is an abstract root class for binary expressions Here are conversion method following JLS 5.6.2
 class JBitwiseExpression
          This class represents the bitwise AND, OR, and XOR binary expressions.
 class JBlock
          A block is a sequence of statements and local variable declaration statements within braces.
 class JBooleanLiteral
          Root class for all expressions
 class JBreakStatement
          This class represents a break statement.
 class JCastExpression
          This class represents a cast expression '((byte)2)'
 class JCatchClause
          This class represents a catch clause in the syntax tree.
 class JCharLiteral
          A simple character constant
 class JCheckedExpression
          This AST node is used to add a portion of already checked code into code that needs to be checked.
 class JClassBlock
          This class represents an initializer block in a type declaration.
 class JClassDeclaration
          This class represents a java class in the syntax tree
 class JClassExpression
          This class represents an AST node for a class literal expression, e.g., int.class and String.class.
 class JClassFieldDeclarator
          JLS 14.5: Field Statement.
 class JClassFieldExpression
          This class represents the AST node for a field access, e.g.
 class JClassOrGFImport
          This class represents (in the AST) import statements for single classes or generic functions, e.g., import java.util.ArrayList; or import org.multijava.samples.typecheck.
 class JCompilationUnit
          This class represents a single Java compilation unit (typically a file in a file-based compiler like this) in the AST.
 class JCompoundAssignmentExpression
          This class represents the compound assignment operation, e.g., x += 3 and y *= 4, in the AST.
 class JCompoundStatement
          A compound statement is a sequence of statements and local variable declaration statements without braces.
 class JConditionalAndExpression
          This class implements the conditional and operation
 class JConditionalExpression
          This class implements expressions using the conditional operator.
 class JConditionalOrExpression
          This class implements the conditional or operation
 class JConstructorBlock
          This class represents the block of a constructor.
 class JConstructorDeclaration
          This class represents a constructor in the AST
 class JContinueStatement
          A continue statement may occur only in a while, do, or for statement; statements of these three kinds are called iteration statements.
 class JDivideExpression
          This class represents the division binary expression.
 class JDoStatement
          This class represents a do statement in the AST.
 class JEmptyStatement
          This class represents an empty statement, which does nothing.
 class JEqualityExpression
          This class represents the AST node for the equality operators.
 class JExplicitConstructorInvocation
          This class represents a explicit call to a super or self constructor.
 class JExpression
          This class is the root class for all classes representing expression nodes in the AST.
 class JExpressionListStatement
          This class represents an expression list, a comma-separated list of expression statements used in the initializer and iterator of a for-loop statement.
 class JExpressionStatement
          Certain kinds of expressions may be used as statements by following them with semicolon.
 class JFieldDeclaration
          This class represents a field declaration in the syntax tree.
 class JFormalParameter
          This class represents a parameter declaration in the syntax tree
 class JForStatement
          This class represents a for statement in the AST.
 class JGeneratedLocalVariable
          This class represents a compiler-generated local variable declaration.
 class JIfStatement
          This class represents an if statement in the AST.
 class JInitializerDeclaration
          This class represents an initializer (either static or instance) in the AST.
 class JInstanceofExpression
          This class represents an instanceof expression.
 class JInterfaceDeclaration
          This class represents a java interface in the syntax tree
 class JLabeledStatement
          This class represents a labeled statement.
 class JLiteral
          Root class for all literals expression
 class JLocalVariable
          This class represents a local variable declaration in the AST.
 class JLocalVariableExpression
          This class represents the AST node for local variable references.
 class JLoopStatement
          This abstract class is the superclass for all the classes representing loop statements in the AST.
 class JMemberDeclaration
          This class represents a java declaration in the syntax tree
 class JMethodCallExpression
          This class represents method calls methodname( e1, e2, ..., en )
 class JMethodDeclaration
          This class represents a java method in the syntax tree.
(package private)  class JMethodDeclaration.JMethodDeclaration$1
 class JMinusExpression
          This class represents the subtraction binary expression.
 class JModuloExpression
          This class represents the modulo binary expression.
 class JMultExpression
          This class represents the multiplication binary expression.
 class JNameExpression
          This class represents a name within an expression.
 class JNewAnonymousClassExpression
          This class represents a new anonymous class allocation expression.
 class JNewArrayExpression
          This class represents a new array allocation expression 'new type[...]'
 class JNewObjectExpression
          This class represents an object instantiation expression 'new type(...)'
 class JNullLiteral
          A simple character constant
 class JNumberLiteral
          Root class for all number literals
 class JOrdinalLiteral
          This class represents literals of primitive integral types (byte, short, int, long).
 class JOuterLocalVariableExpression
          This class is an AST node and represents a reference to a variable of a surrounding lexical context from within an inner class.
 class JPackageImport
          This class represents (in the AST) full-package import statements, an asterisk.
 class JPackageName
          This class represents package statements in the AST, like package org.multijava.mjc.
 class JParenthesedExpression
          This class represents expression within parentheses.
 class JPhylum
          This class is a superclass for all elements of the parsing tree.
 class JPostfixExpression
          This class represents postfix increment and decrement expressions.
 class JPrefixExpression
          This class represents prefix increment and decrement expressions.
 class JRealLiteral
          This class represents real-valued literals (float, double)
 class JRelationalExpression
          This class represents the AST node for the relational operators, <, >, etc.
 class JResendExpression
          This class represents a MultiJava resend expression, for invoking a directly overridden method of the caller's generic function.
 class JReturnStatement
          This class represents a return statement in the AST.
 class JShiftExpression
          This class represents the shift (left, right, boolean-right) binary expressions.
 class JStatement
          This class is the root class for all classes representing statement nodes in the AST.
 class JStringLiteral
          A simple character constant
 class JSuperExpression
          This class represents a "super" primary expression in an AST.
 class JSwitchGroup
          This class represents an AST node for a group in a switch statement.
 class JSwitchLabel
          This class represents an AST node for the label for a single case of a switch statement.
 class JSwitchStatement
          This class represents a switch statement in the AST.
 class JSynchronizedStatement
          This class represents a synchronized statement in an AST.
 class JThisExpression
          A 'this' expression
(package private)  class JThisExpression.JThisExpression$1
(package private)  class JThisExpression.JThisExpression$2
 class JThrowStatement
          This class represents a throw statement in the AST.
 class JTryCatchStatement
          This class represents a try-catch statement in the AST.
 class JTryFinallyStatement
          This class represents a try-catch statement in the AST.
 class JTypeDeclaration
          This class represents a java class or interface in the syntax tree
(package private)  class JTypeDeclaration.DispatcherClassList
(package private)  class JTypeDeclaration.MethodList
(package private)  class JTypeDeclaration.PleomorphSet
 class JTypeDeclarationStatement
          This class represents a local type declaration statement.
 class JTypeNameExpression
          This class represents the AST node for a type name expression like Object
 class JUnaryExpression
          This class represents unary expressions (unary plus, unary minus, bitwise complement, and logical not).
 class JUnaryPromote
          This class promotes an arithmetic expression to a new type.
 class JVariableDeclarationStatement
          A local variable declaration statement declares one or more local variable names.
 class JVariableDefinition
          This class represents a local variable definition in the syntax tree.
 class JWhileStatement
          This class represents a while statement in the AST.
 class Main
          This class implements the entry point of the MultiJava compiler.
 class MemberAccess
          This class represents and contains the information needed to determine whether a member of a class or compilation unit can be accessed from some other member.
 class MjcPrettyPrinter
          This class implements a Java pretty printer
 class MJGenericFunctionDecl
          This class represents a group of method declarations, all sharing the same name, that together form the top of one or more overloaded external generic function lattices.
 class MJMathModeExpression
          This AST node is used to change the arithmetic mode for a given expression.
 class MJTopLevelAbstractMethodDeclaration
 class MJTopLevelMethodDeclaration
 class MJWarnExpression
          This AST node is used to enable or disable the compile-time and run-time checking of integral arithmetic overflow.
protected static class TestMjcParser.TestCompiler
 class TypeLoader
          This class acts as a symbol table and a cache for types, type signatures, and external generic functions.

Uses of Cloneable in org.multijava.util

Classes in org.multijava.util that implement Cloneable
 class Utils
          This class defines severals utilities methods used in source code

Uses of Cloneable in org.multijava.util.compiler

Classes in org.multijava.util.compiler that implement Cloneable
 class Compiler
          This class defines the common behaviour of all KOPI compilers.
 class CToken
 class Phylum
          This class represents the root class for all elements of the parsing tree


JML is Copyright (C) 1998-2002 by Iowa State University and is distributed under the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This release depends on code from the MultiJava project and is based in part on the Kopi project Copyright (C) 1990-99 DMS Decision Management Systems Ges.m.b.H.