Uses of Interface

Packages that use Comparable JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). 
java.lang JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). 
java.math JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). 
java.sql JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). 
java.util JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). 
org.jmlspecs.checker Contains the source code for a parser and typechecker for JML annotations and java code. 
org.jmlspecs.jmlrac Generates Java classes from JML specifications that check assertions at runtime. 
org.jmlspecs.jmlspec A tool that can generate or compare specification skeletons from Java source or class files. 
org.jmlspecs.jmlunit Generates JUnit test classes from JML specifications. 
org.jmlspecs.models This package is a collection of types with immutable objects; it also enumerators (which have mutable objects) for the types of the immutable collections in the package. 
org.jmlspecs.models.resolve This package is a collection of types with immutable objects based on the RESOLVE specification language's mathematical models. 
org.multijava.mjc Implements mjc, a MultiJava compiler. 
org.multijava.util.classfile Provides an editor for classfiles used by MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language

Uses of Comparable in

Classes in that implement Comparable
 class File
          JML's specification of

Uses of Comparable in java.lang

Classes in java.lang that implement Comparable
 class Byte
          JML's specification of java.lang.Byte.
 class Character
          JML's specification of java.lang.Character.
 class Double
          JML's specification of java.lang.Double.
 class Float
          JML's specification of java.lang.Float.
 class Integer
          JML's specification of java.lang.Integer.
 class Long
          JML's specification of java.lang.Long.
 class Short
          JML's specification of java.lang.Short.
 class String
          JML's specification of java.lang.String.

Uses of Comparable in java.math

Classes in java.math that implement Comparable
 class BigDecimal
 class BigInteger
          JML's specification of java.math.BigInteger.

Uses of Comparable in

Classes in that implement Comparable
 class URI
          JML's specification of

Uses of Comparable in java.sql

Classes in java.sql that implement Comparable
 class Time
          JML specification for Time.
 class Timestamp

Uses of Comparable in java.util

Classes in java.util that implement Comparable
 class Date
          JML's specification of java.util.Date.

Uses of Comparable in org.jmlspecs.checker

Classes in org.jmlspecs.checker that implement Comparable
 class CTypeType
          This class represents the JML \TYPE type.
 class JClassDeclarationWrapper
          A wrapper class to JClassDeclaration to implement JML-specific typechecking.
 class JConstructorDeclarationWrapper
          A class representing a constructor declaration in the syntax tree.
 class JInterfaceDeclarationWrapper
          This class represents a java interface in the syntax tree
 class JMethodDeclarationWrapper
          A class representing a method declaration in the syntax tree.
 class JmlBinarySourceClass
          This class represents a class read from a *.class file.
 class JmlClassDeclaration
          This type represents a java class declaration in the syntax tree.
 class JmlCompilationUnit
          This class represents a single JML compilation unit (typically a file in a file-based compiler like this) in the AST.
 class JmlConstructorDeclaration

 class JmlInterfaceDeclaration
          This class represents a java interface in the syntax tree
 class JmlMethodDeclaration

(package private) static class JmlNode.DummyInitializerDeclaration
          A class for dummy initializer declarations.
 class JmlNumericType
          This class represents the JML primitive numeric types bigint and real.
 class JmlSigBinaryClass
          A class to represent JML class declaratons read from bytecode files.
 class JmlSigBinaryMethod
          A class to represent JML method declaratons read from bytecode files.
 class JmlSourceClass
          A class for representing JML classes read from *.java files.
 class JmlSourceMethod
          A class for representing JML method declaration in the signature forest.
 class JmlTypeDeclaration
          This type represents a java class or interface in the syntax tree.
 class Main.JmlCheckAssignableTask
          A task for checking assignable clauses; this task has to be done after type checking of assignable clauses of the super types so the fields can be combined with those of the subtype (the subtype is the one whose code is being checked against the assignable clauses but the inherited assignable clauses need to be type checked first).
 class Main.JmlModelProgramTask
          A task for checking model programs; this task has to be done after type checking the super types so the type information is available to AST nodes.
 class Main.JmlParseTask
          This class parses a group of files, given by filenames as strings, and generates a forest of ASTs.
 class Main.JmlTypecheckTask
          This class typechecks the source code.

Uses of Comparable in org.jmlspecs.jmldoc.jmldoc_142

Classes in org.jmlspecs.jmldoc.jmldoc_142 that implement Comparable
static class JmlHTML.IntPair
          This class holds a pair of integers, used here to mark the start and (one past the) end of a section of a text string.
static class JmlHTML.IntString
          This class holds an integer and a String, corresponding to a position at which to insert text, and the text to be inserted at that position.
 class Main.JmlHtmlTask
          This class jmlizes java files for each listed java file.
 class Main.MjdocTask
          This class drives the generation of html files.

Uses of Comparable in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac

Classes in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac that implement Comparable
 class Main.JavaParseTask
          A parser class for the seconding round compilation.
 class Main.JmlGenerateAssertionTask
          A task for generating runtime assertion checker (RAC) code.
 class Main.JmlPrettyPrintTask
          A task class for pretty-printing the trees in the AST forest.
 class Main.JmlWriteAssertionTask
          A task class for generating RAC code.
static class RacParser.RacMethodDeclaration
          A RAC node class for representing method declarations.

Uses of Comparable in org.jmlspecs.jmlspec

Classes in org.jmlspecs.jmlspec that implement Comparable
 class Main.JspBinaryPrinterTask
 class Main.JspCompareTask
          A task for generating specification skeletons.
 class Main.JspParseTask
          A task for generating specification skeletons.
 class Main.JspPrettyPrinterTask
          A task for generating specification skeletons.

Uses of Comparable in org.jmlspecs.jmlunit

Classes in org.jmlspecs.jmlunit that implement Comparable
 class Main.TestClassGenerationTask
          A task for generating JML/JUnit test oracle classes.

Uses of Comparable in org.jmlspecs.models

Subinterfaces of Comparable in org.jmlspecs.models
 interface JMLComparable
          JMLTypes with an compareTo operation, as in Comparable.
 interface JMLInfiniteInteger
          Infinite precision integers with an plus and minus infinity.

Classes in org.jmlspecs.models that implement Comparable
 class JMLByte
          A reflection of Byte that implements JMLType.
 class JMLChar
          A reflection of Character that implements JMLType.
 class JMLDouble
          A reflection of Double that implements JMLType.
 class JMLFiniteInteger
          Arbitrary precision integers with a finite value.
 class JMLFloat
          A reflection of Float that implements JMLType.
 class JMLInfiniteIntegerClass
          Class with common code to implement JMLInfiniteInteger.
 class JMLInteger
          A reflection of Integer that implements JMLType.
 class JMLLong
          A reflection of Long that implements JMLType.
 class JMLNegativeInfinity
          Negative Infinity.
 class JMLPositiveInfinity
          Positive Infinity.
 class JMLShort
          A reflection of Short that implements JMLType.
 class JMLString
          A reflection of String that implements JMLType.

Uses of Comparable in org.jmlspecs.models.resolve

Subinterfaces of Comparable in org.jmlspecs.models.resolve
 interface TotallyOrderedCompareTo
          Objects with a totally ordered compareTo operation.

Classes in org.jmlspecs.models.resolve that implement Comparable
 class NaturalNumber
          The natural numbers.

Uses of Comparable in org.jmlspecs.racwrap

Classes in org.jmlspecs.racwrap that implement Comparable
 class Main.CollateFilesTask
          CollateFilesTask is used to put all the source files into a list.
 class Main.PrintFactoryTask
          PrintFactoryTask actually also prints the static members of the class
 class Main.PrintInterfaceTask
          PrintInterfaceTask is used for outputting the interface for the input file.
 class Main.PrintOrigTask
          PrintOrigTask is used to print the modified original class
 class Main.PrintWrapperTask
          PrintWrapperTask is used to print the wrappers class

Uses of Comparable in org.multijava.mjc

Subinterfaces of Comparable in org.multijava.mjc
 interface CompilerPassEnterable
          This is the type of AST nodes that provide methods for handling individual passes of the compilation process.
 interface JClassDeclarationType
          This type represents a java class declaration in the syntax tree.
 interface JCompilationUnitType
          This type represents a single Java compilation unit (typically a file in a file-based compiler like this) in the AST.
 interface JConstructorDeclarationType
          This type represents a constructor in the AST.
 interface JInterfaceDeclarationType
          This type represents a java interface in the syntax tree.
 interface JMethodDeclarationType
          This type represents a java method in the syntax tree.
 interface JTypeDeclarationType
          This type represents a java class or interface in the syntax tree

Classes in org.multijava.mjc that implement Comparable
 class CAnchorInitializer
          This is used as a wrapper around the normal static or instance initializer method of a class that includes nested dispatcher classes (e.g., an anchor class).
 class CArrayType
          This class represents the array type in the type structure.
 class CAssertHelperMethod
          This class represents a synthetic method used in the implementation of Java's assertion mechanism.
 class CAssertStaticInitMethod
          This class represents a static initializer that begins with code to figure out if the associated class has assertions enabled or not.
 class CBadClass
          This class represents an undefined class (something that comes from a bad classfile) This class is not usable to anything, so it will sooner or later produce a comprehensive error.
 class CBinaryClass
          This class represents a class read from a *.class file.
 class CBinaryGFCollection
          This class represents a single generic function collection as read from a .class file.
 class CBinaryMethod
          This class represents a loaded (already compiled) class method.
 class CBooleanType
          This class represents the Java boolean type.
 class CBooleanValueType
          This class represents a value specializer for booleans.
 class CCaptureType
          Type resulting from applying capture conversion (JLS3 5.1.10) to a wildcard.
 class CClass
          This class represents a class declaration in the signature hierarchy.
 class CClassFQNameType
          This class represents a class type when the class name first appears as a forward reference and the name is definitely fully qualified as in an import clause.
 class CClassNameType
          This class represents a class type when the class name first appears as a forward reference.
 class CClassType
          This class represents a class type in the type structure.
 class CCORInitializer
          This generates code to add external generic function dispatcher classes to the chain of responsibility for the appropriate generic function anchor class.
 class CDispatcherInitializer
          This is used as the initializer of a dispatcher class, in RMJ.
 class CErasedClassType
          This class represents class type in the type structure
 class CFieldAccessorMethod
          This class is the abstract base class for the field getter and setter methods.
 class CFieldGetterMethod
          This class represents a getter method for a field that an inner or enclosing class has privileged access to.
 class CFieldSetterMethod
          This class represents a setter method for a field that an inner or enclosing class has privileged access to.
 class CFunctionAccessMethod
          This generates code to thread-safely return the function field of an external generic function.
 class CMethod
          This class represents an actual method, whether generated from source code or read from a class file.
 class CMethodInfo
          VMS 4.6: Methods Each method, and each (class or instance) initialization method is described by this structure.
 class CNullType
          This class represents null class type in the type structure
 class CNumericType
          This class represents java and kopi numericals types Such as byte, short, int, long, float, double
 class COrdinalValueType
          This class represents a value specializer for ordinal types such as byte, short, int, and long.
 class CRealValueType
          This class represents a value specializer for floats and doubles.
 class CSourceAmbiguousDispatcherClass
          This class represents an inner dispatcher class from which an ambiguous error method can be generated.
(package private)  class CSourceAmbiguousDispatcherClass.CSourceAmbiguousDispatcherClass$1
(package private)  class CSourceAmbiguousDispatcherClass.CSourceAmbiguousDispatcherClass$2
(package private)  class CSourceAmbiguousDispatcherClass.CSourceAmbiguousDispatcherClass$3
 class CSourceClass
          This class represents a class read from a *.java file.
 class CSourceDispatcherClass
          This class represents an inner dispatcher class for a collection of multimethods of the same generic function declared in a single lexical context.
(package private)  class CSourceDispatcherClass.CSourceDispatcherClass$1
 class CSourceDispatcherMethod
          This class represents a dispatcher method wrapping a set of multimethods of the same generic function as read from a source file.
 class CSourceDispatcherSignature
          This class represents the type (i.e., $signature) for inner dispatcher classes of an external generic function.
(package private)  class CSourceDispatcherSignature.CSourceDispatcherSignature$1
 class CSourceFilteredDispatcherMethod
          This class represents a special dispatcher method for superclass method invocations whose caller is an external method and whose target is the same external generic function to which the caller belongs [see Clifton-01, Figure 24, case s-e4].
 class CSourceGFCollection
          This class represents a single generic function collection, which encapsulates all the top-level methods declared in a given context.
 class CSourceMethod
          This class represents a method read from a source code (*.java) file.
 class CSourceRedirectorMethod
          This class represents a redirector method for a pleomorphic method that belongs to an internal and external generic function.
 class CStringValueType
          This class represents a value specializer for Strings.
 class CType
          This class is the root for type hierarchy.
 class CTypeVariable
 class CTypeVariableAlias
 class CValueType
          This class represents a value specializer "type."
 class CVoidType
          This class represents Java void type
 class CWildcardType
          Type representing a wildcard (JLS3 4.5.1).
 class CWrapperMethod
          This class represents a wrapper method for a method that an inner or enclosing class has privileged access to.
 class JClassDeclaration
          This class represents a java class in the syntax tree
 class JCompilationUnit
          This class represents a single Java compilation unit (typically a file in a file-based compiler like this) in the AST.
 class JConstructorDeclaration
          This class represents a constructor in the AST
 class JInitializerDeclaration
          This class represents an initializer (either static or instance) in the AST.
 class JInterfaceDeclaration
          This class represents a java interface in the syntax tree
 class JMethodDeclaration
          This class represents a java method in the syntax tree.
(package private)  class JMethodDeclaration.JMethodDeclaration$1
 class JTypeDeclaration
          This class represents a java class or interface in the syntax tree
(package private)  class JTypeDeclaration.MethodRecord
 class Main.CheckInitializerTask
          This class typechecks the initializers of the declarations in the source code.
 class Main.CheckInterfaceTask
          This class checks the interfaces of the declarations in the source code.
 class Main.ParseTask
          This class parses a group of files, given by filenames as strings, and generates a forest of ASTs.
 class Main.PreprocessTask
          This class preprocesses type and generic function imports and groups external methods.
 class Main.PrettyPrintTask
          This class pretty prints the trees in the AST forest.
 class Main.ResolveSpecializerTask
          This class resolves value specializer expressions to the compile-time constants they represent.
 class Main.ResolveTopMethodTask
          This class resolves the top methods of all method declarations.
 class Main.Task
          This abstract class represents a single task to be performed by the compiler.
 class Main.TranslateMJTask
          This class pretty prints the trees in the AST forest.
 class Main.TreeProcessingTask
          This class is subclasses by classes that represent tasks operating on a forest of ASTs.
 class Main.TypecheckTask
          This class typechecks the source code.
 class MJGenericFunctionDecl
          This class represents a group of method declarations, all sharing the same name, that together form the top of one or more overloaded external generic function lattices.
 class MJTopLevelAbstractMethodDeclaration
 class MJTopLevelMethodDeclaration

Uses of Comparable in org.multijava.util

Classes in org.multijava.util that implement Comparable
 class Destination
          This class represents the destination of the output of one of the tools included in the project.

Methods in org.multijava.util that return Comparable
 Comparable MjcHashRelation.get(Object key)
          Returns the least value in the set of values mapped to by the given key (if the image of the given key has been sorted), or null if this key is not in the domain of the theRelation.
 Comparable MjcHashRelation.put(Object key, Comparable value)
          Adds value to the set of values in the image of the given key.
 Comparable MjcHashRelation.getNextValue(Object key, Comparable value)
static Comparable MjcHashRelation.getNextValueFromN(MjcHashRelation[] rels, Object key, Comparable value)

Methods in org.multijava.util with parameters of type Comparable
 Object MjcHashRelation.remove(Object key, Comparable value)
          requires key !
 Comparable MjcHashRelation.put(Object key, Comparable value)
          Adds value to the set of values in the image of the given key.
 Comparable MjcHashRelation.getNextValue(Object key, Comparable value)
static Comparable MjcHashRelation.getNextValueFromN(MjcHashRelation[] rels, Object key, Comparable value)
protected static int MjcHashRelation.findValue(ArrayList theList, Comparable value)
          This method is used to place the elements in theList in order.

Uses of Comparable in org.multijava.util.classfile

Classes in org.multijava.util.classfile that implement Comparable
 class ClassConstant
          This is used to create a Class constant pool item
 class ClassInfo
          VMS 4.1 Class File This is the place where all information about the class defined by this class file resides.
 class FieldInfo
          VMS 4.5: Fields Each field is described by this structure.
 class InnerClassInfo
          This class represents a single entry in the array of classes stored inside an InnerClasses attribute.
 class Member
          VMS 4.5: Members Root class for class members (fields, methods, inner classes and interfaces)
 class MethodInfo
          VMS 4.6: Methods Each method, and each (class or instance) initialization method is described by this structure.
 class MultimethodInfo
          An instance of this data structure describes each multimethod in a class.


JML is Copyright (C) 1998-2002 by Iowa State University and is distributed under the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This release depends on code from the MultiJava project and is based in part on the Kopi project Copyright (C) 1990-99 DMS Decision Management Systems Ges.m.b.H.