Uses of Class

Packages that use ArrayList
org.jmlspecs.checker Contains the source code for a parser and typechecker for JML annotations and java code. 
org.jmlspecs.jmlrac Generates Java classes from JML specifications that check assertions at runtime. 
org.jmlspecs.jmlspec A tool that can generate or compare specification skeletons from Java source or class files. 
org.jmlspecs.jmlunit Generates JUnit test classes from JML specifications. 
org.jmlspecs.samples.jmlkluwer This package contains samples of JML specifications from the paper "JML: a Notation for Detailed Design". 
org.jmlspecs.samples.stacks This package contains samples of JML specifications relating to stacks of various sorts. 
org.multijava.launcher The launcher allows the user to access all of the tools in MJ. 
org.multijava.mjc Implements mjc, a MultiJava compiler. 
org.multijava.mjdoc.mjdoc_142 The mjdoc tool documents java programs that contain MultiJava (MJ) extensions to the Java progamming language; it produces html pages very similar to those produced by the javadoc tool. 
org.multijava.util.backend Provides an optimizer for methods for the compilers in MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language
org.multijava.util.classfile Provides an editor for classfiles used by MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language
org.multijava.util.compiler Provides utilities and superclasses for the compilers in MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language
org.multijava.util.guigen Implements the automatic generation of all of the GUIs for MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language
org.multijava.util.jperf Defines the perfect hashing function generator Package Specification JPerf is the perfect hashing function generator for the compilers in MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language
org.multijava.util.lexgen Provides a lexer for the compilers of MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language
org.multijava.util.msggen Implements the automatic generation of the data structure for all of the compiler messages in MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language
org.multijava.util.optgen Implements the automatic generation of the data structure for all of the command line options in MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language
org.multijava.util.optimize Provides an optimizer for classfiles used by MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language
org.multijava.util.testing Provides JUnit testing utilities for all of the parts of MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language

Uses of ArrayList in org.jmlspecs.ant.tasks

Fields in org.jmlspecs.ant.tasks declared as ArrayList
private  ArrayList DocTask._names

Uses of ArrayList in org.jmlspecs.checker

Fields in org.jmlspecs.checker declared as ArrayList
 ArrayList JmlFieldDeclaration.datagroupContents
protected  ArrayList JmlDataGroupAccumulator.inGroupList
protected  ArrayList JmlDataGroupAccumulator.mapsIntoList
private  ArrayList CParseClassContext.invariants
          A ArrayList of JmlInvariant instance parsed in the class declaration buffered by this.
private  ArrayList CParseClassContext.constraints
          A ArrayList of JmlConstraint instance parsed in the class declaration buffered by this.
private  ArrayList CParseClassContext.representsDecls
          A ArrayList of JmlRepresentsDecl instance parsed in the class declaration buffered by this.
private  ArrayList CParseClassContext.axioms
          A ArrayList of JmlAxiom instance parsed in the class declaration buffered by this.
private  ArrayList CParseClassContext.varAssertions
          A ArrayList of JmlVarAssertion instance parsed in the class declaration buffered by this.
private  ArrayList JmlParser.TypeWeaklyList.types
protected  ArrayList JmlTypeDeclaration.methodList
protected  ArrayList JmlTypeDeclaration.innerList
protected  ArrayList JmlBinaryType.inners
private  ArrayList JmlAssignableFieldSet.dataGroupList
protected  ArrayList JmlAccumSubclassingInfo.assignedFields
protected  ArrayList JmlAccumSubclassingInfo.accessedFields
protected  ArrayList JmlAccumSubclassingInfo.calledMethods

Methods in org.jmlspecs.checker that return ArrayList
 ArrayList JmlMemberDeclaration.inners()
          Returns null unless overridden by a subclass.
 ArrayList JmlDataGroupAccumulator.mapsIntoClauses()
 ArrayList JmlTypeDeclaration.methods()
 ArrayList JmlTypeDeclaration.inners()
 ArrayList JmlTypeDeclaration.getAllMethods()
          Walks up the extends hierarchy and adds all methods to the returned ArrayList.
 ArrayList JmlBinaryType.inners()
 ArrayList JmlCompilationUnit.tlMethods()
 ArrayList JmlFlowControlContext.localVars()

Methods in org.jmlspecs.checker with parameters of type ArrayList
 boolean Main.parseArguments(String[] args, ArrayList infiles)
          Parses the argument list.
 Main.ParseTask Main.firstTask(ArrayList infiles)
          Generates the first task in the compilation sequence.
 void JmlParser.jmlMapsMemberRefExpr(ArrayList namesV)
protected  void JmlLexer.mNOWARN_LABEL_LIST(boolean _createToken, ArrayList list)
 void JmlTypeDeclaration.setMethods(ArrayList m)
 void JmlTypeDeclaration.setInners(ArrayList v)
 void JmlTypeDeclaration.accumAllTypeSignatures(ArrayList accum)
          Adds the signature CSourceClass of this, and of all nested types, to accum.
protected  void JmlMLLexer.mNOWARN_LABEL_LIST(boolean _createToken, ArrayList list)
protected  void JmlSLLexer.mNOWARN_LABEL_LIST(boolean _createToken, ArrayList list)
static JmlClassDeclaration JmlClassDeclaration.makeInstance(TokenReference where, long modifiers, String ident, CTypeVariable[] typevariables, CClassType superType, boolean isWeakSubtype, CClassType[] interfaces, boolean[] interfaceWeaklyFlags, ArrayList methods, ArrayList inners, JPhylum[] fieldsAndInits, JmlInvariant[] invariants, JmlConstraint[] constraints, JmlRepresentsDecl[] representsDecls, JmlAxiom[] axioms, JmlVarAssertion[] varAssertions, JavadocComment javadoc, JavaStyleComment[] comment, boolean isRefinedType)
          Constructs a class declaration in the parsing tree.
static JmlInterfaceDeclaration JmlInterfaceDeclaration.makeInstance(TokenReference where, long modifiers, String ident, CTypeVariable[] typevariables, CClassType[] interfaces, boolean[] interfaceWeaklyFlags, ArrayList methods, ArrayList inners, JPhylum[] fieldsAndInits, JmlInvariant[] invariants, JmlConstraint[] constraints, JmlRepresentsDecl[] representsDecls, JmlAxiom[] axioms, JmlVarAssertion[] varAssertions, JavadocComment javadoc, JavaStyleComment[] comment, boolean isRefinedType)
          Constructs an interface declaration in the parsing tree.
protected  void JmlJDLexer.mNOWARN_LABEL_LIST(boolean _createToken, ArrayList list)
protected  void JmlAccumSubclassingInfo.acceptAll(ArrayList all)

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.checker with parameters of type ArrayList
JmlCompilationUnit(TokenReference where, JPackageName packageName, CCompilationUnit export, JPackageImportType[] importedPackages, ArrayList importedUnits, JTypeDeclarationType[] typeDeclarations, ArrayList tlMethods, JmlRefinePrefix refinePrefix)
          Constructs a CompilationUnit with the specified top level context
JInterfaceDeclarationWrapper(TokenReference where, long modifiers, String ident, CTypeVariable[] typevariables, CClassType[] interfaces, ArrayList methods, ArrayList inners, JPhylum[] fieldsAndInits, JavadocComment javadoc, JavaStyleComment[] comments, boolean isRefinedType)
          Constructs an interface declaration in the parsing tree.
Main.JmlParseTask(ArrayList infiles)
JmlGUI(Options options, ArrayList infiles, boolean commandLine, boolean standAlone)
JClassDeclarationWrapper(TokenReference where, long modifiers, String ident, CClassType superType, CClassType[] interfaces, ArrayList methods, ArrayList inners, JPhylum[] fieldsAndInits, JavadocComment javadoc, JavaStyleComment[] comments)
          Constructs a class declaration in the parsing tree.
JClassDeclarationWrapper(TokenReference where, long modifiers, String ident, CTypeVariable[] typevariables, CClassType superType, CClassType[] interfaces, ArrayList methods, ArrayList inners, JPhylum[] fieldsAndInits, JavadocComment javadoc, JavaStyleComment[] comments, boolean isRefinedType)
          Constructs a class declaration in the parsing tree.

Uses of ArrayList in org.jmlspecs.jmldoc.jmldoc_142

Fields in org.jmlspecs.jmldoc.jmldoc_142 declared as ArrayList
protected  ArrayList Main.packageList

Methods in org.jmlspecs.jmldoc.jmldoc_142 with parameters of type ArrayList
 boolean Main.runParser(String[] args, MjcCommonOptions opt, ArrayList infiles)
          Runs the argument parser only so the GUI can process options from the command line
 boolean Main.parseArguments(String[] args, ArrayList infiles)
          Parses the argument list.
 void Main.handlePackages(ArrayList packages, ArrayList dirs, ArrayList infiles)
protected  void Main.addRecursivePackages(String packageName, File dir, ArrayList dirs)
          This adds all subdirectories (recursively) as packages to be processed.
 void JmlHTML.findSections(String fileString, String begin, String end, ArrayList extracts)
          This function finds all occurrences of text in 'fileString' bracketed by the given begin and end Strings.
 void JmlHTML.findSections(String fileString, String begin, ArrayList extracts)
          This function finds all occurrences of the string begin in 'fileString' .
protected  void JmlHTML.insertMethodSpecs(JmlTypeDeclaration jmltype, String fileString, ArrayList insertions)
          This method generates the html text for the specifications of the methods for type jmlType, with reference to the original file content in fileString.
protected  void JmlHTML.insertFieldSpecs(JmlTypeDeclaration jmltype, String fileString, ArrayList insertions)
          This method generates the html text for the specifications of the fields for type jmlType, with reference to the original file content in fileString.
protected  void JmlHTML.insertMethodSpecs(JmlMethodDeclaration jm, String fileString, ArrayList insertions, String sig, JmlTypeDeclaration jmltype)
          This method generates the specification text for the method jm with signature string sig belonging to class jmltype, and with reference to the original html file in fileString.

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.jmldoc.jmldoc_142 with parameters of type ArrayList
JmldocGUI(Options options, ArrayList infiles, boolean commandLine, boolean standAlone)

Uses of ArrayList in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac

Fields in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac declared as ArrayList
private  ArrayList PreValueVars.variables
private  ArrayList TransType.laterMethods
private  ArrayList Main.JmlWriteAssertionTask.racFiles
          temp rac files to be compiled by the next task

Methods in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac that return ArrayList
 ArrayList Main.JmlWriteAssertionTask.racFiles()

Methods in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac with parameters of type ArrayList
 Main.ParseTask Main.firstTask(ArrayList infiles)
          Generates the first task in the compilation sequence.
protected  void TransType.translateBody(ArrayList inners, ArrayList methods, JPhylum[] fieldsAndInits)
          Translates a class body, either of class or interface.
protected  void TransClass.translateBody(ArrayList inners, ArrayList methods, JPhylum[] fieldsAndInits)
          Translates a class body of the target class declaration.

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac with parameters of type ArrayList
Main.JavaParseTask(ArrayList infiles)
RacGUI(Options options, ArrayList infiles, boolean commandLine, boolean standAlone)

Uses of ArrayList in org.jmlspecs.jmlspec

Fields in org.jmlspecs.jmlspec declared as ArrayList
(package private)  ArrayList Main.binaries
protected  ArrayList Main.JspParseTask.additionalFiles

Methods in org.jmlspecs.jmlspec with parameters of type ArrayList
 void Main.handlePackages(ArrayList packages, ArrayList dirs, ArrayList infiles)
 Main.ParseTask Main.firstTask(ArrayList infiles)
protected  void Main.runSetInitialTasks(ArrayList infiles)
 String JspComparator.compareGFs(ArrayList tlmethods, ArrayList jtlmethods, String filename, String jfilename)
protected  void JspPrettyPrinter.visitClassBody(ArrayList inners, ArrayList methods, JPhylum[] fieldsAndInits)
protected  void JspPrettyPrinter.doDefaultConstructor(ArrayList methods)
          Checks if there are any constructors; if not adds a default constructor.
protected  void JspPrettyPrinter.visitInterfaceBody(ArrayList methods, JPhylum[] fieldsAndInits, ArrayList inners)

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.jmlspec with parameters of type ArrayList
Main.JspParseTask(ArrayList infiles)
JspGUI(Options options, ArrayList infiles, boolean commandLine, boolean standAlone)

Uses of ArrayList in org.jmlspecs.jmlunit

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.jmlunit with parameters of type ArrayList
JntGUI(Options options, ArrayList infiles, boolean commandLine, boolean standAlone)

Uses of ArrayList in org.jmlspecs.racwrap

Fields in org.jmlspecs.racwrap declared as ArrayList
private  ArrayList Main.wrapFiles
          these are the files that the wrapper version generated.

Uses of ArrayList in org.jmlspecs.samples.jmlkluwer

Fields in org.jmlspecs.samples.jmlkluwer declared as ArrayList
private  ArrayList PriorityQueue.levels

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.jmlkluwer that return ArrayList
private  ArrayList PriorityQueue.getLevelList(int argPriorityLevel)

Methods in org.jmlspecs.samples.jmlkluwer with parameters of type ArrayList
private  int PriorityQueue.getLevelOf(ArrayList levelList)

Uses of ArrayList in org.jmlspecs.samples.stacks

Fields in org.jmlspecs.samples.stacks declared as ArrayList
protected  ArrayList UnboundedStackAsArrayList.elems

Uses of ArrayList in org.multijava.dis

Fields in org.multijava.dis declared as ArrayList
private  ArrayList InstructionHandle.lineNumbers

Uses of ArrayList in org.multijava.launcher

Fields in org.multijava.launcher declared as ArrayList
(package private)  ArrayList

Uses of ArrayList in org.multijava.mjc

Subclasses of ArrayList in org.multijava.mjc
(package private)  class JTypeDeclaration.DispatcherClassList
(package private)  class JTypeDeclaration.MethodList

Fields in org.multijava.mjc declared as ArrayList
private  ArrayList FunctionalTestSuite.TestCase.splitCache
          Used by split() to split strings into words.
private  ArrayList JCompilationUnit.importedUnits
private  ArrayList JCompilationUnit.tlMethods
          AST subtrees for the augmenting method declarations.
protected  ArrayList Main.classes
private  ArrayList CAbstractMethodSet.methods
          The signatures of the methods in this collection.
protected  ArrayList CSourceAmbiguousDispatcherClass.dispatchedPositions
private  ArrayList CodeSequence.handlers
private  ArrayList CodeSequence.lines
protected  ArrayList JTypeDeclaration.methods
protected  ArrayList JTypeDeclaration.inners
          Stores the nested and inner types and private generic functions of the type or generic function represented by this.
private  ArrayList CFlowControlContext.localVars
private  ArrayList CParseClassContext.methods
private  ArrayList CParseClassContext.inners
private  ArrayList CParseClassContext.fieldsAndInits
private  ArrayList CParseCompilationUnitContext.packageImports
private  ArrayList CParseCompilationUnitContext.singleImports
private  ArrayList CParseCompilationUnitContext.typeDeclarations
private  ArrayList CParseCompilationUnitContext.tlMethods
private  ArrayList CCompilationUnit.directlyVisibleTypes
          The set of reference types that are directly visible in this compilation unit.
private  ArrayList JPackageImport.classesUsed
private  ArrayList TestJTypeDeclaration.classes
(package private)  ArrayList CType.MethodSignatureParser.res
private  ArrayList CType.TupleCollection.members
private static ArrayList Debug.lines

Methods in org.multijava.mjc that return ArrayList
 ArrayList CMethod.genMethodInfo()
          Generate the method information for this for constructing a class file [JVM2 4.6].
 ArrayList CSourceMethod.genMethodInfo()
 ArrayList JCompilationUnit.tlMethods()
          Returns the AST subtrees for the augmenting method declarations.
 ArrayList JCompilationUnit.importedUnitsAsArrayList()
abstract  ArrayList JCompilationUnitType.tlMethods()
          Returns the AST subtrees for the augmenting method declarations.
abstract  ArrayList JTypeDeclarationType.getAllMethods()
          Walks up the extends hierarchy and adds all methods to the ArrayList returned.
abstract  ArrayList JTypeDeclarationType.methods()
abstract  ArrayList JTypeDeclarationType.inners()
 ArrayList CSourceDispatcherMethod.genMethodInfo()
          Returns a list of CMethodInfo instances, one for this dispatcher and one for each multimethod body referenced by this.
 ArrayList CClass.getAllInheritedMethods()
          Return all methods that are inherited from supertypes, except for those overridden in this class.
 ArrayList CSourceAmbiguousDispatcherClass.CSourceAmbiguousDispatcherClass$1.genMethodInfo()
 ArrayList CSourceAmbiguousDispatcherClass.CSourceAmbiguousDispatcherClass$2.genMethodInfo()
 ArrayList CSourceAmbiguousDispatcherClass.CSourceAmbiguousDispatcherClass$3.genMethodInfo()
 ArrayList CSourceDispatcherClass.CSourceDispatcherClass$1.genMethodInfo()
 ArrayList CCORInitializer.genMethodInfo()
 ArrayList JTypeDeclaration.getAllMethods()
          Walks up the extends hierarchy and adds all methods to the returned ArrayList.
 ArrayList JTypeDeclaration.methods()
 ArrayList JTypeDeclaration.inners()
abstract  ArrayList CFlowControlContextType.localVars()
          Returns the local variables list
 ArrayList CFlowControlContext.localVars()
 ArrayList CParseClassContext.getMethods()
 ArrayList CParseClassContext.getInnerClasses()
 ArrayList CParseCompilationUnitContext.getSingleImports()
          Returns a list representing all the classes and generic functions imported explicitly in this compilation unit.
 ArrayList CParseCompilationUnitContext.getMJTopLevelMethodDeclarations()
          Returns a list of the top level declarations in this compilation unit context.
 ArrayList CSourceRedirectorMethod.genMethodInfo()
          Overrides superclass method so that the redirection code will be generated for this method, even though body is null.
 ArrayList CSourceFilteredDispatcherMethod.genMethodInfo()
          Generates the method info record for the .class file.
 ArrayList CFunctionAccessMethod.genMethodInfo()
 ArrayList CAnchorInitializer.genMethodInfo()
 ArrayList CDispatcherInitializer.genMethodInfo()

Methods in org.multijava.mjc with parameters of type ArrayList
protected  CMethodSet CMethod.setOverriddenMethodSet(CClassType[] args, ArrayList needbridge, CContextType context)
          Calculates and returns the set of methods overridden by this method.
private  void JCompilationUnit.makeAndStoreAnchorDecl(ArrayList anchorMates, String id, boolean priv, ArrayList anchors, ArrayList privateAnchors)
          Utility method generates a MJGenericFunctionDecl anchor for the given methods and stores it in the appropriate anchor collection.
private static Iterator JCompilationUnit.makeIterator(ArrayList[] l_f)
          Generates an iterator for looping through the cartesian cross-product of the sets of types.
 boolean Main.runParser(String[] args, MjcCommonOptions opt, ArrayList infiles)
          Runs the argument parser only so the GUI can process options from the command line
protected  void Main.parseAtFile(File f, ArrayList v)
          Does the actual tokenizing of the @-file, and puts each element into the list v.
protected  void Main.runSetInitialTasks(ArrayList infiles)
          Sets up the initial tasks that start the parsing.
 boolean Main.parseArguments(String[] args, ArrayList infiles)
          Parses the argument list.
 boolean Main.handleNonOptions(ArrayList infiles)
          This method does any processing of the non-option arguments on the command-line, by mutating the given ArrayList (of String) containing all those arguments; this implementation replaces any directories by files within the directory that are eligible for processing.
 void Main.handleDirectories(ArrayList dirs, ArrayList infiles)
          This processes a list of directories found in the command-line, adding files to infiles as the overridable method sees fit; in this case any java files found in the directory are added.
 void Main.handlePackages(ArrayList packages, ArrayList dirs, ArrayList infiles)
          Processes all the package names found on the command-line, altering the list of directories or files as appropriate.
 File Main.handlePackageName(String packageName, ArrayList dirs)
          Finds the package named by 'packageName' and adds it to the list of File objects in 'dirs'.
private  void Main.addFiles(File directory, ArrayList infiles)
          This is a helper function that (a) adds any relevant files in the directory to 'infiles', and (b) if we are searching directories recursively, calls addFiles on any subdirectories of 'directory'.
 Main.ParseTask Main.firstTask(ArrayList infiles)
          Generates the first task in the compilation sequence.
abstract  void JTypeDeclarationType.setInners(ArrayList v)
abstract  void JTypeDeclarationType.accumAllTypeSignatures(ArrayList accum)
          Adds the signature CSourceClass of this, and of all nested types, to accum.
 CMethodSet CClass.lookupMethodsSpecializedByMethod(CMethod specMethod, CClassType[] args, ArrayList needbridge, CContextType context)
          Searches for the methods specialized by a given method, in the given context, looking in parent hierarchy and augmentation map as needed.
 void CClass.getAllMethods(ArrayList v)
          Walks up the extends hierarchy and adds all methods to the given list.
 void CClass.getAllInheritableMethods(ArrayList v)
          Walks up the extends and implements hierarchies and adds all inheritable methods to the given list, v, if methods of the same signature are not already contained in v.
 void CClass.collectAbstractMethods(ArrayList v, CClassType[] args)
          Walks up the extends hierarchy and adds all abstract methods to the given list.
 void CClass.collectInterfaceMethods(ArrayList v, CClassType[] args)
          Walks up the implements and extends hierarchies and adds all methods of interfaces to the given list.
protected  void CClass.genGenericFunctions(ArrayList accum)
          Accumulates an array of all the required gf_info data structures for this.
 void CMethodSet.appendAbstractMethodsTo(ArrayList v)
          Appends all the abstract methods in this collection to the given list.
 void CMethodSet.appendAbstractMethodsTo(ArrayList v, CClassType[] args)
 void CMethodSet.appendMethodsTo(ArrayList v)
          Appends all the methods in this collection to the given list.
 void CMethodSet.appendMethodsTo(ArrayList v, CClassType[] args)
 void CMethodSet.buildGenericFunctionInfo(ArrayList accum)
protected  void CSourceDispatcherClass.genGenericFunctions(ArrayList accum)
          Accumulates an array of all the required gf_info data structures for this.
 void JTypeDeclaration.setMethods(ArrayList m)
 void JTypeDeclaration.setInners(ArrayList i)
 void JTypeDeclaration.accumAllTypeSignatures(ArrayList accum)
          Adds the signature CSourceClass of this, and of all nested types, to accum.
(package private)  void JTypeDeclaration.MethodList.addAppropriateMethodTo(ArrayList methods, JTypeDeclaration.DispatcherClassList dispClasses, int gfID)
          Determines whether a dispatcher is needed for the methods in this.
 void JSwitchGroup.collectLabels(CodeLabel deflab, ArrayList matches, ArrayList targets)
          Generates a sequence of bytecodes
protected  void MjcPrettyPrinter.visitClassBody(ArrayList inners, ArrayList methods, JPhylum[] fieldsAndInits)
protected  void MjcPrettyPrinter.visitInterfaceBody(ArrayList methods, JPhylum[] fieldsAndInits, ArrayList inners)
protected  void MjcPrettyPrinter.acceptAll(ArrayList all)
 void CBadClass.collectInterfaceMethods(ArrayList v, CClassType[] args)
          collectInterfaceMethods search for a matching method with the provided type parameters look in parent hierarchy as needed
 void CBadClass.collectAbstractMethods(ArrayList v)
          collectAbstractMethods search for a matching method with the provided type parameters look in parent hierarchy as needed

Constructors in org.multijava.mjc with parameters of type ArrayList
JCompilationUnit(TokenReference where, JPackageName packageName, CCompilationUnit export, JPackageImportType[] importedPackages, ArrayList importedUnits, JTypeDeclarationType[] typeDeclarations, ArrayList tlMethods)
          Constructs a CompilationUnit with the specified top level context
JTypeDeclaration(TokenReference where, long modifiers, String ident, CTypeVariable[] typevariables, CClassType[] interfaces, ArrayList methods, ArrayList inners, JPhylum[] fieldsAndInits, JavadocComment javadoc, JavaStyleComment[] comments)
          Constructs a type declaration in the parsing tree.
JInterfaceDeclaration(TokenReference where, long modifiers, String ident, CTypeVariable[] typevariables, CClassType[] interfaces, ArrayList methods, ArrayList inners, JPhylum[] fieldsAndInits, JavadocComment javadoc, JavaStyleComment[] comments)
          Constructs an interface declaration in the parsing tree.
Main.ParseTask(ArrayList infiles)
JClassDeclaration(TokenReference where, long modifiers, String ident, CTypeVariable[] typevariables, CClassType superType, CClassType[] interfaces, ArrayList methods, ArrayList inners, JPhylum[] fieldsAndInits, JavadocComment javadoc, JavaStyleComment[] comment)
          Constructs a class declaration in the parsing tree.
MjcGUI(Options options, ArrayList infiles, boolean commandLine, boolean standAlone)

Uses of ArrayList in org.multijava.mjdoc.mjdoc_142

Fields in org.multijava.mjdoc.mjdoc_142 declared as ArrayList
protected  ArrayList Main.packageList
          ArrayList (of String) of command-line arguments that are packages ('/'-separated and terminated name).
private  ArrayList MjClassDoc.allmethods
          Cached array of the methods (and external methods) of this class.
private  ArrayList MjClassDoc.tlmethods
          ArrayList of the internal and external methods of this class.
private  ArrayList MjPackageDoc.classesInOrder
          This is a list of the classes in the package in the order in which they have been added.
private  ArrayList MjPackageDoc.extMethods
          A collection of the compilation units containing external methods in this package.
private  ArrayList MjPackageDoc.ordinaryClasses
          Holder for all ordinary classes registered as part of this package.
private  ArrayList MjPackageDoc.errorClasses
          Holder for all error classes registered as part of this package.
private  ArrayList MjPackageDoc.exceptionClasses
          Holder for all exception classes registered as part of this package.
private  ArrayList MjPackageDoc.interfaces
          Holder for all interfaces registered as part of this package.
private  ArrayList MjExtMethodsDoc.methods
          ArrayList of the methods of this class, in the order of declaration.
private  ArrayList MjRootDoc.specifiedClasses
          Holds a list of the classes that are 'specified classes', namely those that will have html generated.
private  ArrayList MjRootDoc.specifiedPackages
          Holds a list of the packages that are 'specified packages', namely those that will have html generated.
private  ArrayList MjRootDoc.specifiedExtMethodUnits
          Holds a list of the ext methods units that are 'specified', namely those that will have html generated.
private  ArrayList MjRootDoc.extMethodsCU
          Holds a list of the external methods compilation units.

Methods in org.multijava.mjdoc.mjdoc_142 that return ArrayList
 ArrayList MjClassDoc.methodsList()
          Returns the array of (internal and external) methods of this class (as a MjMethodDoc array), according to the filter set in memberFilter.
 ArrayList MjClassDoc.allmethods()
          Returns the array of (internal and external) methods of this class (as a MjMethodDoc array), according to the filter set in memberFilter.
 ArrayList MjClassDoc.constructorsD(boolean addDefault)
 ArrayList MjPackageDoc.extMethodsUnits()
          Returns a collection of MjExtMethodsDoc objects for this package.
 ArrayList MjExtMethodsDoc.methods()
          Returns the external methods in this compilation unit (ArrayList of MjMethodDoc).
 ArrayList MjRootDoc.extMethods()
          Returns the collection of all the registered external method compilation units.
 ArrayList MjRootDoc.specifiedExtMethods()
          Returns the collection of the specified external method compilation units.

Methods in org.multijava.mjdoc.mjdoc_142 with parameters of type ArrayList
 boolean Main.runParser(String[] args, MjcCommonOptions opt, ArrayList infiles)
          Runs the argument parser only so the GUI can process options from the command line
 boolean Main.parseArguments(String[] args, ArrayList infiles)
          Parses the argument list.
 void Main.handlePackages(ArrayList packages, ArrayList dirs, ArrayList infiles)
          Handles the package names found on the command-line by making them 'selected' for the purpose of the javadoc API and converting them into directory names for the purpose of the parser.
protected  void Main.addRecursivePackages(String packageName, File dir, ArrayList dirs)
          This adds all subdirectories (recursively) as packages to be processed.
 void MjdocStandard.writeGenericFunction(MjMethodDoc top, MjMethodDoc prev, MjMethodDoc next, ArrayList v)
          Writes out a specific generic function page.
static void MjdocWrapper.selectPackages(ArrayList v)
          This function creates and specifies the list of packages in the given ArrayList; the ArrayList consists of String objects, each of which is a '/'-separated and '/'-terminated package name.
 void MjdocWrapper.registerGFs(ArrayList tlmethods, MjExtMethodsDoc mje)
private  void MjdocWrapper.parseArguments(String[] args, MjcCommonOptions options, ArrayList remainingArgs)
          Parse the Javadoc options into the options structure
private  void MjdocWrapper.parseOptions(MjcCommonOptions options, ArrayList opt)
          Loads the javadoc options from the Options AST into an array so they can be passed to javadoc
 void MjdocMethodSubWriter.printMethodsSummary(ArrayList methods)
 void MjdocMethodSubWriter.printMethods(ArrayList methods)
 void MjdocMethodWriter.generateGenericFunctionFile(MjMethodDoc top, ArrayList methods)
          Generate the class file contents.
static void MjdocGFWriter.generate( configuration, MjMethodDoc methoddoc, MjMethodDoc prev, MjMethodDoc next, ArrayList methods, boolean nopackage)
          Generate a method page.
 void MjdocGFWriter.generateGenericFunctionFile(MjMethodDoc top, ArrayList methods)
          Generate the file contents.
static void MjdocEMWriter.generate( configuration, MjExtMethodsDoc methoddoc, MjExtMethodsDoc prev, MjExtMethodsDoc next, ArrayList methods, boolean nopackage)
          Generate a external method compilation unit page.
 void MjdocEMWriter.generateExtMethodsFile(MjExtMethodsDoc top, ArrayList methods)
          Generate the file contents.

Constructors in org.multijava.mjdoc.mjdoc_142 with parameters of type ArrayList
MjdocGUI(Options options, ArrayList infiles, boolean commandLine, boolean standAlone)
MjdocMethodWriter( config, String path, String filename, MjDoc methoddoc, MjMethodDoc prev, MjMethodDoc next, ArrayList methods, boolean nopackage)
MjdocGFWriter( configuration, String path, String filename, MjMethodDoc methoddoc, MjMethodDoc prev, MjMethodDoc next, ArrayList methods, boolean nopackage)
MjdocEMWriter( configuration, String path, String filename, MjExtMethodsDoc methoddoc, MjExtMethodsDoc prev, MjExtMethodsDoc next, ArrayList methods, boolean nopackage)

Uses of ArrayList in org.multijava.util

Fields in org.multijava.util declared as ArrayList
(package private)  ArrayList[] TestArrayListCache.lists
private static ArrayList[] ArrayListCache.cacheArray

Methods in org.multijava.util that return ArrayList
static ArrayList ArrayListCache.request(int size)
          Returns an empty ArrayList whose capacity is at least of the given size.
static ArrayList ArrayListCache.request()
          Returns an empty ArrayList of default capacity.
static ArrayList ArrayListCache.request(Collection content)
          Returns an ArrayList whose initial contents are the given collection.

Methods in org.multijava.util with parameters of type ArrayList
 boolean Options.parseCommandLine(String[] argv, ArrayList infiles)
          Parses and evaluates the command line arguments.
protected static int MjcHashRelation.findValue(ArrayList theList, Comparable value)
          This method is used to place the elements in theList in order.
static void ArrayListCache.release(ArrayList al)
          Adds the given ArrayList back to the cache.

Uses of ArrayList in org.multijava.util.backend

Fields in org.multijava.util.backend declared as ArrayList
private  ArrayList MethodEnv.locals
private  ArrayList InstructionHandle.lineNumbers
private  ArrayList InstructionHandle.accessors
private  ArrayList InferenceNode.temps
private  ArrayList InferenceNode.links
private  ArrayList LivenessAnalysis.vect

Methods in org.multijava.util.backend that return ArrayList
 ArrayList InferenceNode.getInferences()
          Returns the linked nodes.

Methods in org.multijava.util.backend with parameters of type ArrayList
static QTemporary[] QQuadruple.buildQuadruples(MethodEnv env, BasicBlock block, InstructionHandle[] insns, QTemporary[] entryStack, ArrayList vect)
          Builds the quadruple list
 void InstructionHandle.addLineNumberInfo(ArrayList lineNumberInfo)
          Adds line number info stored for the instruction to the specified list.
private  void ControlFlow.closeBasicBlock(BasicBlock current, ArrayList body, ArrayList bblocks)
private  void ControlFlow.clean(HandlerInfo[] handlers, ArrayList vbblocks)

Uses of ArrayList in org.multijava.util.classfile

Fields in org.multijava.util.classfile declared as ArrayList
private  ArrayList InstructionIO.forwards
private  ArrayList InstructionIO.switches
private  ArrayList[] RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotationsAttribute.annotations
          the parameter annotations
private  ArrayList Annotation.elementValuePairs
          The element-value pairs associated with this annotation
private  ArrayList RuntimeVisibleAnnotationsAttribute.annotations
          the runtime-visisble annotations

Methods in org.multijava.util.classfile with parameters of type ArrayList
private static FieldInfo[] ClassInfo.makeFieldInfoArray(ArrayList vector)
private static MethodInfo[] ClassInfo.makeMethodInfoArray(ArrayList vector)
private static ClassConstant[] ClassInfo.makeInterfacesArray(ArrayList vector)
protected  void GenericFunctionInfo.appendMultimethodInfo(ArrayList result)
          Appends the MultimethodInfo objects for the multimethods declared locally for this generic function to result.
protected  void GenericFunctionsAttribute.appendMultimethodInfo(ArrayList result)
          Appends the MultimethodInfo objects for the multimethods declared in this class to result.

Constructors in org.multijava.util.classfile with parameters of type ArrayList
ClassInfo(short modifiers, String thisClass, String superClass, String genericSignature, ArrayList interfaces, ArrayList fields, ArrayList methods, InnerClassInfo[] innerClasses, AttributeList attributes, File sourceFile, boolean deprecated)
          Constructs a new class info structure from source.
SwitchInstruction(InstructionAccessor deflab, ArrayList matches, ArrayList targets)
          Constructs a switch instruction
RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotationsAttribute(ArrayList[] annotations)
          Create a new RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations attribute for a given array of annotations.
RuntimeVisibleAnnotationsAttribute(ArrayList annotations)
          Create a new RuntimeVisibleAnnotations attribute for the given runtime-visible annotations.

Uses of ArrayList in org.multijava.util.compiler

Methods in org.multijava.util.compiler that return ArrayList
 ArrayList Compiler.verifyFiles(ArrayList names)
          Takes a list of file names and checks that each exists.
 ArrayList Compiler.verifyFiles(String[] names)
          Takes an array of file names and checks that each exists.

Methods in org.multijava.util.compiler with parameters of type ArrayList
 ArrayList Compiler.verifyFiles(ArrayList names)
          Takes a list of file names and checks that each exists.
private  void Compiler.readList(ArrayList accum, String name)
          Parses the file referenced by name, extracting the list of files that it contains.

Uses of ArrayList in org.multijava.util.guigen

Fields in org.multijava.util.guigen declared as ArrayList
private  ArrayList DefinitionFile.imports
private  ArrayList DefinitionFile.acceptedSuffixes

Methods in org.multijava.util.guigen that return ArrayList
private static ArrayList DefinitionFile.trailList(ArrayList list)
          Strips the leading and trailing quotes from an ArrayList of strings
 ArrayList GuigenParser.aNameList()
 ArrayList GuigenParser.aStringList()

Methods in org.multijava.util.guigen with parameters of type ArrayList
private static ArrayList DefinitionFile.trailList(ArrayList list)
          Strips the leading and trailing quotes from an ArrayList of strings

Constructors in org.multijava.util.guigen with parameters of type ArrayList
DefinitionFile(String sourceFile, String packageName, ArrayList imports, String prefix, String readableFiles, String webpageName, String webpageLocation, ArrayList acceptedSuffixes)
          Constructs a definition file

Uses of ArrayList in org.multijava.util.jperf

Fields in org.multijava.util.jperf declared as ArrayList
private  ArrayList Graph.nodes

Methods in org.multijava.util.jperf with parameters of type ArrayList
private static String[] Main.makeStringArray(ArrayList vec)
          Transforms a list of strings into a string array, clears the list, and returns the list to the ArrayList cache.

Uses of ArrayList in org.multijava.util.lexgen

Methods in org.multijava.util.lexgen with parameters of type ArrayList
private static String[] Main.makeStringArray(ArrayList vec)
          Transforms a list of strings into a string array.

Constructors in org.multijava.util.lexgen with parameters of type ArrayList
DefinitionFile(String sourceFile, String packageName, String vocabulary, String prefix, List flags, ArrayList definitions)
          Constructs a token definition file

Uses of ArrayList in org.multijava.util.msggen

Constructors in org.multijava.util.msggen with parameters of type ArrayList
DefinitionFile(String sourceFile, String packageName, String prefix, ArrayList definitions)
          Constructs a token definition file

Uses of ArrayList in org.multijava.util.optgen

Fields in org.multijava.util.optgen declared as ArrayList
private  ArrayList OptionDefinition.tableHeader
private  ArrayList OptionDefinition.selection
private  ArrayList

Methods in org.multijava.util.optgen that return ArrayList
private static ArrayList OptionDefinition.trailArrayList(ArrayList a)
 ArrayList OptgenParser.aStringArray()

Methods in org.multijava.util.optgen with parameters of type ArrayList
private static ArrayList OptionDefinition.trailArrayList(ArrayList a)

Constructors in org.multijava.util.optgen with parameters of type ArrayList
DefinitionFile(String sourceFile, String packageName, String parent, String implement, String prefix, String version, String usage, String url, ArrayList definitions)
          Constructs a definition file
OptionDefinition(String longname, String shortname, String action, String type, String defaultValue, String argument, ArrayList tableHeader, ArrayList selection, ArrayList help, int caseValue, String guiType)
          Constructs an option definition

Uses of ArrayList in org.multijava.util.optimize

Fields in org.multijava.util.optimize declared as ArrayList
private  ArrayList InstructionHandle.lineNumbers
private  ArrayList InstructionHandle.accessors

Methods in org.multijava.util.optimize with parameters of type ArrayList
 void InstructionHandle.addLineNumberInfo(ArrayList lineNumberInfo)
          Adds line number info stored for the instruction to the specified vector.

Uses of ArrayList in org.multijava.util.testing

Methods in org.multijava.util.testing that return ArrayList
static ArrayList Utils.parseResult(String command)
          Executes the given command as an external executable, reads the text produced and tokenizes it into Strings (separated by whitespace).
static ArrayList Utils.parseFoundLine(String content, String filename)
          Finds the first line with the given String in the given file and parses the content into tokens.


JML is Copyright (C) 1998-2002 by Iowa State University and is distributed under the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This release depends on code from the MultiJava project and is based in part on the Kopi project Copyright (C) 1990-99 DMS Decision Management Systems Ges.m.b.H.