Uses of Class

Packages that use HashMap JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). 
java.lang JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). 
java.util JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). 
org.jmlspecs.checker Contains the source code for a parser and typechecker for JML annotations and java code. 
org.jmlspecs.jmldoc The jmldoc tool documents java programs that contain JML (Java Modeling Language) annotations included as specially formatted comments; the generated html pages are very similar to those produced by javadoc, but with annotation information added. 
org.jmlspecs.jmlrac Generates Java classes from JML specifications that check assertions at runtime. 
org.jmlspecs.jmlrac.runtime Classes for use during runtime assertion checking for code compiled with JML's runtime assertion checking compiler (jmlc). 
org.jmlspecs.jmlspec A tool that can generate or compare specification skeletons from Java source or class files. 
org.jmlspecs.jmlunit Generates JUnit test classes from JML specifications. 
org.multijava.mjc Implements mjc, a MultiJava compiler. 
org.multijava.mjdoc The mjdoc tool documents java programs that contain MultiJava (MJ) extensions to the Java progamming language; it produces html pages very similar to those produced by the javadoc tool. 
org.multijava.util.backend Provides an optimizer for methods for the compilers in MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language
org.multijava.util.classfile Provides an editor for classfiles used by MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language
org.multijava.util.lexgen Provides a lexer for the compilers of MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language
org.multijava.util.optimize Provides an optimizer for classfiles used by MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language
org.multijava.util.testing Provides JUnit testing utilities for all of the parts of MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language

Uses of HashMap in

Fields in declared as HashMap
private static HashMap ObjectInputStream.primClasses

Uses of HashMap in java.lang

Fields in java.lang declared as HashMap
private  HashMap ClassLoader.packages

Uses of HashMap in

Fields in declared as HashMap
private static HashMap InetAddress.lookupTable

Uses of HashMap in java.util

Methods in java.util with parameters of type HashMap
(package private)  void HashMap.Entry.recordAccess(HashMap m)
(package private)  void HashMap.Entry.recordRemoval(HashMap m)

Uses of HashMap in org.jmlspecs.checker

Fields in org.jmlspecs.checker declared as HashMap
private  HashMap JmlDataGroupMemberMap.memberMap
private  HashMap JmlTypeLoader.fileASTs
          A mapping from files to the ASTs parsed from those files.
private  HashMap JmlTypeLoader.incompleteTasksByQName
private static HashMap JmlTypeLoader.typeDeclASTs
private static HashMap NonNullStatistics.hmSpecCase
static HashMap NonNullStatistics.hmNnStat
static HashMap NonNullStatistics.hmArgs
static HashMap NonNullStatistics.hmNonnull
static HashMap NonNullStatistics.hmSuperSpec

Methods in org.jmlspecs.checker that return HashMap
 HashMap JmlVersionOptions.getOptions()
 HashMap JmlCommonOptions.getOptions()
 HashMap JmlOptions.getOptions()

Uses of HashMap in org.jmlspecs.jmldoc

Methods in org.jmlspecs.jmldoc that return HashMap
 HashMap JavadocOptions.getOptions()
 HashMap JmldocOptions.getOptions()

Uses of HashMap in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac

Methods in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac that return HashMap
 HashMap RacOptions.getOptions()

Uses of HashMap in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac.runtime

Fields in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac.runtime declared as HashMap
static HashMap JMLChecker.classes
          A map from fully quallified class names to class objects.

Uses of HashMap in org.jmlspecs.jmlspec

Methods in org.jmlspecs.jmlspec that return HashMap
 HashMap JspOptions.getOptions()

Uses of HashMap in org.jmlspecs.jmlunit

Methods in org.jmlspecs.jmlunit that return HashMap
 HashMap JntOptions.getOptions()

Uses of HashMap in org.jmlspecs.util.dis

Methods in org.jmlspecs.util.dis that return HashMap
 HashMap JDisOptions.getOptions()

Uses of HashMap in org.multijava.dis

Methods in org.multijava.dis that return HashMap
 HashMap DisOptions.getOptions()

Uses of HashMap in org.multijava.mjc

Subclasses of HashMap in org.multijava.mjc
(package private) static class CAugmentationMap.ContextMap
static class CGFCollectionMap.SetMap

Fields in org.multijava.mjc declared as HashMap
private  HashMap Main.currentlyParsingRelation
private  HashMap Main.failedParsingRelation
private  HashMap CFlowControlContext.innerClasses
          A map from identifiers to class signatures for the classes declared via type declaration statements in this context.
private  HashMap TypeLoader.compilationSessionRepCache
          Maintains a mapping of qualified names to type representations; that is, it maps a fully qualified name to the CClassType instance that represents the type.
private  HashMap TypeLoader.vmSessionRepCache
          Maintains a mapping of qualified names to type representations; that is, it maps a fully qualified name to the CClassType instance that represents the type.
private  HashMap CModifier.codesMap
          Maps from code values to preferred positions.

Methods in org.multijava.mjc that return HashMap
 HashMap MjcCommonOptions.getOptions()
 HashMap MjcOptions.getOptions()

Uses of HashMap in org.multijava.mjdoc

Methods in org.multijava.mjdoc that return HashMap
 HashMap JavadocOptions.getOptions()
 HashMap MjdocOptions.getOptions()

Uses of HashMap in org.multijava.util

Fields in org.multijava.util declared as HashMap
private  HashMap MjcHashRelation.theMap

Methods in org.multijava.util that return HashMap
 HashMap Options.getOptions()

Uses of HashMap in org.multijava.util.backend

Fields in org.multijava.util.backend declared as HashMap
private  HashMap LivenessAnalysis.hash

Methods in org.multijava.util.backend that return HashMap
 HashMap BackendOptions.getOptions()

Uses of HashMap in org.multijava.util.classfile

Fields in org.multijava.util.classfile declared as HashMap
private static HashMap ClassPath.allLoadedFile
private static HashMap ClassPath.allLocatedSourceFiles

Methods in org.multijava.util.classfile that return HashMap
 HashMap ClassfileOptions.getOptions()

Uses of HashMap in org.multijava.util.lexgen

Methods in org.multijava.util.lexgen that return HashMap
 HashMap LexgenOptions.getOptions()

Uses of HashMap in org.multijava.util.optimize

Methods in org.multijava.util.optimize that return HashMap
 HashMap OptimizeOptions.getOptions()

Uses of HashMap in org.multijava.util.testing

Methods in org.multijava.util.testing that return HashMap
 HashMap TestingOptions.getOptions()


JML is Copyright (C) 1998-2002 by Iowa State University and is distributed under the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This release depends on code from the MultiJava project and is based in part on the Kopi project Copyright (C) 1990-99 DMS Decision Management Systems Ges.m.b.H.