Class FloatArrayIterator

  extended byorg.jmlspecs.jmlunit.strategies.FloatAbstractIterator
      extended byorg.jmlspecs.jmlunit.strategies.FloatArrayIterator
All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, FloatIterator, IndefiniteIterator

public class FloatArrayIterator
extends FloatAbstractIterator

A FloatIterator over arrays of float elements.

Gary T. Leavens

Class Specifications
public invariant 0 <= <= this.elems.length;

Specifications inherited from class Object
represents objectState <- org.jmlspecs.lang.JMLDataGroup.IT;
public represents _getClass <- \typeof(this);

Model Field Summary
Model fields inherited from class java.lang.Object
_getClass, objectState, theString
Ghost Field Summary
Ghost fields inherited from class java.lang.Object
objectTimesFinalized, owner
Field Summary
[spec_public] private  float[] elems
          The elements
[spec_public] private  int next
          The next element's index (zero based)
Constructor Summary
  FloatArrayIterator(non_null float[] elems)
          Initialize this iterator to iterate over a clone of the array
protected FloatArrayIterator(int next, non_null float[] elems)
          Initialize this iterator to iterate over a clone of the array, starting at the given next index
Model Method Summary
Model methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
Method Summary
 void advance()
          Advance the state of this iteration to the next position.
 boolean atEnd()
          Is this iterator at its end?
 Object clone()
          Return a copy of this iterator in the same state as this object.
 float getFloat()
          Return the current float in this iterator.
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class org.jmlspecs.jmlunit.strategies.FloatAbstractIterator
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private int next
The next element's index (zero based)

Specifications: spec_public
is in groups: objectState


private float[] elems
The elements

Specifications: spec_public non_null
Constructor Detail


public FloatArrayIterator(non_null float[] elems)
Initialize this iterator to iterate over a clone of the array

public normal_behavior
assignable this.elems, next;
ensures == 0&&java.util.Arrays.equals(elems,this.elems);


protected FloatArrayIterator(int next,
                             non_null float[] elems)
Initialize this iterator to iterate over a clone of the array, starting at the given next index

protected normal_behavior
requires 0 <= next&&next <= elems.length;
assignable this.elems,;
ensures == next&&java.util.Arrays.equals(elems,this.elems);
Method Detail


public boolean atEnd()
Description copied from interface: IndefiniteIterator
Is this iterator at its end? That is, if we called get(), would it throw an exception?

Specifications: pure
public normal_behavior
ensures \result <==> !( < this.elems.length);
public normal_behavior
ensures !\result <==> == this.elems.length;
Specifications inherited from overridden method in interface IndefiniteIterator:


public float getFloat()
Description copied from interface: FloatIterator
Return the current float in this iterator.

Specifications: pure
public normal_behavior
requires < this.elems.length;
assignable \nothing;
ensures new java.lang.Float(\result ).equals(new java.lang.Float(this.elems[]));
public exceptional_behavior
requires >= this.elems.length;
assignable \nothing;
signals_only java.util.NoSuchElementException;
public behavior
assignable \nothing;
signals_only java.util.NoSuchElementException;
signals (java.util.NoSuchElementException e) this.atEnd();
Specifications inherited from overridden method in interface FloatIterator:
public behavior
assignable \nothing;
ensures_redundantly this.atEnd() == \old(this.atEnd());
signals_only java.util.NoSuchElementException;
signals (java.util.NoSuchElementException) \old(this.atEnd());


public void advance()
Description copied from interface: IndefiniteIterator
Advance the state of this iteration to the next position. Note that this never throws an exception.

public normal_behavior
requires < this.elems.length;
assignable next;
ensures == \old(;
public normal_behavior
requires == this.elems.length;
assignable \nothing;
Specifications inherited from overridden method in interface IndefiniteIterator:
public normal_behavior
assignable objectState;


public Object clone()
Description copied from interface: FloatIterator
Return a copy of this iterator in the same state as this object.

Specified by:
clone in interface FloatIterator
clone in class FloatAbstractIterator
Specifications: non_null (inherited)pure
Specifications inherited from overridden method in class FloatAbstractIterator:
Specifications inherited from overridden method in class Object:
protected normal_behavior
requires this instanceof java.lang.Cloneable;
assignable \nothing;
ensures \result != null;
ensures \typeof(\result ) == \typeof(this);
ensures (* \result is a clone of this *);
protected normal_behavior
requires this.getClass().isArray();
assignable \nothing;
ensures \elemtype(\typeof(\result )) == \elemtype(\typeof(this));
ensures ((java.lang.Object[])\result ).length == ((java.lang.Object[])this).length;
ensures ( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < ((java.lang.Object[])this).length; ((java.lang.Object[])\result )[i] == ((java.lang.Object[])this)[i]);
requires this.getClass().isArray();
assignable \nothing;
ensures \elemtype(\typeof(\result )) == \elemtype(\typeof(this));
ensures java.lang.reflect.Array.getLength(\result ) == java.lang.reflect.Array.getLength(this);
ensures ( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < java.lang.reflect.Array.getLength(this); ( \exists java.lang.Object result_i; result_i == java.lang.reflect.Array.get(\result ,i); (result_i == null&&java.lang.reflect.Array.get(this,i) == null)||(result_i != null&&result_i.equals(java.lang.reflect.Array.get(this,i)))));
protected exceptional_behavior
requires !(this instanceof java.lang.Cloneable);
assignable \nothing;
signals_only java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException;
protected normal_behavior
requires \elemtype(\typeof(this)) <: \type(java.lang.Object);
assignable \nothing;
ensures \elemtype(\typeof(\result )) == \elemtype(\typeof(this));
ensures ((java.lang.Object[])\result ).length == ((java.lang.Object[])this).length;
ensures ( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < ((java.lang.Object[])this).length; ((java.lang.Object[])\result )[i] == ((java.lang.Object[])this)[i]);
protected normal_behavior
requires \elemtype(\typeof(this)) == \type(int);
assignable \nothing;
ensures \elemtype(\typeof(\result )) == \elemtype(\typeof(this));
ensures ((int[])\result ).length == ((int[])this).length;
ensures ( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < ((int[])this).length; ((int[])\result )[i] == ((int[])this)[i]);
protected normal_behavior
requires \elemtype(\typeof(this)) == \type(byte);
assignable \nothing;
ensures \elemtype(\typeof(\result )) == \elemtype(\typeof(this));
ensures ((byte[])\result ).length == ((byte[])this).length;
ensures ( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < ((byte[])this).length; ((byte[])\result )[i] == ((byte[])this)[i]);
protected normal_behavior
requires \elemtype(\typeof(this)) == \type(char);
assignable \nothing;
ensures \elemtype(\typeof(\result )) == \elemtype(\typeof(this));
ensures ((char[])\result ).length == ((char[])this).length;
ensures ( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < ((char[])this).length; ((char[])\result )[i] == ((char[])this)[i]);
protected normal_behavior
requires \elemtype(\typeof(this)) == \type(long);
assignable \nothing;
ensures \elemtype(\typeof(\result )) == \elemtype(\typeof(this));
ensures ((long[])\result ).length == ((long[])this).length;
ensures ( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < ((long[])this).length; ((long[])\result )[i] == ((long[])this)[i]);
protected normal_behavior
requires \elemtype(\typeof(this)) == \type(short);
assignable \nothing;
ensures \elemtype(\typeof(\result )) == \elemtype(\typeof(this));
ensures ((short[])\result ).length == ((short[])this).length;
ensures ( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < ((short[])this).length; ((short[])\result )[i] == ((short[])this)[i]);
protected normal_behavior
requires \elemtype(\typeof(this)) == \type(boolean);
assignable \nothing;
ensures \elemtype(\typeof(\result )) == \elemtype(\typeof(this));
ensures ((boolean[])\result ).length == ((boolean[])this).length;
ensures ( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < ((boolean[])this).length; ((boolean[])\result )[i] == ((boolean[])this)[i]);
protected normal_behavior
requires \elemtype(\typeof(this)) == \type(float);
assignable \nothing;
ensures \elemtype(\typeof(\result )) == \elemtype(\typeof(this));
ensures ((float[])\result ).length == ((float[])this).length;
ensures ( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < ((float[])this).length; (java.lang.Float.isNaN(((float[])\result )[i])&&java.lang.Float.isNaN(((float[])this)[i]))||((float[])\result )[i] == ((float[])this)[i]);
protected normal_behavior
requires \elemtype(\typeof(this)) == \type(double);
assignable \nothing;
ensures \elemtype(\typeof(\result )) == \elemtype(\typeof(this));
ensures ((double[])\result ).length == ((double[])this).length;
ensures ( \forall int i; 0 <= i&&i < ((double[])this).length; (java.lang.Double.isNaN(((double[])\result )[i])&&java.lang.Double.isNaN(((double[])this)[i]))||((double[])\result )[i] == ((double[])this)[i]);
Specifications inherited from overridden method in interface FloatIterator:
public normal_behavior
assignable \nothing;
ensures \fresh(\result )&&\result instanceof org.jmlspecs.jmlunit.strategies.FloatIterator;
ensures \result != this;
ensures_redundantly \result != null;
ensures ((org.jmlspecs.jmlunit.strategies.FloatIterator)\result ).atEnd() == this.atEnd();
ensures !this.atEnd() ==> new java.lang.Float(((org.jmlspecs.jmlunit.strategies.FloatIterator)\result ).getFloat()).equals(new java.lang.Float(this.getFloat()));
Specifications inherited from overridden method in interface IndefiniteIterator:
public normal_behavior
assignable \nothing;
ensures \fresh(\result )&&\result instanceof org.jmlspecs.jmlunit.strategies.IndefiniteIterator;
ensures \result != this;
ensures_redundantly \result != null;
ensures ((org.jmlspecs.jmlunit.strategies.IndefiniteIterator)\result ).atEnd() == this.atEnd();


public String toString()
toString in class Object
Specifications: non_null
Specifications inherited from overridden method in class Object:
public normal_behavior
assignable objectState;
ensures \result != null&&\result .equals(this.theString);
ensures (* \result is a string representation of this object *);
public code normal_behavior
assignable \nothing;
ensures \result != null&&(* \result is the instance's class name, followed by an @, followed by the instance's hashcode in hex *);
public code model_program { ... }
assignable objectState;
ensures \result != null;


JML is Copyright (C) 1998-2002 by Iowa State University and is distributed under the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This release depends on code from the MultiJava project and is based in part on the Kopi project Copyright (C) 1990-99 DMS Decision Management Systems Ges.m.b.H.