Uses of Class

Packages that use JMLValueToEqualsRelation
org.jmlspecs.models This package is a collection of types with immutable objects; it also enumerators (which have mutable objects) for the types of the immutable collections in the package. 

Uses of JMLValueToEqualsRelation in org.jmlspecs.models

Subclasses of JMLValueToEqualsRelation in org.jmlspecs.models
 class JMLValueToEqualsMap
          Maps (i.e., binary relations that are functional) from non-null elements of JMLType to non-null elements of Object.

Fields in org.jmlspecs.models declared as JMLValueToEqualsRelation
static JMLValueToEqualsRelation JMLValueToEqualsRelation.EMPTY
          The empty JMLValueToEqualsRelation.

Methods in org.jmlspecs.models that return JMLValueToEqualsRelation
 JMLValueToEqualsRelation JMLEqualsToValueRelation.inverse()
          Returns the inverse of this relation.
static JMLValueToEqualsRelation JMLValueToEqualsRelation.singleton(JMLType dv, Object rv)
          Return the singleton relation containing the given association.
static JMLValueToEqualsRelation JMLValueToEqualsRelation.singleton(JMLValueEqualsPair pair)
          Return the singleton relation containing the association described by the given pair.
 JMLValueToEqualsRelation JMLValueToEqualsRelation.add(JMLType dv, Object rv)
          Return a relation that is just like this relation, except that it also associates the given domain element to the given range element.
 JMLValueToEqualsRelation JMLValueToEqualsRelation.insert(JMLValueEqualsPair pair)
          Return a relation that is just like this relation, except that it also includes the association described by the given pair.
 JMLValueToEqualsRelation JMLValueToEqualsRelation.removeFromDomain(JMLType dv)
          Return a relation that is just like this relation, except that it does not contain any association with the given domain element.
 JMLValueToEqualsRelation JMLValueToEqualsRelation.remove(JMLType dv, Object rv)
          Return a relation that is just like this relation, except that it does not contain the association, if any, between the given domain and range elements.
 JMLValueToEqualsRelation JMLValueToEqualsRelation.remove(JMLValueEqualsPair pair)
          Return a relation that is just like this relation, except that it does not contain association described by the given pair.
 JMLValueToEqualsRelation JMLValueToEqualsRelation.compose(JMLValueToValueRelation othRel)
          Return a relation that is the composition of the given relation and this relation.
 JMLValueToEqualsRelation JMLValueToEqualsRelation.union(JMLValueToEqualsRelation othRel)
          Return a relation that union of the this and the given relation.
 JMLValueToEqualsRelation JMLValueToEqualsRelation.intersection(JMLValueToEqualsRelation othRel)
          Return a relation that is the intersection of this and the given relation.
 JMLValueToEqualsRelation JMLValueToEqualsRelation.difference(JMLValueToEqualsRelation othRel)
          Return a relation that is the difference between this and the given relation.
 JMLValueToEqualsRelation JMLValueToEqualsRelation.restrictDomainTo(JMLValueSet dom)
          Return a relation that is like this relation except that its domain is limited to just the elements of the given set.
 JMLValueToEqualsRelation JMLValueToEqualsRelation.restrictRangeTo(JMLEqualsSet rng)
          Return a relation that is like this relation except that its range is limited to just the elements of the given set.
 JMLValueToEqualsRelation JMLObjectToEqualsRelation.compose(JMLValueToObjectRelation othRel)
          Return a relation that is the composition of the given relation and this relation.
 JMLValueToEqualsRelation JMLEqualsToEqualsRelation.compose(JMLValueToEqualsRelation othRel)
          Return a relation that is the composition of the given relation and this relation.

Methods in org.jmlspecs.models with parameters of type JMLValueToEqualsRelation
 JMLValueToValueRelation JMLEqualsToValueRelation.compose(JMLValueToEqualsRelation othRel)
          Return a relation that is the composition of the given relation and this relation.
 JMLValueToEqualsRelation JMLValueToEqualsRelation.union(JMLValueToEqualsRelation othRel)
          Return a relation that union of the this and the given relation.
 JMLValueToEqualsRelation JMLValueToEqualsRelation.intersection(JMLValueToEqualsRelation othRel)
          Return a relation that is the intersection of this and the given relation.
 JMLValueToEqualsRelation JMLValueToEqualsRelation.difference(JMLValueToEqualsRelation othRel)
          Return a relation that is the difference between this and the given relation.
 JMLValueToObjectRelation JMLEqualsToObjectRelation.compose(JMLValueToEqualsRelation othRel)
          Return a relation that is the composition of the given relation and this relation.
 JMLValueToEqualsRelation JMLEqualsToEqualsRelation.compose(JMLValueToEqualsRelation othRel)
          Return a relation that is the composition of the given relation and this relation.

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.models with parameters of type JMLValueToEqualsRelation
JMLValueToEqualsRelationImageEnumerator(JMLValueToEqualsRelation rel)
          Initialize this with the given relation.
JMLValueToEqualsRelationEnumerator(JMLValueToEqualsRelation rel)
          Initialize this with the given relation.


JML is Copyright (C) 1998-2002 by Iowa State University and is distributed under the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This release depends on code from the MultiJava project and is based in part on the Kopi project Copyright (C) 1990-99 DMS Decision Management Systems Ges.m.b.H.