JDE 2.3.2 *************************************************************** * PLEASE READ * *************************************************************** * * * This release requires semantic 1.4beta13 (or later), * * speedbar 0.14beta2 (or later), and * * eieio-0.17beta3 (or later). You can obtain all three * * packages at http://cedet.sourceforge.net * * * * This release requires version 1.2.2 (or later) of the * * JDK. * * * * This release also requires avltree.el, which is part of the * * elib 1.0 package. You can obtain elib at the JDE web site * * in compressed tar (http://jdee.sunsite.dk/elib.tar.gz) * * or zip (http://sunsite.dk/jde/elib.zip) format. * * * * JDEbug runs on Windows 2000 only if Service Pack 2 (or * * later) is installed. * * * * If syntax-coloring does not work, download and install * * overlay-fix.el from the semantic web site. * * * *************************************************************** * Fixes incompatibility between jde-ant-enable-find and jde-ant-read-buildfile. If both are enabled, the value for jde-ant-read-buildfile is used as a default if it is valid. * Fixes bug in the Java ant invocation method. Quoting the classpath with double quotes was not working in Windows systems. * Fixes ant target history to be buildfile specific. * Fixes bug that caused the compile command to fail when jikes is the compiler and jde-compiler does not specify the path of the jikes executable. * Fixes bug that cause the interface wizard to incorrectly generate names of method parameters that are arrays of user-defined types. Thanks to Alphonse Bendt for reporting this bug. * Fixed bug in definition for jde-checkstyle-option-illegal-instantiations. Thanks to Paul Krause. * Enhance the following code templates - jde-gen-interface-buffer-template - jde-gen-console-buffer-template - jde-gen-jfc-app-buffer-template - jde-gen-junit-test-class-buffer-template to use the following javadoc templates instead of literal text - jde-javadoc-author-tag-template - jde-javadoc-version-tag-template - jde-javadoc-end-block-template Thanks to Peter Dobratz. * Fixes bug that caused inadvertent setting of transient mark mode on some user's systems when the user executes the JDE->Help->Symbol at Point command. Thanks to James Cox. * Fixed a bug in the jde-project-update command caused by treating "." as a standard relative path character instead of a project file relative path character. * Added the jde-update-package command to the JDEE's Code Generation menu as JDE->Code Generation->Wizards->Update Package Statement. * The JDEE now loads the jde-package-update command on demand instead of at startup. This change is intended to help reduce the JDEE startup time. * Project-relative paths now work for jde-javadoc-gen-destination-directory. * Fix bug in generation of jde-checkstyle-option-lcurly-method option. Thanks to ABE Yasushi. * The JDEE now comes with the latest version (1.2.7) of the BeanShell. * The JDEE distribution now include jde-ejb.el, which was inadvertently omitted from the previous release. JDE 2.3.1 * Normalizes jde-ant-buildfile before using it. Thanks to Luis Miguel Hernanz * Adds jde-ant-working-directory. * Fixes infinite recursion bug when a project file specifies jde-ant-build as the jde-build-function. * Enhances interface wizard to support implementation of interfaces that reference inner classes. JDE 2.3.0 * This release supports the correct vm command line arguments for the version of the JDK specified by the jde-jdk customization variable. * Fixed bug wherein the JDEE was generating the wrong command line switch for the display classes option of the jde-run-option-verbose option for post JDK 1.1.x vms. * The name of the jde-run-option-connect-to-debugger variable has changed to jde-run-option-debug. * Adds the following run application customization variables: - jde-run-option-boot-classpath - jde-run-option-interpret-mode - jde-run-option-jar - jde-run-option-hotspot-type - jde-run-option-enable-assertions - jde-run-option-disable-assertions - jde-run-option-enable-system-assertions - jde-run-option-disable-system-assertions * The JDEE now builds the class list used by its wizards to resolve unqualified class names from the CLASSPATH environment variable if jde-global-classpath for the current project is nil. * Fixed regression introduced in JDEE that caused symbols to be listed more than once in the jde-symbol-list variable under some circumstances. This in turn caused symbols to be set multiple times in a prj.el file. * Changes the default value for jde-gen-class-buffer-template to use the relevant tempo-template-jde-javadoc instead of literal text. This way jde-gen-class-buffer reflects, for example, a change to tempo-template-jde-javadoc-author-tag. Thanks to Peter Dobratz . * Patched the class list code to change dollar signs ($) to periods (.) in converting class paths to class names. This is intended to fix a bug in the interface wizard. Thanks to Petter Mahlen.