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4.8 Keywords

Several identifiers are reserved for use as keywords in Larch/C++. (See section 4.6 Identifiers, however, for a mechanism for using a Larch/C++ keyword as an identifier.) To be accurate, however, not all such identifiers are always recognized by Larch/C++ as keywords; only an always-keyword is recognized as a keyword everywhere.

keyword ::= term-only-keyword | stmt-exp-only-keyword
    | always-keyword

The following keywords are only recognized as keywords in places where a Larch/C++ predicate or term (see section 6.1 Predicates) can appear. Therefore, within a C++ statement or expression each is recognized as an identifier. (The keyword on, while not technically appearing within a term, is treated the same way.)

term-only-keyword ::= fresh | informally | liberally
    | on          | nothing     | post
    | pre         | redundantly | result
    | returns     | self        | then
    | thrown      | throws      | trashed
    | unchanged   

The following keywords are not recognized as keywords within a Larch/C++ term or predicate; in such places they are recognized as identifiers. Outside of a term, they are recognized as keywords, and can thus be used as keywords within a C++ statement or expression.

stmt-exp-only-keyword ::= break | case | catch
    | const_cast  | continue    | default
    | delete      | dynamic_cast| goto       
    | new         | reinterpret_cast| return     
    | static_cast | switch      | throw      
    | try         | typeid

The following keywords are recognized as keywords in every context. That is, they are truly reserved words. Note that the C++ keywords if, else, and for are used differently within specification terms in Larch/C++ than in C++.

always-keyword ::= abstract | accesses | also
   | any         | asm         | assert      
   | assume      | auto        | behavior    
   | be          | by          | calls       
   | char        | choose      | class       
   | constraint  | constructs  | const       
   | decreasing  | depends     | double      
   | do          | else        | ensures     
   | enum        | everything  | example     
   | expects     | explicit    | extern      
   | float       | for         | friend      
   | if          | inline      | int         
   | invariant   | is          | let         
   | long        | maintaining | modifies    
   | mutable     | namespace   | operator    
   | or          | private     | program     
   | protected   | public      | reach       
   | refine      | register    | represents  
   | requires    | satisfies   | short       
   | signature   | signed      | simulates   
   | sizeof      | spec        | static      
   | struct      | template    | this        
   | throw       | trashes     | typedef     
   | typename    | union       | unsigned    
   | uses        | using       | virtual     
   | void        | volatile    | wchar_t     
   | weakly      | where       | while       
   | with        

See section 4.15 Alternative Tokens, for other reserved words, used to support limited character sets.

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