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“Classification of noisy patterns using ARTMAP-based neural networks”, Proceedings SPIE; Conference on Visual Information Processing IX, pp. 2-13, 2008.
, “Use of multifractals to detect anomalous propagation (AP) in weather radar”, Proceedings SPIE; Conference on Signals and Data Processing of Small Targets, pp. 13–22, 2008.
, “Fuzzy ART and ARTMAP with adaptive weighted distances”, Proceedings of SPIE,Conference on Applications and Science of Computational Intelligence V, vol. 4739, pp. 86–97, 2002.
, “Classification of noisy signals using Fuzzy ARTMAP neural networks”, in the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Como, Italy, 2000.
, “Use of multi-fractals to detect anomalous propagation (AP) in weather data”, in Proceedings SPIE; Conference on Signals and Data Processing of Small Targets, Orlando, FL, 2000.
, “A Fuzzy ARTMAP based classification of natural textures”, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society, pp. 507–511, 1999.
, “Texture classification using ART-based neural networks and Fractals”, SPIE Conference on Signal Processing,Sensor Fusion,and Target Recognition VII, pp. 212–222, 1998.