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J. Castro, Georgiopoulos, M., DeMara, R., and Gonzalez, A., Data-partitioning using the Hilbert space filling curves Effect on the speed of convergence of Fuzzy ARTMAP for large database problems, Neural Networks, vol. 18, pp. 967-984, 2005.
J. Castro, Georgiopoulos, M., DeMara, R., and Gonzalez, A., Data-partitioning using the Hilbert space filling curves: Effect on the speed of convergence of Fuzzy ARTMAP for large database problems, Neural Networks, vol. 18.7, pp. 967–984, 2005.
J. Reeder, Georgiopoulos, M., Castro, J., Burns, S., Anagnostopoulos, G., and Mollaghasemi, M., Hilbert Space Filling Curve Nearest Neighbor, in The ISAS and CITSA 2005, Orlando, FL, 2005.
J. Castro, Georgiopoulos, M., Secretan, J., DeMara, R., Anagnostopoulos, G. C., and Gonzalez, A., Parallelization of Fuzzy ARTMAP to improve its convergence speed: The network partitioning approach and the data partitioning approach, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory,Methods and Applications, vol. 63.5-7, pp. e877–e889, 2005.
J. Secretan, Castro, J., Chadha, A., Huber, B., Tapia, J., Georgiopoulos, M., Anagnostopoulos, G., and Richie, S., Pipelining of ART architectures (FAM, EAM, GAM) without match-tracking (MT), in 2005 Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering, St. Louis, MI, 2005.