Uses of Class

Packages that use File JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). 
java.lang JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK). 
org.jmlspecs.checker Contains the source code for a parser and typechecker for JML annotations and java code. 
org.jmlspecs.jmlrac Generates Java classes from JML specifications that check assertions at runtime. 
org.jmlspecs.jmlspec A tool that can generate or compare specification skeletons from Java source or class files. 
org.jmlspecs.jmlunit Generates JUnit test classes from JML specifications. 
org.multijava.mjc Implements mjc, a MultiJava compiler. 
org.multijava.mjdoc.mjdoc_142 The mjdoc tool documents java programs that contain MultiJava (MJ) extensions to the Java progamming language; it produces html pages very similar to those produced by the javadoc tool. 
org.multijava.util.classfile Provides an editor for classfiles used by MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language
org.multijava.util.compiler Provides utilities and superclasses for the compilers in MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language
org.multijava.util.testing Provides JUnit testing utilities for all of the parts of MultiJava and the Java Modeling Language

Uses of File in

Methods in that return File
 File File.getParentFile()
 File File.getAbsoluteFile()
 File File.getCanonicalFile()
 File[] File.listFiles()
 File[] File.listFiles(FilenameFilter filter)
 File[] File.listFiles(FileFilter filter)
static File[] File.listRoots()
static File File.createTempFile(String prefix, String suffix, File directory)
static File File.createTempFile(String prefix, String suffix)

Methods in with parameters of type File
 boolean File.renameTo(File dest)
static File File.createTempFile(String prefix, String suffix, File directory)
 int File.compareTo(File pathname)
abstract  boolean FilenameFilter.accept(File, String)
abstract  boolean FileFilter.accept(File)

Constructors in with parameters of type File
File(File parent, String child)
FileWriter(File, boolean)
RandomAccessFile(File, String)

Uses of File in java.lang

Methods in java.lang with parameters of type File
private static boolean ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(Class, File)
 Process Runtime.exec(String command, String[] envp, File dir)
 Process Runtime.exec(String[] cmdarray, String[] envp, File dir)

Uses of File in javax.xml.parsers

Methods in javax.xml.parsers with parameters of type File
 void SAXParser.parse(File, HandlerBase)
 void SAXParser.parse(File, DefaultHandler)

Uses of File in org.jmlspecs.ant.tasks

Methods in org.jmlspecs.ant.tasks with parameters of type File
abstract  void AbstractFileSetTask.FileSetVisitor.visit(File file)
          Perform an action on the given file.
abstract  void FileSetWrapper.Visitor.visit(File file)
          Perform an action on the given file.
 void AbstractFileSetTask.FileSetVisitor.AbstractFileSetTask$FileSetVisitor$1.visit(File file)
 void CommonOptionsTask.CommonOptionsTask$1.visit(File file)

Uses of File in org.jmlspecs.checker

Methods in org.jmlspecs.checker that return File
 File JmlCompilationUnit.file()

Methods in org.jmlspecs.checker with parameters of type File
 Main.ParseTask Main.firstTask(File filename, Main.ExpectedResult expected)
          Generates the first task in the compilation sequence.
 boolean Main.isCommandLineFile(File f)
          This method returns true iff the file f was specified on the command line.
 JCompilationUnitType Main.catchUpRefinedFile(File file)
          Parses a file and returns the AST.
protected  ClassInfo JmlSourceClass.createClassInfo(long modifiers, String superClass, File sourceFile)
          Creates an instance of ClassInfo.
 boolean AndNotPatternFilenameFilter.accept(File dir, String name)
          Return true just when we want to process this file name.
protected  void JmlTypeLoader.forgetEverythingAbout(File f, JCompilationUnitType cunit)
          Called by Main when the given file, from which the given compilation unit AST was derived, did not contain an expected result; this method removes all cached info. for the file.
protected  String JmlTypeLoader.getFileIdent(File f)
          Returns the Java identifier associated with the name of the file contained in this file.
 JCompilationUnitType JmlTypeLoader.putCUnitAST(File f, JCompilationUnitType cunit)
          Records a mapping from the given file to the given AST.
 JCompilationUnitType JmlTypeLoader.getCUnitAST(File f)
          Returns the AST parsed from the given file, or null if no AST is cached for the given file (either because the file has not been parsed or because no AST was created when parsing the file.
 boolean Main.Filter.accept(File dir, String name)
protected  JCompilationUnitType Main.JmlParseTask.parseFile(File file)
          Parses the given file and returns an AST representing it.

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.checker with parameters of type File
JmlBinarySourceClass(Main compiler, ClassInfo classInfo, File file)
          Constructs a class export from file.
Main.JmlParseTask(File fileName, Main.ExpectedResult expected)
Main.JmlParseTask(File fileName, boolean isRefinedCUnit, Main.ExpectedResult expected)
          Constructs a new parse task for a refined file.
NonNullStatistics(File[] files)

Uses of File in org.jmlspecs.jmldoc.jmldoc_142

Fields in org.jmlspecs.jmldoc.jmldoc_142 declared as File
protected  File JmlHTML.currentFile

Methods in org.jmlspecs.jmldoc.jmldoc_142 with parameters of type File
protected  void Main.addRecursivePackages(String packageName, File dir, ArrayList dirs)
          This adds all subdirectories (recursively) as packages to be processed.
protected  void JmlHTML.jmlizeFile(File f, JTypeDeclarationType jtype)
          This method inserts into the given File all the jml annotations corresponding to the given JTypeDeclarationType.

Uses of File in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac

Methods in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac with parameters of type File
 Main.ParseTask Main.firstTask(File filename, Main.ExpectedResult expected)
          Generates the first task in the compilation sequence.
protected  JCompilationUnitType Main.JavaParseTask.parseFile(File file)
          Parses the given file and returns an AST representing it.
private  void Main.JmlPrettyPrintTask.prettyPrint(File file, JmlCompilationUnit tree)
          Pretty-print the AST tree to the given file
private  void Main.JmlWriteAssertionTask.prettyPrint(File file, JmlCompilationUnit tree)
          Pretty-print the AST tree to the external file

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac with parameters of type File
Main.JavaParseTask(File fileName, Main.ExpectedResult expected)
RacPrettyPrinter(File file, JmlModifier modUtil)
          Constructs a pretty printer object for JML specifications

Uses of File in org.jmlspecs.jmlspec

Methods in org.jmlspecs.jmlspec that return File
(package private)  File Main.findFile(String qname, String suffix)

Methods in org.jmlspecs.jmlspec with parameters of type File
 boolean Main.SuffixFilter.accept(File dir, String name)
protected  JCompilationUnitType Main.JspParseTask.parseFile(File file)

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.jmlspec with parameters of type File
JspPrettyPrinter(File file, ModifierUtility modUtil, JspOptions options, String originalName)
          construct a pretty printer object for java code

Uses of File in org.jmlspecs.jmlunit

Methods in org.jmlspecs.jmlunit with parameters of type File
private  boolean Main.TestClassGenerationTask.testDataClassRequested(File file)

Uses of File in org.jmlspecs.racwrap

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.racwrap with parameters of type File
WrapperPrettyPrinter(File file, JmlModifier modUtil)

Uses of File in org.jmlspecs.racwrap.runner

Methods in org.jmlspecs.racwrap.runner with parameters of type File
static void TreeBuilder.buildFileTree(Node parent, File file)
          recursively builds the tree given a directory
static void TreeBuilder.buildJarTree(Node parent, File file)
          builds the Jarfile tree.

Uses of File in org.multijava.mjc

Fields in org.multijava.mjc declared as File
protected  File FunctionalTestSuite.TestCase.workingDir
          The temporary working directory.
private  File CClass.sourceFile
protected  File[] Main.ParseTask.files
private  File ParsingController.InputState.file

Methods in org.multijava.mjc that return File
 File JCompilationUnit.file()
          Returns the file associated with this compilation unit.
abstract  File JCompilationUnitType.file()
          Returns the file associated with this compilation unit.
static File CTopLevel.findSourceFile(String name)
 File Main.handlePackageName(String packageName, ArrayList dirs)
          Finds the package named by 'packageName' and adds it to the list of File objects in 'dirs'.
 File CClass.sourceFile()
 File ParsingController.file()
          Returns the file name of the input.
 File ParsingController.InputState.file()

Methods in org.multijava.mjc with parameters of type File
 boolean FunctionalTestSuite.TestCase.FunctionalTestSuite$TestCase$1.accept(File dir, String name)
static int CTopLevel.whichIsThis(String qName, File f)
          Checks whether the source code contain in the given file declares a type or an external generic function of the given name.
static void CTopLevel.forgetEverythingAbout(File f, JCompilationUnitType cunit)
          Called by Main when the given file, from which the given compilation unit AST was derived, did not contain an expected result; this method removes all cached info. for the file.
protected  void Main.parseAtFile(File f, ArrayList v)
          Does the actual tokenizing of the @-file, and puts each element into the list v.
private  void Main.addFiles(File directory, ArrayList infiles)
          This is a helper function that (a) adds any relevant files in the directory to 'infiles', and (b) if we are searching directories recursively, calls addFiles on any subdirectories of 'directory'.
 Main.ParseTask Main.firstTask(File filename, Main.ExpectedResult expected)
          Generates the first task in the compilation sequence.
 void Main.catchUp(File filename)
          Compiles the named file (using the options of the current compilation session) up to the same compilation pass as the currently active task in the task queue.
 void Main.catchUpType(File filename, String qualifiedName)
          This version of catchUp also parses the given file through the TaskQueue passes as far as other files have been processed, but discards the result if the file did not contain a declaration of the type qualifiedName.
 void Main.catchUpGF(File filename, String qualifiedName)
          This version of catchUp also parses the given file through the TaskQueue passes as far as other files have been processed, but: after the ParseTask phase, checks that the given qualifiedName actually has a successful generic function definition that is now loaded.
protected  void Main.currentlyParsingFor(File f, Main.ExpectedResult expected)
          Registers with the current session that the given file is being parsed in hopes of finding the given expected result.
protected  boolean Main.isCurrentlyParsingFor(File f, Main.ExpectedResult expected)
          Returns true iff the given file is currently being parsed in hopes of finding the given expected result.
protected  boolean Main.isAnExpectedResult(File f, JCompilationUnitType cu)
          Returns true iff the given compilation unit contains the results that were expected from parsing the given file.
private  Set Main.currentlyParsingSetFor(File f)
          Returns the set of expected results for processing the given file.
protected  boolean Main.hasAlreadyFailedToParseFor(File f, Main.ExpectedResult expected)
          Returns true if we have already tried and failed to parse the given file for the given expected result.
protected  void Main.failedParsing(File f, JCompilationUnitType cu)
          Called when a file is parsed and found to not contain the expected declarations.
protected  void Main.successfullyParsed(File f)
          Called when a file is parsed and found to contain the expected declarations.
protected  boolean Main.hasAlreadySuccessfullyParsed(File f)
          Returns true iff the given file has already been parsed and the results were not discarded.
 void CTopLevel.CTopLevel$1.catchUp(File file)
 boolean FunctionalTestSuite.TestCase.FunctionalTestSuite$TestCase$2.accept(File pathname)
protected  ClassInfo CClass.createClassInfo(long modifiers, String superClass, File sourceFile)
          Creates an instance of ClassInfo.
protected  void TypeLoader.forgetEverythingAbout(File f, JCompilationUnitType cunit)
          Called by Main when the given file, from which the given compilation unit AST was derived, did not contain an expected result; this method removes all cached info. for the file.
protected  JCompilationUnitType Main.ParseTask.parseFile(File file)
          Parses the given file and returns an AST representing it.
 boolean Main.Filter.accept(File dir, String name)
 boolean Main.DFilter.accept(File dir, String name)

Constructors in org.multijava.mjc with parameters of type File
CClass(Main compiler, MemberAccess access, File sourceFile, String ident, String qualifiedName, CClassType superClass, boolean deprecated)
          Constructs a class signature.
ParsingController(Reader r, File file)
          Establish a parsing controller for the given reader.
Main.ParseTask(File fileName, Main.ExpectedResult expected)
MjcPrettyPrinter(File file, ModifierUtility modUtil)
          construct a pretty printer object for java code
ParsingController.InputState(Reader r, File file)

Uses of File in org.multijava.mjdoc.mjdoc_142

Fields in org.multijava.mjdoc.mjdoc_142 declared as File
private static File MjdocWrapper.destination
          The destination specified by the -d option.

Methods in org.multijava.mjdoc.mjdoc_142 that return File
private static File MjdocWrapper.findFile(String dirlist, String filename)
          Searches for the given file in some component of the given pathlist, returning a corresponding File object if found or null if not found.
 File MjSourcePosition.file()
          The source file.

Methods in org.multijava.mjdoc.mjdoc_142 with parameters of type File
protected  void Main.addRecursivePackages(String packageName, File dir, ArrayList dirs)
          This adds all subdirectories (recursively) as packages to be processed.
static String MjdocWrapper.readFile(File f)
          Reads a text file into a String.
(package private) static void MjdocWrapper.setDocComment(MjDoc doc, File f)
          Sets the javadoc comment in the given Doc using the content (between and ) of the given file.

Uses of File in org.multijava.util

Subclasses of File in org.multijava.util
 class Destination
          This class represents the destination of the output of one of the tools included in the project.

Fields in org.multijava.util declared as File
private  File TestUtils.userDir

Methods in org.multijava.util that return File
 File Destination.textTarget(String filename)
          Returns the target for a text file, which is simply filename appended to the destination directory.
 File Destination.classFileTargetDirectory(String packageName, File sourceFile)
          Returns the target directory for writing a class file of the given package and source file.

Methods in org.multijava.util with parameters of type File
static String Utils.relativePathTo(File file)
          Returns a String representing the relative path from the current user directory, user.dir, to the given file.
static List Utils.parsePathParts(File path)
          Returns a list of Strings representing the parts of the given path, assembled by repeatedly invoking getName() on getParentFile() of the given path until no parent path parts remain.
static String Utils.getFilePath(File f)
          Returns the canonical path of the given File, or the absolute path if an exception is thrown by the underlying file system when constructing the canonical path.
private  void TestUtils.assertFiles(File[] files, String prefix)
          For each i in 0..files.length this asserts that Utils.relativePathTo(files[i]) equals prefix + files[i].getName()
 boolean TestUtils.TestUtils$1.accept(File target)
 File Destination.classFileTargetDirectory(String packageName, File sourceFile)
          Returns the target directory for writing a class file of the given package and source file.

Uses of File in org.multijava.util.classfile

Fields in org.multijava.util.classfile declared as File
private  File ClassInfo.sourceFile
private  File ClassPath.FileClassDescription.file
private  File DirClassDirectory.dir

Methods in org.multijava.util.classfile that return File
 File ClassInfo.sourceFile()
          Returns the source file of the class in the file, or null if the actual source file is unknown.
protected  File ClassInfo.createOutputFile(File dir, String className)
          Creates an output file.
 File ClassPath.FileClassDescription.file()

Methods in org.multijava.util.classfile with parameters of type File
protected  File ClassInfo.createOutputFile(File dir, String className)
          Creates an output file.
private static boolean Main.doFile(File f)
          Read all classfiles
private static void Main.readFile(String f, File file)
          Read a classfile

Constructors in org.multijava.util.classfile with parameters of type File
ClassInfo(short modifiers, String thisClass, String superClass, String genericSignature, ArrayList interfaces, ArrayList fields, ArrayList methods, InnerClassInfo[] innerClasses, AttributeList attributes, File sourceFile, boolean deprecated)
          Constructs a new class info structure from source.
ClassInfo(short modifiers, String thisClass, String superClass, String genericSignature, ClassConstant[] interfaces, FieldInfo[] fields, MethodInfo[] methods, InnerClassInfo[] innerClasses, AttributeList attributes, File sourceFile, boolean deprecated)
          Constructs a new class info structure from source.
ClassPath.FileClassDescription(File f, boolean isClass)
DirClassDirectory(File dir)
          Constructs a class directory representing a real directory

Uses of File in org.multijava.util.compiler

Fields in org.multijava.util.compiler declared as File
private  File TokenReference.file

Methods in org.multijava.util.compiler that return File
 File TokenReference.file()
          Returns the file to which this token reference refers.

Methods in org.multijava.util.compiler with parameters of type File
abstract  void Compiler.catchUp(File filename)
          Compiles the named file (using the options of the current compilation session) up to the same compilation pass as the files named when the compilation session was initiated.
static TokenReference file, int line)
          Construct a file and line reference
static TokenReference file, int line, int column)
          Construct a file, line, and column reference.

Constructors in org.multijava.util.compiler with parameters of type File
TokenReference(File file, int line)
          Construct a file and line reference
TokenReference(File file, int line, int column)
          Construct a file, line, and column reference
InputBuffer(String name, File file)
          Constructs a new input buffer.
InputBuffer(File file)
          Constructs a new input buffer.

Uses of File in org.multijava.util.testing

Methods in org.multijava.util.testing with parameters of type File
static boolean Utils.recursivelyRemoveDirectory(File d, boolean removeDirectoryItself)
          Deletes the contents of a directory, including subdirectories.
 boolean Utils.Utils$1.accept(File f)
 boolean Utils.Utils$2.accept(File f)
 boolean Utils.Utils$3.accept(File f)


JML is Copyright (C) 1998-2002 by Iowa State University and is distributed under the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This release depends on code from the MultiJava project and is based in part on the Kopi project Copyright (C) 1990-99 DMS Decision Management Systems Ges.m.b.H.