Uses of Class

Packages that use BigInteger
java.math JML Specifications for the corresponding types in the Java Developement Kit (JDK).   
org.jmlspecs.jmlrac.runtime Classes for use during runtime assertion checking for code compiled with JML's runtime assertion checking compiler (jmlc). 
org.jmlspecs.models This package is a collection of types with immutable objects; it also enumerators (which have mutable objects) for the types of the immutable collections in the package. 
org.jmlspecs.models.resolve This package is a collection of types with immutable objects based on the RESOLVE specification language's mathematical models. 

Uses of BigInteger in java.math

Fields in java.math declared as BigInteger
static BigInteger BigInteger.ZERO
static BigInteger BigInteger.ONE
private  BigInteger BigDecimal.intVal

Methods in java.math that return BigInteger
static BigInteger BigInteger.probablePrime(int bitLength, Random rnd)
static BigInteger BigInteger.valueOf(long val)
 BigInteger BigInteger.add(BigInteger val)
 BigInteger BigInteger.subtract(BigInteger val)
 BigInteger BigInteger.multiply(BigInteger val)
 BigInteger BigInteger.divide(BigInteger val)
 BigInteger[] BigInteger.divideAndRemainder(BigInteger val)
 BigInteger BigInteger.remainder(BigInteger val)
 BigInteger BigInteger.pow(int exponent)
 BigInteger BigInteger.gcd(BigInteger val)
 BigInteger BigInteger.abs()
 BigInteger BigInteger.negate()
 BigInteger BigInteger.mod(BigInteger m)
 BigInteger BigInteger.modPow(BigInteger exponent, BigInteger m)
 BigInteger BigInteger.modInverse(BigInteger m)
 BigInteger BigInteger.shiftLeft(int n)
 BigInteger BigInteger.shiftRight(int n)
 BigInteger BigInteger.and(BigInteger val)
 BigInteger BigInteger.or(BigInteger val)
 BigInteger BigInteger.xor(BigInteger val)
 BigInteger BigInteger.not()
 BigInteger BigInteger.andNot(BigInteger val)
 BigInteger BigInteger.setBit(int n)
 BigInteger BigInteger.clearBit(int n)
 BigInteger BigInteger.flipBit(int n)
 BigInteger BigInteger.min(BigInteger val)
 BigInteger BigInteger.max(BigInteger val)
 BigInteger BigDecimal.toBigInteger()
 BigInteger BigDecimal.unscaledValue()
private static BigInteger BigDecimal.timesTenToThe(BigInteger, int)

Methods in java.math with parameters of type BigInteger
(package private)  int BigInteger.jacobiSymbol(int p, BigInteger n)
 BigInteger BigInteger.add(BigInteger val)
 BigInteger BigInteger.subtract(BigInteger val)
 BigInteger BigInteger.multiply(BigInteger val)
 BigInteger BigInteger.divide(BigInteger val)
 BigInteger[] BigInteger.divideAndRemainder(BigInteger val)
 BigInteger BigInteger.remainder(BigInteger val)
 BigInteger BigInteger.gcd(BigInteger val)
 BigInteger BigInteger.mod(BigInteger m)
 BigInteger BigInteger.modPow(BigInteger exponent, BigInteger m)
 BigInteger BigInteger.modInverse(BigInteger m)
 BigInteger BigInteger.and(BigInteger val)
 BigInteger BigInteger.or(BigInteger val)
 BigInteger BigInteger.xor(BigInteger val)
 BigInteger BigInteger.andNot(BigInteger val)
 int BigInteger.compareTo(BigInteger val)
 BigInteger BigInteger.min(BigInteger val)
 BigInteger BigInteger.max(BigInteger val)
private static BigInteger BigDecimal.timesTenToThe(BigInteger, int)

Constructors in java.math with parameters of type BigInteger
BigDecimal(BigInteger, int)

Uses of BigInteger in

Methods in that return BigInteger
abstract  BigInteger RSAPrivateKey.getPrivateExponent()
abstract  BigInteger RSAKey.getModulus()

Uses of BigInteger in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac.runtime

Methods in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac.runtime that return BigInteger
static BigInteger JMLRacBigIntegerUtils.value(BigInteger i)
          This method is used in the RAC implementation of prefix ++ and -- over \bigint's.
static BigInteger JMLRacBigIntegerUtils.first(BigInteger i, BigInteger j)
          This method is used in the RAC implementation of postfix ++ and -- over \bigint's.

Methods in org.jmlspecs.jmlrac.runtime with parameters of type BigInteger
static BigInteger JMLRacBigIntegerUtils.value(BigInteger i)
          This method is used in the RAC implementation of prefix ++ and -- over \bigint's.
static BigInteger JMLRacBigIntegerUtils.first(BigInteger i, BigInteger j)
          This method is used in the RAC implementation of postfix ++ and -- over \bigint's.

Uses of BigInteger in org.jmlspecs.models

Fields in org.jmlspecs.models declared as BigInteger
protected  BigInteger JMLObjectSequence._length
          This sequence's length.
protected  BigInteger JMLValueSequence._length
          This sequence's length.
protected  BigInteger JMLEqualsSequence._length
          This sequence's length.
protected  BigInteger JMLFiniteInteger.val

Methods in org.jmlspecs.models that return BigInteger
abstract  BigInteger JMLInfiniteInteger.finiteValue()
          Assuming this integer is finite, return its value.
 BigInteger JMLPositiveInfinity.finiteValue()
          Throw an ArithmeticException.
 BigInteger JMLFiniteInteger.finiteValue()
          Return the value of this integer.
 BigInteger JMLNegativeInfinity.finiteValue()
          Throw an ArithmeticException.

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.models with parameters of type BigInteger
JMLFiniteInteger(BigInteger n)
          Initialize this finite integer from the given BigInteger.

Uses of BigInteger in org.jmlspecs.models.resolve

Fields in org.jmlspecs.models.resolve declared as BigInteger
private  BigInteger NaturalNumber_JML_TestData.nines
private  BigInteger NaturalNumber.value
          The value of this natural number.

Methods in org.jmlspecs.models.resolve that return BigInteger
 BigInteger NaturalNumber.bigIntegerValue()
          Return the BigInteger value of this natural number.

Methods in org.jmlspecs.models.resolve with parameters of type BigInteger
 int NaturalNumber.compareTo(BigInteger val)

Constructors in org.jmlspecs.models.resolve with parameters of type BigInteger
NaturalNumber(BigInteger val)
          Initialize this natural number to the given BigInteger value.


JML is Copyright (C) 1998-2002 by Iowa State University and is distributed under the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This release depends on code from the MultiJava project and is based in part on the Kopi project Copyright (C) 1990-99 DMS Decision Management Systems Ges.m.b.H.