Sponsoring CS Senior Design Projects

Professor Mark Heinrich, Updated July 23, 2013

There are several ways to get involved in CS Senior Design at UCF. You may choose any combination of the following:

  • donate your time and mentor a group
  • sponsor a group by donating time, money, equipment and/or space
  • suggest a project to the course instructor

If you would like to contribute in any of the ways listed above, or have other ideas about ways you would like to contribute, to CS Senior Design please download the Project Proposal/Description Form or contact Mark Heinrich.

Please note that any projects must be approved by the instructor. Once approved, a synopsis of the potential project will be posted to the website (see the Projects tab above), which may include a further link to a more complete project specification. All projects should contain components of design and analysis and be feasible by a small team of 3 or 4 students in 4-5 months (including both design and implementation).

How much does it cost to sponsor a project? There is no single answer to this question—it depends on the project and the sponsor. We currently request an optional $1500 project donation from those companies willing and able to do so. Whether or not you choose to make that donation, even "all software" projects may incur web hosting or web service costs (e.g. from Amazon Web Services), software licensing costs, or other incidental expenses. Projects with a hardware component (e.g. sensors, mobile devices used for prototype development) may have additional costs. These costs are typically small, especially in relation to the value of the braintrust and exposure that the sponsor is receiving.

Note: Students MUST complete a functional prototype or they will not graduate. As such, all project ideas are urged to have a structure that includes a base-level of "must have" or minimum requirements and further levels of "and it would be awesome if..." that the students may include as time and previous progress permit.

Image Gallery

gold pegasus flying
		pegasus seal with motto pix pix pix

Did You Know?

UCF was the first university in Florida to offer a Ph.D. in Computer Science, and the CS Ph.D. program was also the first Ph.D. program of any kind at UCF.

Computer Science is part of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science


We would love to hear from you regarding your ideas for supporting, mentoring, or sponsoring Computer Science Senior Design teams at UCF. You can either contact us or call and leave a message at +1 (407) 882-0138